Wall Street shenanigans

Housing Hit the Wall of Wall Street in May

It always starts with a toxic mix: Home sales plunged and inventories jumped in May. The housing market is buckling under its own inflated weight.

Last Time this happened, The Financial Crisis Broke Out

There comes a time when risk just disappears, when nothing can go wrong, when there are no dark clouds on the horizon. The Fed has a measure for it: the Financial Stress Index.

Selling Your European Stocks Before Everyone Sees This Chart?

The European economy has been on a phenomenal roll since 2012, according to the soaring Stoxx 600 stock index. Recessions, unemployment fiascos, toppling banks, collapsing auto sales… they didn’t exist. But what the heck is wrong with this picture?

Even The Record Stock-Market Bullishness Is Fake

Record bullishness about the S&P 500! But beneath the largest stocks, volatility has taken over ruthlessly, the market is in turmoil, people are dumping stocks wholesale, dreams and hopes are drowning in red ink, and Wall Street doesn’t want you to see it.

The Big Hoax Of The Wall Street Hype Machine

How the most important “data” Wall Street hands out via its army of analysts to rationalize lofty stock valuations is consistently (chart!) the biggest hoax out there.

Here Comes QE In Financial Drag: Draghi’s New Monetization Ploy

The ECB launches QE in financial drag by purchasing the kind of “toxic-waste” that took down the US financial system; but it proclaims it’s not “monetizing” any stinking sovereign debt! What it’s really up to is snookering the German sound-money camp.

Why The Promise Of American LNG Exports Is Gassy Hype

This chart shows how the vision of US liquefied natural gas exports to free Europe from Russia’s clutches or make big bucks off energy-starved Japan is nothing but a juicy lure in the big money game.

World Trade Suddenly Slumps (Just Forget ‘Escape Velocity’)

While the US economy, and by extension the world economy, is desperately waiting for escape velocity to finally kick in, world trade has descended into a very unpropitious slump.

Cloud Wars: Now Even the CIA Slams IBM’s Technology

Our spoiled American tech heroes yearn to get those big-fat contracts with the Intelligence Community. But it seems IBM is far better at financial engineering than actual engineering.