THANK YOU đź’– for Your Wonderful Support of WOLF STREET!!! If You Missed it two Weeks ago, a Reminder: Please Donate

Your support keeps WOLF STREET open, not hidden behind a paywall, so that it can reach the largest possible audience.

Thank you, Dear Readers, for your many generous donations to Wolf Street since the spring-reminder a couple of weeks ago!! And all of you who donate throughout the year, thank you!!

Please forgive me for not reaching out to you individually to thank you for your donations. I run a one-man show, and I simply do not have the time to thank you personally.

So thank you, all of you, for your generous and heartwarming support of Wolf Street!

Your support is crucial to keep Wolf Street open to all, and not hidden behind a paywall, so that it can reach the largest possible audience. And with your donations, I can keep the ads down to an acceptable level.

Your support also tells me that what I’m doing matters to you. Your support is very special to me, and I immensely appreciate each and every donation.

If you missed the donation reminder two weeks ago, and wish to donate…

There are 3 ways to donate:

  1. Zelle (if you use it): fast and free for both of us. Please contact me at to get my Zelle info.
  2. Credit card via PayPal: The “Donate” button takes you to WOLF STREET’s PayPal page. You do not need to have an account with PayPal. If it asks you to set up an account, back out and try again.

Tip: On that initial PayPal page: first, enter the amount; second, click on the WHITE button, “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card”:

  1. Mail a check (much appreciated) to:

Wolf Street Corp
1288 Columbus Ave. #196
San Francisco, CA 94133

Thank-you gift: a WOLF STREET mug if you donate $100 or more:

I will send you one of our 12-oz glass mugs (see photo below) to thank you for your very generous donation of $100 or more if your address is in the US, and if you would like a mug.

San Francisco artist Erika “Kitten” Lopez created the wraparound art on the mug: a funny wolf howling the WOLF STREET dictum, “Nothing goes to Heck in a Straight Line.”

If you would like a mug, please email me; include your shipping address in the US (I cannot ship outside the US) and phone number (FedEx will not deliver without phone number). Send the email to:

Thank you, Dear Readers, for your generous support over the years, for coming to WOLF STREET, and for your 512,029 excellent and fun comments!!

Wolf Richter

Enjoy reading WOLF STREET and want to support it? You can donate. I appreciate it immensely. Click on the beer and iced-tea mug to find out how:

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  10 comments for “THANK YOU đź’– for Your Wonderful Support of WOLF STREET!!! If You Missed it two Weeks ago, a Reminder: Please Donate

  1. James says:

    Thanks for the site,tis educating and some comments are pure comedic gold,thus,we all win.

  2. jon says:

    Thanks for the articles.
    Being a Macro guy ( I like to think this way as I am not that smart and Macro sounds smart : -) ), I simply glance over your articles then jump directly to the comments.
    Thanks for including my comments despite me differing with you fundamentally on core issues.

    I did my part during last campaign only. More to come later.

  3. matt says:

    Hi Wolf,

    Do you plan to accept donations in cryptocurrencies like Trump? ;)

  4. W K Foster says:

    Wolf, thank you for all the information and charts. Your perspective is insightful to help understand the economy, instead of all the noise from the media. I am a visual guy so all the charts are great for me.

  5. Sea Creature says:

    Worth every penny, very happy to donate each tome!

  6. GuessWhat says:


    I came across this Youtube video of this guy Mark Moss. At the 7 minute mark, is this guy using one of your graphs?

    Take a look and let us know. Thanks!

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Thanks. Yes, this ignorant cheap shit stole my chart, violated my copyright, covered up “” so no one can see it, and then twisted around what I said to fit his fearmongering bullshit. Don’t watch the videos of this cheap shit.

      Here is a screenshot of my chart in his video. Note how he covered up in the right lower corner of the chart (click on the chart to enlarge):

      • GuessWhat says:

        Yes, I noticed how it selectively cropped out your logo. I’m glad that I tipped you off.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          This actually happens a lot. The internet is full of thieves. I really hate it when these cheap shits don’t even attribute the chart to Wolf Street.

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