Natural Gas

Stock Hype On a Wing and a Prayer

Natural gas ‘exporters’ took in billions, stocks soared fabulously. Alas, there isn’t enough US natural gas to export. How could this happen? Consensual hallucination.

Why The Promise Of American LNG Exports Is Gassy Hype

This chart shows how the vision of US liquefied natural gas exports to free Europe from Russia’s clutches or make big bucks off energy-starved Japan is nothing but a juicy lure in the big money game.

Boss, We Got a Situation in Natural Gas

This winter, polar vortices sent the price of natural gas into dizzying spikes and plunges, head fakes, and whiplash-inducing turnarounds. But now winter is petering out, and we’re left with a peculiar situation.

Chaos Breaks Out In Natural Gas, Price Tripled Since April 2012

“Volatile,” a word that is often used to describe the price of natural gas with its random-appearing jumps and plunges, head fakes, and whiplash-inducing turnarounds, no longer describes the price of natural gas. “Chaotic” would be a better term.

From “Glut” To Panic: Natural Gas Soars

On Friday, when stocks were plunging, natural gas soared nearly 10%. The highest close since June 2010. Up 20% for the week. Up 170% from April 2012. And it’s just the beginning. Because after the glut comes the panic.

Natural Gas Squeeze? “Panic hasn’t ensued just yet”

Record demand has pushed natural gas in storage to the lowest level for that week since 2005. And in 2005, the price of natural gas spiked to its all-time high. Something has to give.