Wolf Richter

I Just Got PayPal’s New Absolutely-No-Privacy-Ever Policy

Sunday, when no one was supposed to pay attention, PayPal sent its account holders an innocuous-sounding email with the artfully bland title, “Notice of Policy Updates.” PayPal didn’t want people to read it – lest they think the NSA is by comparison a group of choirboys.

Stocks on Speed: Leverage Spikes, As Does Risk Of Crash (Look at that Insane Chart!)

Margin debt is a crummy predictor of a crash. But it has a bone-chilling habit of peaking right around the time stocks do crash. In the last fifteen years, it spiked three times: during the final throes of the bubbles that imploded in 2000 and 2007; and now.

Dollar Hegemony Under Attack By Export-Superpowers Germany and China

The word dollar didn’t even come up when the Bundesbank signed the agreement with the People’s Bank of China. President Xi Jinping and Chancellor Angela Merkel looked on. It was serious business. Everyone knew what this was about. No one had to say it.

Boss, We Got a Situation in Natural Gas

This winter, polar vortices sent the price of natural gas into dizzying spikes and plunges, head fakes, and whiplash-inducing turnarounds. But now winter is petering out, and we’re left with a peculiar situation.

German Industry Goes To See Uncle Putin

The intricate and convoluted connections between Germany and Russia exude a peculiar aroma.

The Risk of Stock-Market Vertigo

What can possibly go wrong with stocks these days? Five years of the Fed’s QE and zero-interest-rate policy, and look what happened: risks no longer exist. They’ve been priced out of the equation. But now the illusion is ending.

Total Abenomics Fail Slams Japan Where It Hurts Most

Japanese corporations no longer even try to invest in Japan, but they’re falling all over each other grabbing the Bank of Japan’s freshly printed dough to invest it overseas.

Russian Economy Is Getting Hit, So Are Foreign Investors

Stocks down, bonds down, ruble down, interest rates up: the pinpricks of the sanction spiral are painful – for foreign investors.

The “Sanction Spiral” Elegantly Spirals Out of Control

The White House attacks Russian financial markets and oil, publicly and behind-the-scenes, Merkel suffers from “moral cowardice,” Russia develops the “Putin Doctrine” and threatens Estonia, and a crescendo of sanctions and counter-sanctions erupts. What gives?