The 1001 Imploded Stocks of 2022 (Down 80% or More)… So Far

The massacre, stock by stock, all 1001 of them, listed right here.

By Wisdom Seeker, longtime Wolf Street commentator and contributor.

The Everything Bubble, the greatest speculative bubble in history by most any metric, became the Everything Bust this past spring when the Wild Bull Stumbled Into a Hibernating Bear.  Documenting the bust, Wolf Street began reporting on high-profile “Imploded Stocks” – case studies in speculative excess, subsequent revaluation and Creative Destruction.

That raised broader questions for me.  How many over-leveraged companies would be “caught offsides” as the Federal Reserve tightened sharply against persistent raging inflation?  How many Imploded Stocks would there be?  How full could the market’s “Bargain Basement” get?

To find out, I began tracking “every” stock.  Among the US-traded tickers (as of May 13), there were 6281 (or so) common stocks, from A to ZYXI. The intent was to capture the full spectrum of actual companies traded on the major U.S. exchanges. So this list includes American Depositary Shares (ADR’s or ADS’s) of some non-US companies, but excludes Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Warrants, Preferreds, unfulfilled SPACs, and other Wall Street exotica. It does include exchange-traded micro-caps, penny stocks, biotech startups, and other small but real companies.

I had a computer check the prices of all 6281 stocks every weekend.  To qualify as “Imploded” here, the latest price had to be 80% or more below the stock’s “high” since the COVID crash bottom on 3/23/2020.

Among the 6281 stocks, how many would implode, and how soon? The first scan on May 23 found 866 Imploded Stocks. But 866 is a weird number.

I wanted to see 1000 – how long would it take? Things had already been moving swiftly, and so it continued at first – on June 18 the Imploded List had 910 stocks.

But then the summer rally began, and the list shrank a bit. The exchanges also delisted over 100 companies, and others rebranded with new names, or merged to survive.  Creative Destruction is swift!

To keep things simple the original list was NOT refreshed with new IPOs or updated with name-changes, and delisted stocks were dropped. By July 23 the list was back down to 867, and by August 13, just 779.

But then the list grew again as the market turned down and the Implosions resumed, faster than Creative Destruction could clean up.

From September 24 into early October, the list hovered near 970.  But this past week did some damage, and as of the October 14 close, the list is now up to 1001!

That’s right: Not counting delisted stocks, mergers or name-changes, nearly 1 in 6 US surviving stocks from May is now “on sale” at 80% off its high.  How much more room is there in the Bargain Basement?

The complete Imploded Stocks list is below. Most are smaller companies you’ve never heard of. There are always far more micro- and small-cap stocks than household names, and there’s more turnover down there too.

The median “peak price” date was February 9, 2021, in line with Wolf’s “infamous February” comments, when the whole thing started coming apart. About 160 companies peaked in the week of Feb 8-12, and another 100 peaked the following week. So about 1/4 of the Imploded stocks hit their high point together.

Fewer than 100 of these peaked after July 2021. But then again it takes time to implode by 80%, so it’s likely that more stocks which peaked with the rest of the market last fall/winter will start to show up on the list.

(For Data Gurus: “Imploded” here isn’t quite the same as in Wolf’s method. The 80% threshold and definition of “high price” are different. Here we’re using “adjusted closing” prices, which is to say total-return data adjusted for share splits and dividends. The “high” price used here is the adjusted intraday high from the day of the highest adjusted closing price. A few shares may have traded at a slightly higher price on a different day with a lower closing price.)

No doubt we’ll see more articles from Wolf on the more well-known Implosions, and I may do more analysis of the full list, especially if it grows further.  But for now, I just want to note that these 1001 companies collectively account for a decent share of the US economy and employment.

For these companies “caught offsides” by the Everything Bust, many workers and investors – and their families – must be deeply anxious about the falling share prices. These companies’ vendors may be worrying about getting paid, and their customers may be worrying about weak links in their supply chains.  Foolish bubble-blowing bankers bear a heavy burden of responsibility for making so many people so worried. May justice be done. But I expect there’s more pain ahead first.

Of these 1001 Imploded Stocks, how many will fail and how many will survive the rest of the Everything Bust?  How many survivors will become case studies in stock turnarounds?  Time will tell, but I wish everyone the best of luck.  With so much mess to clean up, I think we’re going to need all the luck we can find…

Here’s the full list of the 1001 Imploded Stocks as of October 15, 2022, in alphabetical order. Those showing “-100%” are down over 99.5%, which rounds to 100, but they’re not zeroes.

# Symbol Name % Down Date of Peak
1 AACG ATA Creativity Global ADS -91% 2/4/2021
2 AAOI Applied Optoelectronics -83% 8/4/2020
3 AAU Almaden Minerals -82% 11/6/2020
4 ABEO Abeona Therapeutics -95% 7/8/2020
5 ABIO ARCA biopharma -91% 5/28/2020
6 ABVC ABVC BioPharma -94% 11/1/2021
7 ACB Aurora Cannabis -95% 2/10/2021
8 ACHV Achieve Life Sciences -83% 2/12/2021
9 ACMR ACM Research -83% 2/16/2021
10 ACOR Acorda Therapeutics -96% 1/20/2021
11 ACRX AcelRx Pharmaceuticals -93% 2/9/2021
12 ACST Acasti Pharma -94% 2/10/2021
13 ADAP Adaptimmune Therapeutics ADS -91% 6/2/2020
14 ADIL Adial Pharmaceuticals -93% 9/23/2021
15 ADMP Adamis Pharmaceuticals -94% 1/22/2021
16 ADN Advent Tech. Holdings -89% 1/14/2021
17 ADPT Adaptive BioTech. -91% 1/22/2021
18 ADV Advantage Solutions -82% 12/22/2020
19 ADVM Adverum BioTech. -97% 6/23/2020
20 ADXN Addex Therapeutics Ltd ADS -98% 12/24/2020
21 AEHL Antelope Enterprise Holdings -89% 2/22/2021
22 AEMD Aethlon Medical -95% 6/9/2021
23 AEVA Aeva Tech. -91% 2/10/2021
24 AEYE AudioEye -88% 2/11/2021
25 AEZS Aeterna Zentaris -96% 2/8/2021
26 AFMD Affimed -87% 4/28/2021
27 AGIL AgileThought -88% 9/2/2021
28 AGLE Aeglea BioTherapeutics -96% 6/22/2020
29 AGMH AGM Group -93% 6/25/2020
30 AGRX Agile Therapeutics -100% 9/18/2020
31 AGTC Applied Genetic Tech. -98% 2/17/2021
32 AHG Akso Health ADS -97% 10/20/2021
33 AHPI Allied Healthcare Products -94% 4/1/2020
34 AHT Ashford Hospitality -96% 6/8/2020
35 AIH Aesthetic Medical Int’l Holdings ADS -86% 6/1/2021
36 AIHS Senmiao Technology -96% 2/22/2021
37 AIKI AIkido Pharma -84% 2/12/2021
38 AIM AIM ImmunoTech -88% 7/20/2020
39 AIU Meta Data ADS -99% 8/19/2020
40 AKBA Akebia Therapeutics -98% 6/30/2020
41 AKTS Akoustis Tech. -87% 2/5/2021
42 AKTX Akari Therapeutics ADS -88% 2/19/2021
43 ALLK Allakos -96% 2/9/2021
44 ALLO Allogene Therapeutics -81% 5/22/2020
45 ALLT Allot -83% 6/14/2021
46 ALPP Alpine 4 Holdings -94% 2/8/2021
47 ALR AlerisLife -90% 2/8/2021
48 ALRN Aileron Therapeutics -92% 10/20/2020
49 AMBO Ambow Education Holding ADS -94% 9/30/2020
50 AMC AMC Entertainment Holdings -92% 6/2/2021
51 AMPE Ampio Pharmaceuticals -99% 12/22/2020
52 AMPG Amplitech -89% 2/16/2021
53 AMRN Amarin -92% 3/26/2020
54 AMRS Amyris -90% 3/22/2021
55 AMSC American Superconductor -88% 1/7/2021
56 AMTD AMTD IDEA ADS -88% 4/8/2020
57 ANGI Angi -89% 2/8/2021
58 ANPC AnPac Bio-Medical Science Co. ADS -99% 3/9/2021
59 ANTE AirNet Technology ADS -91% 2/17/2021
60 ANVS Annovis Bio -90% 7/13/2021
61 ANY Sphere 3D -97% 9/2/2021
62 APCX AppTech Payments -92% 3/8/2021
63 APDN Applied DNA Sciences -85% 5/14/2020
64 APLD Applied Blockchain -94% 10/26/2021
65 APLT Applied Therapeutics -99% 5/20/2020
66 APM Aptorum Group -94% 9/29/2020
67 APPN Appian -85% 1/27/2021
68 APPS Digital Turbine -86% 3/1/2021
69 APRE Aprea Therapeutics -98% 6/23/2020
70 APRN Blue Apron Holdings -86% 7/8/2020
71 APT Alpha Pro Tech -84% 8/3/2020
72 APTO Aptose Biosciences -93% 5/11/2020
73 APTX Aptinyx -94% 7/2/2020
74 APVO Aptevo Therapeutics -95% 11/11/2020
75 APWC Asia Pacific Wire & Cable  (Bermuda) -83% 2/8/2021
76 AQB AquaBounty Tech. -96% 1/25/2021
77 AQMS Aqua Metals -90% 1/26/2021
78 AQST Aquestive Therapeutics -90% 9/11/2020
79 ARAV Aravive -94% 6/25/2020
80 ARCE Arco Platform -81% 5/7/2020
81 ARCT Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings -89% 12/7/2020
82 ARDS Aridis Pharmaceuticals -90% 5/8/2020
83 ARDX Ardelyx -85% 4/28/2021
84 AREB American Rebel Holdings -99% 1/3/2020
85 ARTL Artelo Biosciences -93% 2/17/2021
86 ASLN ASLAN Pharmaceuticals ADS -93% 3/1/2021
87 ASM Avino Silver & Gold Mines (Canada) -81% 2/1/2021
88 ASMB Assembly Biosciences -94% 7/20/2020
89 ASPN Aspen Aerogels -86% 11/18/2021
90 ASPU Aspen Group -97% 8/28/2020
91 ASTC Astrotech (DE) -91% 2/10/2021
92 ASXC Asensus Surgical -94% 2/10/2021
93 ATER Aterian -98% 2/17/2021
94 ATHE Alterity Therapeutics ADS -91% 8/4/2020
95 ATHX Athersys -98% 4/1/2020
96 ATIF ATIF Holdings -90% 4/17/2020
97 ATNF 180 Life Sciences -96% 4/12/2021
98 ATNX Athenex -99% 2/8/2021
99 ATOM Atomeraorporated -84% 2/8/2021
100 ATOS Atossa Therapeutics -92% 6/25/2021
101 ATRA Atara Biotherapeutics -87% 12/7/2020
102 ATTO Atento S.A. -87% 3/29/2022
103 ATUS Altice USA -86% 12/29/2020
104 ATXI Avenue Therapeutics -98% 9/14/2020
105 ATXS Astria Therapeutics -82% 8/24/2020
106 ATY AcuityAds Holdings -94% 2/19/2021
107 AUD Audacy -95% 2/19/2021
108 AUID Ipsidy -91% 11/4/2021
109 AUMN Golden Minerals -81% 2/1/2021
110 AUTL Autolus Therapeutics ADS -80% 7/20/2020
111 AVCT American Virtual Cloud Tech. -99% 1/25/2021
112 AVGR Avinger -98% 1/20/2021
113 AVRO AVROBIO -97% 6/9/2020
114 AVTX Avalo Therapeutics -90% 2/19/2021
115 AVYA Avaya Holdings -96% 2/10/2021
116 AWH Aspira Women’s Health -96% 2/12/2021
117 AXDX Accelerate Diagnostics -92% 7/16/2020
118 AYRO AYRO -95% 2/10/2021
119 AYTU Aytu BioPharma -99% 4/27/2020
120 AZRE Azure Power Global Equity Shares -91% 1/12/2021
121 BAND Bandwidth -95% 10/13/2020
122 BB BlackBerry -86% 1/27/2021
123 BBBY Bed Bath & Beyond -91% 1/27/2021
124 BBGI Beasley Broadcast Group -80% 6/19/2020
125 BBI Brickell Biotech -99% 6/15/2020
126 BBIG Vinco Ventures -92% 9/9/2021
127 BBIO BridgeBio Pharma -86% 2/8/2021
128 BBLG Bone Biologics Corp -98% 11/30/2018
129 BCEL Atreca -94% 6/24/2020
130 BCLI Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics -81% 10/8/2020
131 BDTX Black Diamond Therapeutics -97% 6/22/2020
132 BEDU Bright Scholar Education Holdings ADS -91% 7/21/2020
133 BEEM Beam Global -86% 12/31/2020
134 BEST BEST ADS -98% 04/27/2020
135 BFI BurgerFi Int’l -89% 6/18/2020
136 BHAT Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology -94% 2/16/2021
137 BHC Bausch Health -81% 3/11/2021
138 BILI Bilibili ADS -93% 2/10/2021
139 BIMI BIMI Int’l Medical -98% 5/8/2020
140 BIOC Biocept -94% 8/6/2020
141 BIOL Biolase -95% 1/26/2021
142 BITF Bitfarms -89% 11/9/2021
143 BIVI BioVie -94% 2/3/2021
144 BKSY BlackSky Technology -91% 2/19/2021
145 BKYI BIO-key Int’l -89% 7/16/2020
146 BLBX Blackboxstocks -93% 11/5/2021
147 BLCM Bellicum Pharmaceuticals -89% 6/22/2020
148 BLDE Blade Air Mobility -82% 2/16/2021
149 BLDP Ballard Power Systems -87% 2/8/2021
150 BLIN Bridgeline Digital -91% 7/6/2021
151 BLPH Bellerophon Therapeutics -95% 5/11/2020
152 BLRX BioLineRx ADS -87% 5/4/2021
153 BLUE bluebird bio -86% 6/5/2020
154 BNGO Bionano Genomics -87% 2/16/2021
155 BNTC Benitec Biopharma -99% 4/21/2020
156 BOXL Boxlight -89% 7/16/2020
157 BPTH Bio-Path Holdings -87% 2/10/2021
158 BRQS Borqs Tech. -100% 4/13/2020
159 BRTX BioRestorative Therapies -98% 10/29/2020
160 BSGM BioSig Tech. -94% 6/8/2020
161 BSQR BSQUARE -91% 2/9/2021
162 BTAI BioXcel Therapeutics -84% 7/22/2020
163 BTB Bit Brother -99% 6/15/2020
164 BTBT Bit Digital -97% 1/4/2021
165 BTCM BIT Mining ADS -99% 2/16/2021
166 BTCS BTCS -96% 1/14/2021
167 BTCY Biotricity -83% 12/13/2021
168 BTOG China Xiangtai Food Co. -91% 12/10/2021
169 BTTR Better Choice -91% 6/11/2020
170 BTX Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics -100% 5/3/2021
171 BVXV BiondVax Pharmaceuticals ADS -99% 7/13/2020
172 BWEN Broadwind -83% 1/26/2021
173 BWMX Betterware de Mexico S.A.B. de C.V. -83% 6/30/2021
174 BXRX Baudax Bio -100% 5/27/2020
175 BYND Beyond Meat -93% 10/9/2020
176 BYSI BeyondSpring -97% 8/31/2021
177 BZUN Baozun ADS -91% 2/10/2021
178 CABA Cabaletta Bio -95% 12/7/2020
179 CALA Calithera Biosciences -98% 4/15/2020
180 CAN Canaan ADS -91% 3/11/2021
181 CANF Can-Fite Biopharma Ltd Sponsored ADR (Israel) -83% 3/16/2021
182 CARV Carver Bancorp -91% 7/9/2021
183 CASI CASI Pharmaceuticals -94% 1/26/2021
184 CBAT CBAK Energy Technology -90% 11/16/2020
185 CCNC Code Chain New Continent -98% 2/17/2021
186 CDLX Cardlytics -95% 2/12/2021
187 CDNA CareDx -84% 1/20/2021
188 CDTX Cidara Therapeutics -86% 7/22/2020
189 CDXC ChromaDex -94% 2/25/2021
190 CDXS Codexis -88% 11/8/2021
191 CDZI CADIZ -89% 8/17/2021
192 CEAD CEA Industries -97% 1/14/2021
193 CEI Camber Energy -96% 9/30/2021
194 CELU Celularity -84% 4/28/2022
195 CELZ Creative Medical Technology Holdings -99% 2/10/2021
196 CEMI Chembio Diagnostics -98% 4/24/2020
197 CENN Cenntro Electric Group -97% 1/29/2021
198 CENX Century Aluminum -81% 3/4/2022
199 CETX Cemtrex -95% 6/9/2020
200 CFMS Conformis -92% 9/17/2021
201 CFRX ContraFect -98% 6/24/2020
202 CGC Canopy Growth -96% 2/10/2021
203 CGEN Compugen -96% 8/25/2020
204 CGRN Capstone Green Energy -90% 1/7/2021
205 CHEK Check-Cap Ordinary Share -95% 3/15/2021
206 CHGG Chegg -82% 2/12/2021
207 CHNR China Natural Resources -85% 2/22/2021
208 CIDM Cinedigm -92% 6/4/2020
209 CJJD China Jo-Jo Drugstores (Cayman Islands) -96% 5/27/2020
210 CLIR ClearSign Tech. -87% 4/1/2021
211 CLLS Cellectis S.A. ADS -93% 1/19/2021
212 CLPS CLPS In -94% 2/17/2021
213 CLRB Cellectar Biosciences -93% 12/22/2020
214 CLRO ClearOne (DE) -87% 3/15/2021
215 CLSD Clearside Biomedical -84% 8/27/2021
216 CLSK CleanSpark -93% 1/7/2021
217 CLVS Clovis Oncology -90% 2/8/2021
218 CLXT Calyxt -99% 2/9/2021
219 CMCM Cheetah Mobile ADS -90% 2/16/2021
220 CMMB Chemomab Therapeutics -99% 2/10/2021
221 CMPR Cimpress (Ireland) -82% 7/20/2021
222 CMRX Chimerix -85% 2/17/2021
223 CNET ZW Data Action Tech. -85% 2/17/2021
224 CNSP CNS Pharmaceuticals -95% 2/8/2021
225 CNTG Centogene -96% 7/1/2020
226 COCP Cocrystal Pharma -92% 8/3/2020
227 CODX Co-Diagnostics -90% 8/3/2020
228 COE China Online Education Group ADS -94% 12/2/2020
229 COMS ComSovereign Holding -99% 2/9/2021
230 CORR CorEnergy Infrastructure -93% 3/25/2020
231 COSM Cosmos Holdings -98% 6/14/2021
232 COUP Coupa Softwareorporated -87% 2/18/2021
233 CPHI China Pharma Holdings -90% 2/17/2021
234 CPS Cooper-Standard Holdings -87% 3/12/2021
235 CPSH CPS Tech. -89% 2/16/2021
236 CRBP Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings -99% 9/3/2020
237 CRDF Cardiff Oncology -94% 11/30/2020
238 CRDL Cardiol Therapeutics -87% 10/20/2021
239 CREX Creative Realities -90% 5/13/2020
240 CRIS Curis -96% 5/12/2021
241 CRMD CorMedix -84% 2/19/2021
242 CRNC Cerence -89% 2/12/2021
243 CRON Cronos Group -82% 2/10/2021
244 CRTD Creatd -98% 8/20/2020
245 CRTX Cortexyme -99% 8/10/2021
246 CRVS Corvus Pharmaceuticals -90% 9/21/2021
247 CSCW Color Star Technology Co. -99% 3/30/2021
248 CSSE Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment -87% 6/28/2021
249 CTK CooTek (Cayman) ADS -100% 5/6/2020
250 CTMX CytomX Therapeutics -91% 5/12/2020
251 CTRM Castor Maritime -94% 2/11/2021
252 CTRN Citi Trends -82% 4/23/2021
253 CTSO Cytosorbents -86% 7/20/2020
254 CUE Cue Biopharma -92% 6/2/2020
255 CUEN Cuentas -94% 7/1/2021
256 CURI CuriosityStream -94% 2/19/2021
257 CVM Cel-Sci -89% 2/1/2021
258 CVNA Carvana Co. -95% 8/10/2021
259 CWBR CohBar -98% 5/5/2020
260 CXDO Crexendo -81% 8/7/2020
261 CYAD Celyad Oncology SA ADS -91% 6/1/2020
262 CYCC Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals -89% 2/9/2021
263 CYCN Cyclerion Therapeutics -95% 9/18/2020
264 CYH Community Health Systems -87% 6/10/2021
265 CYRN CYREN -97% 7/28/2020
266 CYTH Cyclo Therapeutics -93% 3/31/2020
267 CYTO Altamira Therapeutics 0.01 SF (Bermuda) -96% 12/1/2020
268 DAO Youdao ADS -91% 8/3/2020
269 DBD Diebold Nixdorforporated -85% 3/15/2021
270 DCTH Delcath Systems -88% 2/10/2021
271 DDD 3D Systems -86% 2/9/2021
272 DFFN Diffusion Pharmaceuticals -94% 2/16/2021
273 DGLY Digital Ally -94% 6/9/2020
274 DHC Diversified Healthcare of Beneficial Interest -86% 6/8/2020
275 DKNG DraftKings -83% 3/19/2021
276 DLPN Dolphin Entertainment -93% 3/24/2021
277 DM Desktop Metal -93% 2/8/2021
278 DMAC DiaMedica Therapeutics -86% 2/19/2021
279 DMTK DermTech -96% 2/19/2021
280 DOCU DocuSign -86% 9/3/2021
281 DOGZ Dogness (Int’l) -89% 1/5/2022
282 DOMO Domo Class B -86% 8/26/2021
283 DOYU DouYu Int’l Holdings ADS -95% 2/16/2021
284 DPRO Draganfly -96% 2/16/2021
285 DRIO DarioHealth -85% 2/12/2021
286 DRRX DURECT -84% 2/3/2021
287 DRTT DIRTT Environmental Solutions -92% 8/2/2021
288 DS Drive Shack -89% 6/14/2021
289 DSS DSS -98% 4/28/2020
290 DTEA DAVIDsTEA -86% 2/4/2021
291 DTIL Precision BioSciences -92% 2/8/2021
292 DTST Data Storage -95% 2/11/2021
293 DUO Fangdd Network Group ADS -100% 6/9/2020
294 DXF Dunxin Financial Holdings ADS -89% 5/11/2021
295 DXYN Dixie Group -87% 11/24/2021
296 DYAI Dyadic Int’l -83% 6/22/2020
297 EAST Eastside Distilling -94% 7/23/2021
298 EBS Emergent Biosolutions -86% 8/13/2020
299 ECOR electroCore -90% 1/26/2021
300 EDIT Editas Medicine -89% 1/8/2021
301 EDSA Edesa Biotech -92% 9/20/2021
302 EDU New Oriental Education & Tech. ADR -89% 2/16/2021
303 EDUC Educational Development -88% 3/11/2021
304 EFOI Energy Focus -96% 8/19/2020
305 EGHT 8×8 -92% 1/25/2021
306 EH EHang Holdings ADS -97% 2/12/2021
307 EHTH eHealth -98% 3/30/2020
308 EKSO Ekso Bionics Holdings -91% 2/8/2021
309 ELDN Eledon Pharmaceuticals -91% 10/30/2020
310 ELOX Eloxx Pharmaceuticals -97% 3/3/2021
311 ELYS Elys Game Technology -95% 2/17/2021
312 EMAN eMagin -87% 3/2/2021
313 EMKR EMCORE -87% 6/22/2021
314 ENG ENGlobal -88% 2/10/2021
315 ENLV Enlivex Therapeutics -85% 2/9/2021
316 ENOB Enochian Biosciences -83% 11/30/2021
317 ENSC Ensysce Biosciences -99% 2/1/2021
318 ENTX Entera Bio -92% 3/12/2021
319 ENVB Enveric Biosciences -99% 2/10/2021
320 EPIX ESSA Pharma -94% 5/24/2021
321 EQ Equillium -93% 7/13/2020
322 EQOS EQONEX -99% 2/9/2021
323 ERYP Erytech Pharma S.A. ADS -95% 1/19/2021
324 ESGC Eros STX Global A -99% 6/8/2020
325 ESPR Esperion Therapeutics -86% 7/8/2020
326 ETNB 89bio -82% 9/2/2020
327 EVBG Everbridge -83% 2/24/2021
328 EVER EverQuote -91% 7/9/2020
329 EVFM Evofem Biosciences -100% 5/27/2020
330 EVGN Evogene Ltd -93% 2/11/2021
331 EVK Ever-Glory Int’l Group -89% 12/3/2020
332 EVLO Evelo Biosciences -89% 1/28/2021
333 EVOK Evoke Pharma -97% 8/14/2020
334 EXAS Exact Sciences -81% 2/12/2021
335 EXN Excellon Resources -92% 8/4/2020
336 EXPI eXp World Holdings -86% 2/9/2021
337 EXPR Express -91% 1/27/2021
338 FAMI Farmmi -99% 2/17/2021
339 FATE Fate Therapeutics -83% 1/14/2021
340 FBIO Fortress Biotech -87% 4/12/2021
341 FBRX Forte Biosciences -98% 9/28/2020
342 FCEL FuelCell Energy -90% 2/9/2021
343 FEDU Four Seasons Education (Cayman) ADS -82% 2/12/2021
344 FGF FG Financial Group -86% 6/25/2021
345 FIXX Homology Medicines -93% 4/14/2020
346 FKWL Franklin Wireless -88% 12/15/2020
347 FLGT Fulgent Genetics -81% 2/9/2021
348 FLNT Fluent -85% 2/18/2021
349 FLUX Flux Power Holdings -87% 1/13/2021
350 FLWS 1-800-FLOWERS.COM -84% 6/11/2021
351 FNHC FedNat Holding Company -96% 6/8/2020
352 FOA Finance of America -86% 5/5/2021
353 FOSL Fossil Group -88% 1/27/2021
354 FREQ Frequency Therapeutics -97% 2/19/2021
355 FRSX Foresight Autonomous Holdings ADS -96% 2/10/2021
356 FSLY Fastly -95% 10/13/2020
357 FTCH Farfetch -90% 2/19/2021
358 FTEK Fuel Tech -82% 1/25/2021
359 FTFT Future FinTech Group -96% 2/17/2021
360 FUBO fuboTV -94% 12/22/2020
361 FURY Fury Gold Mines -85% 8/3/2020
362 FUTU Futu Holdings ADS -82% 2/16/2021
363 FUV Arcimoto -98% 2/4/2021
364 FVRR Fiverr Int’l -92% 2/12/2021
365 FWBI First Wave BioPharma -100% 1/25/2021
366 FWP Forward Pharma A/S ADS -84% 7/23/2021
367 GAIA Gaia -84% 3/9/2021
368 GAME Engine Gaming and Media -95% 6/25/2021
369 GBOX Greenbox POS -95% 4/6/2021
370 GBR New Concept Energy -95% 1/28/2021
371 GCI Gannett Co. -81% 10/1/2021
372 GDS GDS Holdings ADS -88% 2/19/2021
373 GENE Genetic Tech. Ltd ADS -81% 2/17/2021
374 GEVO Gevo -87% 2/12/2021
375 GHSI Guardion Health Sciences -98% 2/16/2021
376 GLBS Globus Maritime -98% 6/8/2020
377 GLG TD Holdings -94% 8/13/2020
378 GLMD Galmed Pharmaceuticals -94% 5/20/2020
379 GLPG Galapagos NV ADS -81% 5/11/2020
380 GLT Glatfelter -88% 1/14/2022
381 GLYC GlycoMimetics -88% 7/20/2020
382 GMBL Esports Entertainment -99% 3/2/2021
383 GMDA Gamida Cell -88% 2/10/2021
384 GMGI Golden Matrix -81% 4/29/2021
385 GNCA Genocea Biosciences -100% 7/27/2020
386 GNFT GENFIT S.A. ADS -82% 5/11/2020
387 GNLN Greenlane Holdings -99% 2/10/2021
388 GNPX Genprex -83% 2/8/2021
389 GNUS Genius Brands Int’l -92% 6/3/2020
390 GOEV Canoo -94% 12/10/2020
391 GOTU Gaotu Techedu ADS -99% 1/27/2021
392 GOVX GeoVax Labs -97% 7/22/2020
393 GP GreenPower Motor -94% 1/7/2021
394 GRIL Muscle Maker -89% 8/19/2020
395 GRNQ Greenpro Capital -97% 2/17/2021
396 GROM Grom Social Enterprises -98% 5/19/2021
397 GRPN Groupon -89% 3/5/2021
398 GRTS Gritstone bio -92% 1/22/2021
399 GRTX Galera Therapeutics -89% 4/29/2020
400 GRWG GrowGeneration -95% 2/9/2021
401 GSHD Goosehead Insurance -84% 10/11/2021
402 GTBP GT Biopharma -90% 6/2/2021
403 GTEC Greenland Tech. Holding -87% 3/29/2021
404 HALL Hallmark Financial Services -84% 6/8/2020
405 HAPP Happiness Development -97% 3/25/2020
406 HARP Harpoon Therapeutics -96% 5/26/2020
407 HCAT Health Catalyst -85% 6/8/2021
408 HCM HUTCHMED (China) ADS -81% 8/9/2021
409 HEAR Turtle Beach -84% 6/14/2021
410 HEPA Hepion Pharmaceuticals -90% 8/5/2020
411 HEXO HEXO -98% 2/10/2021
412 HGEN Humanigen -99% 7/8/2020
413 HIMS Hims & Hers Health -81% 2/8/2021
414 HIVE Hive Blockchain Tech. -89% 2/19/2021
415 HLBZ Helbiz -99% 9/21/2021
416 HOOK HOOKIPA Pharma -94% 5/18/2021
417 HOTH Hoth Therapeutics -92% 4/22/2020
418 HRTG Heritage Insurance Holdings -88% 8/10/2020
419 HRTX Heron Therapeutics -84% 12/28/2020
420 HSC Harsco -82% 6/8/2021
421 HSDT Helius Medical Tech. (DE) -99% 6/8/2020
422 HSTO Histogen -99% 5/19/2020
423 HTGM HTG Molecular Diagnostics -96% 6/22/2020
424 HUGE FSD Pharma Class B Subordinate Voting Shares -94% 6/3/2020
425 HUIZ Huize Holding ADS -95% 2/19/2021
426 HUSN Hudson Capital -98% 6/18/2020
427 HUT Hut 8 Mining -89% 11/8/2021
428 HUYA HUYA ADS -94% 2/12/2021
429 HYLN Hyliion Holdings -96% 9/2/2020
430 HYMC Hycroft Mining Holding -97% 8/6/2020
431 HYRE HyreCar -97% 6/23/2021
432 HZN Horizon Global -92% 3/15/2021
433 IAG Iamgold -80% 8/5/2020
434 IBIO iBio -99% 7/20/2020
435 IBRX ImmunityBio -89% 2/22/2021
436 ICAD iCAD -91% 3/31/2021
437 ICLK iClick Interactive Asia ADS -98% 2/8/2021
438 ICPT Intercept Pharmaceuticals -85% 5/20/2020
439 ID PARTS iD -85% 11/30/2011
440 IDEX Ideanomics -96% 2/8/2021
441 IDN Intellicheck -85% 2/8/2021
442 IDRA Idera Pharmaceuticals -94% 1/25/2021
443 IDW IDW Media Holdings Class B -80% 4/24/2020
444 IGC India Globalization Capital -89% 2/10/2021
445 IGMS IGM Biosciences -83% 2/9/2021
446 IHT InnSuites Hospitality Shares of Beneficial Interest -87% 6/8/2021
447 ILPT Industrial Logistics Properties of Beneficial Interest -83% 10/28/2021
448 IMAB I-MAB ADS -96% 7/1/2021
449 IMAC IMAC Holdings -88% 2/12/2021
450 IMBI iMedia Brands -95% 6/1/2021
451 IMH Impac Mortgage Holdings -93% 2/10/2021
452 IMRA IMARA -93% 6/11/2020
453 IMRN Immuron ADS -93% 6/9/2020
454 IMTE Integrated Media Technology -98% 4/1/2022
455 IMV IMV -94% 7/20/2020
456 IMVT Immunovant -83% 11/17/2020
457 INCR Intercure -93% 6/19/2017
458 INDO Indonesia Energy -92% 3/7/2022
459 INDP Indaptus Therapeutics -97% 7/22/2020
460 INO Inovio Pharmaceuticals -95% 6/29/2020
461 INPX Inpixon -98% 2/11/2021
462 INSG Inseego -92% 1/25/2021
463 INTZ Intrusion -82% 4/13/2021
464 INUV Inuvo -80% 2/9/2021
465 INVO INVO BioScience -90% 3/9/2021
466 IONM Assure Holdings -94% 7/1/2021
467 IOVA Iovance Biotherapeutics -83% 2/8/2021
468 IPDN Professional Diversity Network -81% 2/19/2021
469 IQ iQIYI ADS -92% 3/23/2021
470 ISR IsoRay (DE) -88% 1/20/2021
471 ISUN iSun -94% 1/25/2021
472 ITP IT Tech Packaging -95% 2/16/2021
473 ITRM Iterum Therapeutics Ordinary Share -98% 5/19/2020
474 IVC Invacare -94% 2/9/2021
475 IVDA Iveda Solutions -96% 11/29/2021
477 IZEA IZEA Worldwide -91% 1/25/2021
478 JAGX Jaguar Health -99% 1/8/2021
479 JAN JanOne (NV) -94% 1/28/2021
480 JFIN Jiayin Group ADS -85% 3/22/2021
481 JFU 9F ADS -98% 3/25/2020
482 JG Aurora Mobile ADS -89% 2/10/2021
483 JMIA Jumia Tech. AG ADS -93% 2/10/2021
484 JNCE Jounce Therapeutics -87% 3/11/2021
485 JYNT The Joint -86% 9/3/2021
486 KALA Kala Pharmaceuticals -98% 6/2/2020
487 KALV KalVista Pharmaceuticals -89% 2/12/2021
488 KAVL Kaival Brands Innovations -97% 2/10/2021
489 KERN Akerna -99% 6/15/2020
490 KIQ Kelso Tech. -80% 2/23/2021
491 KIRK Kirkland’s -89% 4/29/2021
492 KLR Kaleyra -96% 3/2/2021
493 KNDI Kandi Tech. Group -85% 11/23/2020
494 KOD Kodiak Sciences -96% 1/19/2021
495 KODK Eastman Kodak -92% 7/29/2020
496 KOPN Kopin -93% 2/16/2021
497 KOSS Koss -94% 1/29/2021
498 KPLT Katapult Holdings -96% 2/12/2021
499 KPRX Kiora Pharmaceuticals -98% 2/10/2021
500 KPTI Karyopharm Therapeutics -81% 4/27/2020
501 KRKR 36Kr Holdings ADS -87% 5/27/2020
502 KRMD Repro Med Systems -81% 4/27/2020
503 KRNT Kornit Digital -86% 11/19/2021
504 KSPN Kaspien Holdings -98% 1/20/2021
505 KTRA Kintara Therapeutics -97% 2/10/2021
506 KXIN Kaixin Auto Holdings -94% 11/23/2020
507 KZIA Kazia Therapeutics ADS -93% 4/8/2021
508 LAB Standard BioTools -83% 4/19/2010
509 LAZR Luminar Tech. -86% 12/8/2020
510 LCI Lannett Co -96% 4/29/2020
511 LE Lands’ End -82% 7/22/2021
512 LEDS SemiLEDS -91% 6/8/2021
513 LEJU Leju Holdings ADS -98% 7/31/2020
514 LEXX Lexaria Bioscience -84% 8/3/2020
515 LFLY Leafly Holdings -94% 5/2/2022
516 LFMD LifeMD -93% 2/17/2021
517 LGMK LogicMark -97% 2/17/2021
518 LIFE aTyr Pharma -81% 9/23/2021
519 LIQT LiqTech Int’l -97% 2/8/2021
520 LITB LightInTheBox Holding Co. ADS -83% 2/17/2021
521 LIXT Lixte Biotechnology Holdings -93% 9/9/2020
522 LIZI LIZHI ADS -97% 2/12/2021
523 LKCO Luokung Technology Corp -95% 2/16/2021
524 LMNL Liminal BioSciences -98% 7/30/2020
525 LODE Comstock Mining -93% 2/23/2021
526 LOTZ CarLotz -98% 1/21/2021
527 LPCN Lipocine -81% 1/21/2021
528 LPRO Open Lending -84% 6/30/2021
529 LPSN LivePerson -89% 2/19/2021
530 LRMR Larimar Therapeutics -88% 12/4/2020
531 LSPD Lightspeed Commerce Subordinate Voting Shares -87% 9/22/2021
532 LTRPA Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Series A -86% 3/19/2021
533 LTRY -98% 11/5/2021
534 LVO LiveOne -89% 3/24/2021
535 LX LexinFintech Holdings ADS -90% 2/19/2021
536 LYFT Lyft -83% 3/15/2021
537 LYL Dragon Victory Int’l -82% 11/27/2020
538 MAPS WM Technology -94% 2/17/2021
539 MARA Marathon Digital Holdings -88% 11/9/2021
540 MARK Remark Holdings -94% 2/8/2021
541 MBIO Mustang Bio -91% 1/22/2021
542 MBRX Moleculin Biotech -89% 4/16/2020
543 MCRB Seres Therapeutics -82% 11/17/2020
544 MDGS Medigus ADS -88% 5/12/2020
545 MDIA Mediaco Holding -91% 7/12/2021
546 MDJH MDJM LTD Ordinary Share -80% 6/2/2021
547 MDNA Medicenna Therapeutics -88% 12/28/2020
548 MDWT Midwest Holding -80% 12/14/2020
549 MDXG MiMedx Group -82% 9/8/2021
550 MEDS TRxADE HEALTH -89% 7/28/2020
551 MEIP MEI Pharma -92% 2/8/2021
552 MESA Mesa Air Group -92% 3/10/2021
553 MESO Mesoblast ADS -85% 8/17/2020
554 MFH Mercurity Fintech Holding ADS -94% 2/17/2021
555 MGNI Magnite -90% 2/11/2021
556 MGNX MacroGenics -90% 4/29/2021
557 MGTA Magenta Therapeutics -92% 4/5/2021
558 MICT MICT -90% 9/8/2020
559 MIGI Mawson Infrastructure Group -98% 9/3/2021
560 MINM Minim -96% 7/14/2021
561 MITO Stealth BioTherapeutics ADS -88% 2/9/2021
562 MITT AG Mortgage Investment -81% 6/8/2020
563 MLSS Milestone Scientific -84% 3/10/2021
564 MMAT Meta Materials -96% 6/21/2021
565 MNOV Medicinova -85% 7/27/2020
566 MNPR Monopar Therapeutics -89% 2/11/2021
567 MNTS Momentus -96% 2/9/2021
568 MOBQ Mobiquity Tech. -91% 7/13/2020
569 MODD Modular Medical -81% 6/7/2021
570 MOGO Mogo -93% 3/19/2021
571 MOGU MOGU ADS -98% 7/7/2020
572 MOHO ECMOHO ADS -100% 3/30/2020
573 MOR MorphoSys AG ADS -85% 7/20/2020
574 MOTS Motus GI Holdings -97% 2/18/2021
575 MOXC Moxian (BVI) -97% 7/13/2021
576 MRIN Marin Softwareorporated -96% 7/6/2021
577 MRKR Marker Therapeutics -89% 6/14/2021
578 MSC Studio City Int’l -89% 4/9/2020
579 MSTR MicroStrategyorporated -84% 2/9/2021
580 MTC MMTec -98% 6/9/2020
581 MTEM Molecular Templates -96% 5/11/2020
582 MTLS Materialise NV ADS -88% 2/9/2021
583 MTMT Mega Matrix -86% 9/29/2021
584 MTP Midatech Pharma ADS -95% 7/21/2020
585 MULN Mullen Automotive -99% 2/18/2021
586 MUX McEwen Mining -81% 6/10/2021
587 MVIS MicroVision -89% 4/26/2021
588 MVST Microvast Holdings -94% 2/1/2021
589 MYMD MyMD Pharmaceuticals -83% 8/10/2020
590 MYO Myomo -92% 2/16/2021
591 MYSZ My Size -95% 4/21/2020
592 NAK Northern Dynasty Minerals -91% 7/22/2020
593 NAOV NanoVibronix -89% 8/16/2021
594 NAVB Navidea Biopharmaceuticals -95% 8/3/2020
595 NBRV Nabriva Therapeutics Ireland -99% 5/29/2020
596 NBSE NeuBase Therapeutics -98% 2/9/2021
597 NBY NovaBay Pharmaceuticals -93% 7/20/2020
598 NCMI National CineMedia -89% 3/12/2021
599 NCNA NuCana ADS -86% 5/20/2020
600 NCTY The9 ADS -99% 2/19/2021
601 NDRA ENDRA Life Sciences -90% 1/26/2021
602 NEGG Newegg Commerce -97% 7/7/2021
603 NEO NeoGenomics -88% 2/12/2021
604 NEPH Nephros -90% 6/29/2021
605 NEPT Neptune Wellness Solutions -99% 7/9/2020
606 NERV Minerva Neurosciences -89% 5/26/2020
607 NGL NGL ENERGY PARTNERS LP -82% 6/8/2020
608 NH NantHealth -96% 7/8/2020
609 NHWK NightHawk Biosciences -94% 7/20/2020
610 NILE BitNile Holdings -98% 2/17/2021
611 NIO NIO ADS -81% 2/9/2021
612 NISN NiSun Int’l Enterprise Dev. -98% 1/6/2021
613 NIU Niu Tech. ADS -94% 2/16/2021
614 NKLA Nikola -97% 6/9/2020
615 NKTR Nektar Therapeutics -87% 2/17/2021
616 NLS Nautilus -95% 2/9/2021
617 NLTX Neoleukin Therapeutics -97% 6/23/2020
618 NM Navios Maritime Holdings -87% 3/22/2021
619 NMRD Nemaura Medical -87% 6/1/2021
620 NMTC NeuroOne Medical Tech. -85% 2/12/2021
621 NMTR 9 Meters Biopharma -91% 2/16/2021
622 NNBR NN -81% 5/18/2021
623 NNDM Nano Dimension ADS -86% 2/9/2021
624 NNVC NanoViricides -86% 5/14/2020
625 NOVN Novan -96% 2/12/2021
626 NRBO NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals -99% 4/13/2020
627 NRXP NRX Pharmaceuticals -99% 2/2/2021
628 NSPR InspireMD -95% 2/11/2021
629 NSTG NanoString Tech. -87% 2/12/2021
630 NTP Nam Tai Property -89% 6/11/2021
631 NTRB Nutriband -86% 3/9/2021
632 NURO NeuroMetrix -95% 7/22/2021
633 NUTX Nutex Health -99% 4/4/2022
634 NUWE Nuwellis -99% 8/3/2020
635 NUZE NuZee -99% 8/7/2020
636 NVAX Novavax -94% 2/8/2021
637 NVCN Neovasc -92% 6/9/2020
638 NVFY Nova Lifestyle -90% 7/8/2021
639 NVIV InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp -95% 6/9/2020
640 NVOS Novo Integrated Sciences -97% 2/1/2021
641 NVTA Invitae -96% 12/10/2020
642 NXPL NextPlat Corp -87% 7/13/2021
643 NXTC NextCure -93% 4/9/2020
644 NXTP NextPlay Tech. -96% 3/17/2021
645 NYMX Nymox Pharmaceutical (Bahamas) -93% 6/15/2020
646 OBLG Oblong -98% 11/30/2020
647 OBSV ObsEva SA -97% 7/2/2020
648 OCFT OneConnect Financial Technology ADS -98% 7/10/2020
649 OCGN Ocugen -92% 2/8/2021
650 OCUL Ocular Therapeutix -82% 12/15/2020
651 OCUP Ocuphire Pharma -85% 6/18/2020
652 OCX Oncocyte -88% 2/16/2021
653 OEG Orbital Energy Group -96% 2/16/2021
654 OESX Orion Energy Systems -85% 2/9/2021
655 OGEN Oragenics -88% 2/9/2021
656 OGI Organigram Holdings -86% 2/10/2021
657 OKTA Okta -83% 2/12/2021
658 OLB The OLB Group -93% 4/29/2020
659 OMER Omeros -86% 2/19/2021
660 ONCS OncoSec Medicalorporated -94% 1/29/2021
661 ONCT Oncternal Therapeutics -90% 4/7/2021
662 ONTX Onconova Therapeutics -98% 2/18/2021
663 ONVO Organovo Holdings -93% 2/11/2021
664 OPGN OpGen -95% 9/3/2021
665 OPRT Oportun Financial -85% 11/12/2021
666 OPRX OptimizeRx -86% 10/21/2021
667 OPTT Ocean Power Tech. -89% 1/25/2021
668 ORGO Organogenesis Holdings -87% 5/3/2021
669 ORGS Orgenesis -85% 3/12/2021
670 ORTX Orchard Therapeutics ADS -96% 4/29/2020
671 OSTK -81% 8/20/2020
672 OSUR OraSure Tech. -80% 8/5/2020
673 OTIC Otonomy -98% 12/31/2020
674 OTRK Ontrak -100% 1/26/2021
675 OVID Ovid Therapeutics -81% 8/19/2020
676 OYST Oyster Point Pharma -82% 3/26/2020
677 PACB Pacific Biosciences of California -89% 2/11/2021
678 PACK Ranpak Holdings Corp -93% 11/19/2021
679 PALI Palisade Bio -99% 2/16/2021
680 PALT Paltalk -90% 9/30/2021
681 PARA Paramount Global -80% 3/22/2021
682 PASG Passage Bio -97% 6/23/2020
683 PAVM PAVmed -90% 9/23/2021
684 PAYS Paysign -81% 6/25/2020
685 PBLA Panbela Therapeutics -98% 7/14/2020
686 PBTS Powerbridge Tech. Co. -98% 2/17/2021
687 PBYI Puma Biotechnology -84% 2/9/2021
688 PCSA Processa Pharmaceuticals -83% 3/18/2021
689 PEI Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment -95% 6/9/2021
690 PENN Penn National Gaming -80% 3/15/2021
691 PETQ PetIQ -85% 4/27/2021
692 PETV PetVivo Holdings -85% 12/24/2020
693 PETZ TDH Holdings -99% 11/9/2021
694 PGEN Precigen -85% 1/4/2021
695 PHAS PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals -97% 5/28/2020
696 PHAT Phathom Pharmaceuticals -85% 6/8/2020
697 PHCF Puhui Wealth Investment Management Co. -95% 6/29/2020
698 PHGE BiomX -96% 8/11/2020
699 PHIO Phio Pharmaceuticals -87% 2/18/2021
700 PHUN Phunware -96% 10/22/2021
701 PIRS Pieris Pharmaceuticals -83% 9/17/2021
702 PIXY ShiftPixy -99% 5/19/2020
703 PLAG Planet Green Holdings -83% 4/22/2020
704 PLSE Pulse Biosciences (DE) -95% 2/8/2021
705 PLX Protalix BioTherapeutics (DE) -85% 2/9/2021
706 PLXP PLx Pharma -97% 7/22/2021
707 PMCB PharmaCyte Biotech -95% 6/10/2020
708 PNTG The Pennant Group -86% 1/6/2021
709 POAI Predictive Oncology -87% 2/17/2021
710 POLA Polar Power -94% 1/25/2021
711 PPBT Purple Biotech ADS -86% 6/25/2020
712 PRCH Porch Group -93% 11/16/2021
713 PRLB Proto Labs -88% 1/27/2021
714 PROF Profound Medical -87% 2/5/2021
715 PRPL Purple Innovation -91% 2/19/2021
716 PRPO Precipio -89% 7/30/2020
717 PRQR ProQR Therapeutics -91% 3/25/2021
718 PRSO Peraso -84% 6/4/2021
719 PRTS -80% 2/9/2021
720 PRTY Party City -88% 6/9/2021
721 PSHG Performance Shipping -97% 4/28/2020
722 PSNL Personalis -95% 1/20/2021
723 PSTV PLUS THERAPEUTICS -86% 2/22/2021
724 PT Pintec Technology  ADS -96% 2/17/2021
725 PTE PolarityTE -98% 7/21/2020
726 PTGX Protagonist Therapeutics -84% 9/1/2021
727 PTIX Protagenic Therapeutics -91% 3/3/2021
728 PTN Palatin Tech. -84% 2/10/2021
729 PTON Peloton Interactive -96% 1/13/2021
730 PULM Pulmatrix -94% 2/10/2021
731 PW Power REIT (MD) -88% 1/13/2022
732 PXLW Pixelworks -82% 8/31/2021
733 QLGN Qualigen Therapeutics -99% 5/12/2020
734 QMCO Quantum -88% 3/17/2021
735 QNRX Quoin Pharmaceuticals ADS -99% 9/17/2021
736 QRTEA Qurate Retail Series A -83% 6/2/2021
737 QTNT Quotient -98% 4/30/2020
738 QTRX Quanterix -90% 2/19/2021
739 QTT Qutoutiao ADS -99% 2/11/2021
740 QTWO Q2 -81% 2/16/2021
741 QUBT Quantum Computing -92% 12/21/2020
742 QUMU Qumu -91% 2/9/2021
743 QUOT Quotient Technology -88% 4/13/2021
744 RAD Rite Aid -86% 1/27/2021
745 RAMP LiveRamp -80% 1/15/2021
746 RCEL Avita Medical -87% 6/8/2020
747 RCON Recon Technology -94% 6/3/2021
748 RCRT -93% 6/18/2021
749 RDFN Redfin -96% 2/19/2021
750 RDHL Redhill Biopharma ADS -95% 2/22/2021
751 REAL The RealReal -96% 2/17/2021
752 REED Reeds -91% 8/3/2020
753 REKR Rekor Systems -96% 4/27/2021
754 RELI Reliance Global -98% 4/20/2020
755 RENO Renovare Environmental -99% 2/10/2021
756 RETA Reata Pharmaceuticals -84% 11/10/2020
757 RETO ReTo Eco-Solutions -87% 11/18/2021
758 RFL Rafael  Class B -97% 7/12/2021
759 RGLS Regulus Therapeutics -93% 3/12/2021
760 RGS Regis -93% 3/15/2021
761 RHE Regional Health Properties -92% 5/5/2021
762 RIBT RiceBran Tech. -89% 5/5/2020
763 RIDE Lordstown Motors -95% 9/21/2020
764 RIGL Rigel Pharmaceuticals -84% 2/8/2021
765 RIOT Riot Blockchain -93% 2/17/2021
766 RKDA Arcadia Biosciences -93% 2/10/2021
767 RLMD Relmada Therapeutics -89% 6/25/2020
768 RMED Ra Medical Systems -100% 4/2/2020
769 RMO Romeo Power -99% 12/24/2020
770 RMTI Rockwell Medical -96% 4/14/2020
771 RNG RingCentral -93% 2/12/2021
772 RNWK RealNetworks -89% 3/19/2021
773 ROKU Roku -90% 7/26/2021
774 RRGB Red Robin Gourmet Burgers -82% 3/15/2021
775 RSLS ReShape Lifesciences -97% 1/20/2021
776 RUBY Rubius Therapeutics -99% 3/16/2021
777 RVP Retractable Tech. -91% 2/1/2021
778 RWLK ReWalk Robotics -85% 2/16/2021
779 RZLT Rezolute (NV) -92% 9/8/2020
780 SANW S&W Seed Company (NV) -82% 10/29/2021
781 SBET SharpLink Gaming -94% 7/19/2021
782 SBEV Splash Beverage (NV) -91% 8/31/2020
783 SCKT Socket Mobile -94% 2/16/2021
784 SCTL Societal CDMO -82% 4/9/2020
785 SDC SmileDirectClub -95% 1/27/2021
786 SDGR Schrodinger -81% 3/1/2021
787 SE Sea ADS each -86% 10/19/2021
788 SEAC SeaChange Int’l -89% 3/31/2020
789 SECO Secoo Holding ADS -92% 3/26/2020
790 SEEL Seelos Therapeutics -86% 4/28/2021
791 SESN Sesen Bio -90% 8/12/2021
792 SFET Safe-T Group ADS -84% 2/16/2021
793 SFIX Stitch Fix -97% 1/27/2021
794 SFT Shift Tech. -96% 9/1/2020
795 SGBX SG Blocks -83% 3/31/2020
796 SGLY Singularity Future Technology -89% 4/7/2022
797 SHIP Seanergy Maritime  Corp -92% 3/30/2020
798 SHOP Shopify -85% 11/19/2021
799 SHPW Shapeways -95% 10/20/2021
800 SIEB Siebert Financial -82% 3/26/2020
801 SIEN Sientra -92% 2/19/2021
802 SIF SIFCO Industries -81% 4/22/2021
803 SINT SiNtx Tech. -96% 8/4/2020
804 SIOX Sio Gene Therapies -95% 10/5/2020
805 SISI Shineco -95% 5/14/2021
806 SJ Scienjoy Holding -91% 4/6/2021
807 SKIL Skillsoft -89% 11/15/2021
808 SLDB Solid Biosciences -96% 3/2/2021
809 SLGG Super League Gaming -95% 3/19/2021
810 SLNH Soluna -90% 11/15/2021
811 SLRX Salarius Pharmaceuticals -95% 2/10/2021
812 SLS SELLAS Life Sciences -90% 12/10/2020
813 SMG Scotts Miracle-Gro -82% 4/5/2021
814 SMIT Schmitt Industries -80% 4/13/2021
815 SMMT Summit Therapeutics -91% 2/8/2021
816 SMTS Sierra Metals -87% 5/6/2021
817 SNAP Snap -88% 9/24/2021
818 SNAX Stryve Foods -97% 2/5/2021
819 SNCR Synchronoss Tech. -84% 1/27/2021
820 SNDL Sundial Growers -93% 2/10/2021
821 SNES SenesTech -94% 4/16/2020
822 SNMP Evolve Transition Infrastructure LP -84% 2/16/2021
823 SNOA Sonoma Pharmaceuticals -85% 7/29/2020
824 SOFO Sonic Foundry -82% 2/18/2021
825 SOL Renesola ADS -88% 1/22/2021
826 SOLO Electrameccanica Vehicles -92% 11/20/2020
827 SONM Sonim Tech. -98% 2/16/2021
828 SONN Sonnet BioTherapeutics -100% 3/26/2020
829 SOS SOS ADS -99% 2/17/2021
830 SPCB SuperCom (Israel) -92% 6/9/2020
831 SPCE Virgin Galactic -92% 2/11/2021
832 SPI SPI Energy Co. -97% 9/23/2020
833 SPPI Spectrum Pharmaceuticals -92% 12/14/2020
834 SPRO Spero Therapeutics -92% 12/28/2020
835 SQ Block -82% 8/5/2021
836 SRGA Surgalign -97% 7/15/2020
837 SRNE Sorrento Therapeutics -93% 8/10/2020
838 SRRK Scholar Rock Holding -90% 3/15/2021
839 SSY SunLink Health Systems -89% 3/16/2021
840 STAB Statera Biopharma -99% 2/18/2021
841 STAF Staffing 360 Solutions (DE) -97% 10/23/2020
842 STG Sunlands Technology Group ADS -84% 5/8/2020
843 STIM Neuronetics -88% 1/22/2021
844 STNE StoneCo -89% 2/17/2021
845 STOK Stoke Therapeutics -83% 1/19/2021
846 STRR Star Equity -82% 2/18/2021
847 STSA Satsuma Pharmaceuticals -84% 6/22/2020
848 STXS Stereotaxis -84% 6/21/2021
849 SUNW Sunworks -93% 1/25/2021
850 SURF Surface Oncology -93% 1/20/2021
851 SVFD Save Foods -93% 3/12/2021
852 SXTC China SXT Pharmaceuticals -99% 2/16/2021
853 SY So-Young Int’l ADS -96% 2/19/2021
854 SYRS Syros Pharmaceuticals -96% 1/19/2021
855 TAL TAL Education Group ADS -96% 2/19/2021
856 TANH Tantech -100% 11/16/2020
857 TAOP Taoping -96% 3/19/2021
858 TARA Protara Therapeutics -95% 6/2/2020
859 TBLT ToughBuilt Industries -99% 3/30/2020
860 TCMD Tactile Systems Technology -89% 2/12/2021
861 TCON TRACON Pharmaceuticals -86% 12/31/2020
862 TCRR TCR2 Therapeutics -95% 1/12/2021
863 TCRT Alaunos Therapeutics -81% 2/8/2021
864 TDOC Teladoc Health -92% 2/8/2021
865 TEDU Tarena Int’l ADS -82% 4/27/2020
866 TENX Tenax Therapeutics -95% 2/11/2021
867 TFFP TFF Pharmaceuticals -85% 1/20/2021
868 TGTX TG Therapeutics -90% 12/21/2020
869 THM Int’l Tower Hill Mines (Canada) -81% 7/7/2020
870 THMO ThermoGenesis -98% 5/4/2020
871 TIGR UP Fintech ADS -91% 2/16/2021
872 TISI Team -94% 3/10/2021
873 TKAT Takung Art Co. -99% 3/23/2021
874 TLRY Tilray Brands Class 2 -95% 2/10/2021
875 TLSA Tiziana Life Sciences -94% 7/31/2020
876 TMBR Timber Pharmaceuticals -99% 5/14/2020
877 TMDI Titan Medical -87% 2/9/2021
878 TME Tencent Music Entertainment ADS -88% 3/23/2021
879 TNXP Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding -99% 2/11/2021
880 TOMZ TOMI Environmental Solutions -96% 8/12/2020
881 TOPS TOP Ships -98% 3/30/2020
882 TOUR Tuniu ADS -85% 3/19/2021
883 TPIC TPI Composites -88% 2/12/2021
884 TPST Tempest Therapeutics -98% 3/25/2020
885 TREE LendingTree -94% 8/3/2020
886 TRHC Tabula Rasa HealthCare -93% 4/29/2020
887 TRIB Trinity Biotech ADS -82% 2/16/2021
888 TROO TROOPS -96% 7/12/2021
889 TRVG trivago ADS -80% 3/15/2021
890 TRVN Trevena -94% 10/8/2020
891 TTCF Tattooed Chef -84% 9/18/2020
892 TTNP Titan Pharmaceuticals -92% 6/9/2020
893 TTOO T2 Biosystems -99% 2/8/2021
894 TUP Tupperware Brands -82% 1/7/2021
895 TWLO Twilio -86% 2/18/2021
896 TWOU 2U -91% 2/12/2021
897 TWST Twist Bioscience -86% 1/20/2021
898 TXG 10x Genomics -87% 4/26/2021
899 TXMD TherapeuticsMD -95% 2/9/2021
900 UAMY United States Antimony -84% 2/24/2021
901 UAVS AgEagle Aerial Systems -98% 2/10/2021
902 UBX Unity Biotechnology -97% 8/14/2020
903 UFAB Unique Fabricating -92% 1/26/2021
904 UGRO urban-gro -98% 2/5/2021
905 UIHC United Insurance -94% 8/11/2020
906 UONE Urban One -90% 6/19/2020
907 UPH UpHealth -96% 12/28/2020
908 UPLD Upland Software -87% 2/19/2021
909 UPWK Upwork -81% 7/13/2021
910 USAS Americas Gold and Silver -89% 8/4/2020
911 USWS U.S. Well Services -92% 2/18/2021
912 UXIN Uxin ADS -92% 6/14/2021
913 VAPO Vapotherm -98% 7/29/2020
914 VATE INNOVATE -84% 11/10/2021
915 VBIV VBI Vaccines New (Canada) -90% 7/17/2020
916 VBLT Vascular Biogenics -96% 1/25/2021
917 VCNX Vaccinex -94% 7/21/2020
918 VCYT Veracyte -81% 2/9/2021
919 VEON VEON ADS -86% 10/20/2021
920 VERB Verb Technology -91% 7/15/2021
921 VERI Veritone -88% 2/9/2021
922 VERO Venus Concept -94% 4/29/2020
923 VEV Vicinity Motor -91% 1/21/2021
924 VFF Village Farms Int’l -90% 2/10/2021
925 VHC VirnetX Holding Corp -85% 2/19/2021
926 VINO Gaucho Group -99% 2/8/2021
927 VIOT Viomi Technology Co. Ltd ADS -95% 2/19/2021
928 VIPS Vipshop  ADS -83% 3/23/2021
929 VIR Vir Biotechnology -85% 1/27/2021
930 VISL Vislink Tech. -96% 6/4/2020
931 VIVE Viveve Medical -94% 4/8/2020
932 VIVK Vivakor -95% 8/4/2020
933 VJET voxeljet AG ADS -92% 2/8/2021
934 VLDR Velodyne Lidar -97% 9/9/2020
935 VLNS The Valens Company -84% 11/24/2021
936 VNET VNET Group ADS -89% 2/10/2021
937 VNTR Venator Materials -87% 6/16/2021
938 VRCA Verrica Pharmaceuticals -85% 3/15/2021
939 VRME VerifyMe -81% 6/17/2020
940 VSTM Verastem -93% 6/21/2021
941 VTGN VistaGen Therapeutics -97% 7/1/2021
942 VUZI Vuzix -85% 4/8/2021
943 VVPR VivoPower Int’l -96% 1/25/2021
944 VXRT Vaxart -93% 2/2/2021
945 VYNE VYNE Therapeutics -98% 2/9/2021
946 VYNT Vyant Bio -97% 2/10/2021
947 W Wayfair -92% 3/22/2021
948 WAFU Wah Fu Education Group -90% 3/26/2021
949 WATT Energous -87% 2/19/2021
950 WAVD WaveDancer -82% 3/28/2022
951 WBD Warner Bros. Discovery Series A -84% 3/19/2021
952 WINT Windtree Therapeutics -98% 8/3/2020
953 WISA WiSA Tech. -92% 4/14/2020
954 WIX -81% 2/19/2021
955 WKEY WISeKey Int’l Holding AG ADS -97% 3/24/2021
956 WKHS Workhorse Group -95% 2/4/2021
957 WKSP Worksport -87% 6/11/2021
958 WORX SCWorx -96% 4/13/2020
959 WPRT Westport Fuel Systems -94% 2/8/2021
960 WRAP Wrap Tech. -91% 7/17/2020
961 WTER The Alkaline Water Company -88% 7/8/2020
962 WTRH Waitr -98% 8/5/2020
963 WULF TeraWulf -97% 11/19/2021
964 WW WW Int’l -91% 6/8/2021
965 WWR Westwater Resources -92% 10/6/2020
966 WYY WidePoint -85% 1/22/2021
967 XBIO Xenetic Biosciences -90% 7/29/2021
968 XBIT XBiotech -80% 9/18/2020
969 XCUR Exicure -98% 6/10/2020
970 XELA Exela Tech. -100% 3/9/2021
971 XERS Xeris Biopharma -84% 2/9/2021
972 XFOR X4 Pharmaceuticals -81% 6/22/2020
973 XGN Exagen -89% 3/17/2021
974 XIN Xinyuan Real Estate Co Ltd ADS -87% 6/11/2021
975 XL XL Fleet -98% 12/23/2020
976 XNET Xunlei ADS -89% 2/19/2021
977 XSPA XpresSpa Group -92% 6/5/2020
978 XTNT Xtant Medical -88% 2/26/2021
979 XXII 22nd Century Group -81% 4/28/2021
980 XYF X Financial ADS -89% 6/28/2021
981 YCBD cbdMD -96% 2/10/2021
982 YI 111 ADS -91% 2/16/2021
983 YJ Yunji ADS -88% 11/25/2020
984 YMTX Yumanity Therapeutics -96% 5/12/2020
985 YRD Yiren Digital ADS -85% 6/28/2021
986 YTEN Yield10 Bioscience -86% 2/11/2021
987 YVR Liquid Media Group -96% 3/23/2021
988 YY JOYY ADS -81% 2/16/2021
989 Z Zillow -87% 2/16/2021
990 ZDGE Zedge Class B -89% 6/17/2021
991 ZEPP Zepp Health ADS -94% 2/19/2021
992 ZEST Ecoark -96% 7/28/2020
993 ZG Zillow Group -87% 2/16/2021
994 ZKIN ZK Int’l Group -95% 3/22/2021
995 ZLAB Zai Lab ADS -85% 1/20/2021
996 ZM Zoom Video Comm. -88% 10/19/2020
997 ZOM Zomedica -93% 2/8/2021
998 ZSAN Zosano Pharma -100% 2/9/2021
999 ZVO Zovio -98% 8/5/2020
1000 ZYME Zymeworks -90% 1/8/2021
1001 ZYNE Zynerba Pharmaceuticals -92% 2/10/2021

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  214 comments for “The 1001 Imploded Stocks of 2022 (Down 80% or More)… So Far

  1. hcb doll says:

    This seems off; typo?

    | 134 | BEST | BEST ADS -98 | 43948% | |

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Column formatting messed up (moved -98 to left and converted the date into percent. Thanks.

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      There were also places where I was trimming the company names using find/replace, and deleted, say, Corp instead of Corporaton, so the name has some surplus letters on the end. Find/Replace on Corporation (which I did first) should have worked, but if Corporation was misspelled, it got missed.

      It’s pretty clear NASDAQ doesn’t adequately spellcheck their records. I wonder if I could get paid to help them out there…

      • Cas127 says:

        Thanks for doing all this work…it had to have taken a fair chunk of time.

        One thing I notice right off the bat – the large percentage of bio/pharma type stocks (I very roughly estimate 30% to 33% of the entire list).

        This is in keeping with my long (long) term observation that an amazing number of obscure bio startups (usually zero revenue) make it to IPO…habitually.

  2. Leo says:

    One more year of QT and you will see following in the list showing up in following order:
    1. Meta, Tesla, AMD
    2. Netflix, Boeing, Uber, Lyft
    3. Alphabet, Apple, Intel

    • JD says:

      You lose credibility predicting the end of Apple and Google. If those companies don’t exist in 12 months, chances are we’re living in a Mad Max world.

      • Mario F says:

        What are you talking about? No one is saying they’re not going to exist in 12 months. The list just says they’re down 80% from their peak.
        Blackberry is on the list. They’ve been a solid business for the last 20 years… =)

        If we have another 50% left in the downturn, we could easily see those companies down 80% from their peaks. Remember the dotcom bust? Same thing happened to Cisco, Apple and Microsoft then.

        • Ross says:

          If so, buying opportunity! The market consistently overcorrects. I bought AAPL after 80% decline in 2001. It has grown to be the 800 lb gorilla of my portfolio. Buy when there’s blood in the water.

        • SolomonDreamed says:

          You do know Google is only down 33% from it’s all time high and has a 19 P/E today? Don’t believe the hype.

        • Leo says:

          Alphabet needs to correct 60% only to reach Prepandemic sanity. That will automatically happen as excess pandemic Era bank balances are drained.

          Then from there recession will hit alphabet hard because, the first thing companies cut on during recession is advertisement expense and thats what Google earns. So a 50% drop for Alphabet from Prepandemic bubble, just like the 50% drop during 2007, is very much possible. There is QT now and 4% interest rates.

      • Leo says:

        I am not predicting their end. I am saying their stocks are inflated on growth expectations that will not be realized, causing valuations to adjust.

        • Augustus Frost says:

          Misread your post.

          I agree AAPL and all these stocks will lose more than 80% from the peak eventually. It’s revenue and earnings are grossly inflated from the credit mania.

      • Leo says:

        Also, Meta is already down 66% AMD 65% and Tesla 50%. You are losing credibility by saying they won’t reach 80% with one more year of QT.

    • 2banana says:

      Some of those companies actually make money.

      Some even pay a dividend

    • Zach p says:

      Apple is sitting on billions of cash. They aren’t debt riddled.

      • Wolf Richter says:

        Apple has $62 billion in cash and $137 billion in short-term and long-term debt. That’s still a pretty decent balance sheet. It borrowed all this money to buy back its own shares. So here you go: it levered up its balance sheet to keep its earnings per share from deteriorating.

        I don’t worry about Apple defaulting on its debts anytime soon, but I do worry about its stock price.

        • Yort says:

          Wolf – I think it is great that you have guest writers talking directly about stocks. I think there is an audience for even writing articles about single stocks at times, as more and more sites are being blocked behind pay walls nearly every week.

          Plus great to finally find an article concerning “Hyper-Deflation”…HA

        • Bet says:

          Stock price goes up on the Hope of growth. AAPL can have a ton of cash. But if growth stalls then it becomes overvalued , which it is now . Aapl can see 70 to 80 in the coming months

      • Tom S. says:

        If AAPL drops that’s when the real fireworks start. Down only 1% over the past 12 months (although down 22% YTD). That’s the only stock I’m watching at this point, everything else is just traders taking their hyped-up tech junk out behind the woodshed.

    • Augustus Frost says:

      As bearish as I am, you are way off base.

    • Magnesium Sulfate says:

      Lyft is already in this list, -83%

      • Moosy says:

        Zoom and zillow are also proud member.

        Just fascinating how quick they can fall

    • Z33 says:

      Hmm…not sure how those could lose 80% from peak to trough as the Fed would probably step in by then (esp Alphabet and Apple). M2(SL) is already at nearly 22T. FRED used to compare total stock market cap via Wilshire 5000 to M2, but discontinued when switched to monthly M2SL. We’re at 1.70 right now (37k Wilshire to 21.7T M2SL). Fed stepped in during COVID at 1.5. For the GFC/housing bubble and bust they waited a lot longer before being aggressive with QE and let it go down to under 0.9.

  3. 2banana says:


    “But 866 is a weird number.”

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      Not a round or memorable number. Also not clear what the base or normal level of bargain stocks was.

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        1001 reminds me of Arabian Nights – every one of these sticks has its own story too.

        If the list grows to, say, 1500 we’ll have to do an update…

        • MarketMissing says:

          Oh yes please! This breakdown of information is great! Thanks ☺️

        • Nat says:

          Can you resort back on using bold frame around your replies? It is very helpful for those who doesn’t have time to read all the comments. Thanks for the reports.

      • Gattopardo says:

        WS…Thanks for the work on this. Well done. Excellent contribution.

      • Yort says:

        Like when the SP500 recently moved 5% in one day bouncing off the rounded “3500” number (plus 50% retracement from March 2020 low mega-confluence)…humans LOOOOVE rounded numbers for some odd reason.

        Maybe our future A.I. over-lords will find our love of rounded numbers cute in a “pet-like” way and allow us to exist…so perhaps good thing, right??? HA

      • Felix_47 says:

        Thank you for doing this. I would love to see the other tranches up to 50%. There is little to like in this list but there might be gold in the trash heap at 60% drop. But again thanks so much. This is really good analysis and reporting. And thanks to Wolf Street.

  4. 2banana says:

    There are a few with “blockchain” in the company name…

    So much for that gimmick.

    But none with “Crypto” – so that still works.

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      MicroStrategy is on the list though.

    • Old school says:

      Wall Street makes a lot of money peddling crap to the masses. Isn’t average pay at these firms about $500K per year for shearing sheep. God’s work is what Lloyd B. called it.

  5. Djreef says:

    BofA just announced that spending hasn’t come down in the recent quarter.

    This is going to take awhile. Many commodities are moving back up. I don’t think we’re going to slow this train any time soon.

    • Depth Charge says:

      Still waaaaayyy too much money sloshing around. I have a long memory. I distinctly remember what 2005/2006 vs 2008/2009 were like. During the halcyon days of 2005, traffic and commerce was bustling. Roads were packed. By 2009, there were failing businesses everywhere. There was no traffic.

      There is more traffic and commerce right now than there was in 2005. We are nowhere near a collapsing economy. I have anecdotes I look at that will tell me when we have turned a corner and things are softening considerably. I have seen nothing thus far.

      And as we see today, another wall of money has just come in to BTFD on Wall St., in crypto, etc. The FED is too slow with QT. WTF are they waiting for, anyway? I think they’re scared of QT.

      • Old school says:

        A lot of people could have saved themselves some money by reading Ben Graham’s book or Warren Buffet’s annual letters. You want a long history of company making money and don’t overpay.

      • DawnsEarlyLight says:

        A sh1tload of money! Money is not destroyed, it goes somewhere! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It’s just another show.

        • phleep says:

          > Money is not destroyed, it goes somewhere!

          I beg to differ. But I will humbly stand corrected by someone with a good argument.

          a. An asset appears on a balance sheet at a valuation expressed in money. If honest, it can be cashed in for that price today. The owner’s wealth is adjudged to be that amount of money.
          b. Demand for the asset disappears. The valuation collapses. The balance sheet holder is poorer in terms of money. That once, real money figure just … disappears. becomes zero. No buyer means zero asset value means no money anywhere in sight. The asset is still there. Owner is insolvent.
          c. Money supply collapsed in ’29-’32. Where did it go? If it hadn’t disappeared, why did nobody have any? It was ALL being hoarded somewhere?

        • JeffD says:

          “It was ALL being hoarded somewhere?”
          The hoarders were dipping their $100 bills in the fireplace to light cigars.

        • Wisdom Seeker says:

          @phleep: The base money in the US system (the dollar, a unit of credit) is created by the Fed and cannot be destroyed except by the Fed. It can only be traded.

          But in the financial world, valuations are elastic. Market valuations are just a consensus opinion based on the price set by the most-recent marginal buyer and seller. That changes as quickly as people can change their minds.

          Someone who owns highly-valued assets, but thinks they “have money”, is fooling themself. Sadly there’s a lot of incentive to fool people into overpaying.

          P.S. The dollar is just a particular asset. Its value can be enhanced or destroyed, even if its quantity cannot be changed by anyone outside the Fed.

        • Shiloh1 says:

          A debt paid off or a debt defaulted destroys money.

        • HowNow says:

          Phleep, I think that the only way money is destroyed is through devaluation. An asset (thing) may lose its value entirely or even be consumed, but the money used to purchase it simply moves from a buyer to a seller. WS’s point that money can devalue to the point where all confidence has been lost, that currency can evaporate in value in which case the value or utility of that money will disappear.
          If gold coins were in circulation as units of value, it too could be destroyed if Rumpelstiltskin scaled his gold spinning into franchises which flooded the market with gold.

        • DawnsEarlyLight says:

          Ha ha, thanks! I was hoping to get some real world reality replies to this statement!

        • NBay says:

          Again I want to mention our local Pomo Indians (mostly killed off per CA State Law since they “never could/would adapt to our “civilization”) used base 8 for counting. They counted the empty space between their fingers, as they knew numbers are NOT real.

          Stupid savages?

      • JeffD says:

        “Still waaaaayyy too much money sloshing around.”
        Which is why QT needs to be accelerated and rate hikes need to be slowed.

  6. Djreef says:

    So, how many of these are under bankruptcy protection? The real party doesn’t start until the Chapters start being filed.

    • CreditGB says:

      Chapter 7 is a liquidation, they gave up, closed, and liquidating all.
      Chapter 11 is a reorganization, and a plan is required going forward that tells the court and creditors just how they plan to survive. Creditors vote on it and the courts approves it.

      For those cash burner machines, their reorganization plans would likely make for a roaring good comedy.

      • Djreef says:

        I suspect that Chapt 7 will emerge as the dominant filing for many of these companies. There really isn’t much to liquidate in many cases, and those who are major stakeholders have long since popped the escape hatch.

  7. Holland Oates says:

    What’s up with 134 ???

  8. Stephen says:

    Looks like a Johnny Cash song – ‘Down, Down, Down, that ring of fire.

  9. Implicit says:

    Don’t know this for sure, but pharma/medical appear to be the largest goup in the list. Thanks for your work WS.

    Some recognizable names there- overstock, lyft, Bed, bath and beyond , docusign, rite aid, roku, lending tree…

    • Hardigatti says:

      I too noticed the overrepresentation of pharma, bio, health companies in the imploded list. I wonder how many of these companies sprung up during the pandemic to soak up the “free” money.

      • Shiloh1 says:

        “Which way did the Insiders go? “

        “They went that-a-away.”

        Laughing all the way to the bank!

      • JohnnySacks says:

        PacBio was a head scratcher. We buy and use their long read genome sequencing machines. Not garbage by any means.

  10. polistra says:

    Impressive work. In simple terms, this is a list of all stocks with Pharma or Gene or Therapeutics in the name.

    All of them jumped with fake hope when the lockdown lunacy began, then collapsed when people figured out what was really happening.

    • Xaver says:

      It’s just too easy to get funds from investors / gamblers in the biotec space. A lot of money is wasted there. But it’s good for big pharma. They can let others pay for their research.

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        Yes. I’ve been watching these lists for several years, and if memory serves, there were always a lot of small startup biotechs in the index listings. I don’t think that’s specifically a COVID thing.

        • Petunia says:

          It’s a too much money wasted on “healthcare” thing.

        • HowNow says:

          Not much different than “wildcatting” in the oil patch.

        • NBay says:

          If you read original research a lot, like I do, you’ll see most end with “may have therapeutic value for…..”
          Most grant money comes from those seeking even more “magic bullets”……to sell.

          “Biology means nothing outside of the context of evolution”
          -Theodosus Dobzhanski
          (Am sure I trashed spelling.)

          “There are no laws in Biology, only gadgets”
          -Francis Crick……yeah, That guy.

    • polecat says:

      Don’t worry. I’m betting that Darpa will lift and separate wheat from the chaff, fronting/absorbing those with ‘promise’…

  11. Flea says:

    For wolf are u aware Switzerland is withdrawing 10 billion in 2 weeks from FRB

    • Wolf Richter says:

      1. Your statement is wrong: these are 7-day swaps. The $3.1 billion swap of Oct 5 already matured and is gone. The swap of Oct 12 of $6.27 billion is still outstanding and will mature on Oct 20. So the total outstanding right now = $6.3 billion, not “$10 billion.” The idiot blogger where you read “$10 billion” doesn’t know even the basics of how swaps work.

      2. $6.27 billion in swaps with the SNB? So what!!! they could just sell $6.27 billion of their $140 billion or so in US stocks, hahahaha

      3. This is why you’re in moderation (you asked why, and now you confirmed why): because you keep dragging this BS into here that you read on some idiot’s site. And then I have to waste my time shooting it down.

  12. Richard Greene says:

    This list is ridiculously long and includes far too many companies no one ever heard of. This was a waste of time.
    Next time focus on well known companies that many people and funds own. People wonder how companies they know, such as Apple, have done in this bear market. But who cares about companies called Antelope Enterprise Holdings?

    A grade of “D” for excessive data mining.

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      A reasonable comment. Wolf covers the well-known stocks fairly often. But some of us want to know more.

      I explained my interest in the article. I might add that someone interested in deep-value investing might start from this sort of list and do further screening to look for the next generation of major turnarounds. For example, Amazon and Apple were both 80% off after the dot-com bust 2000-2003…

      • Djreef says:

        This is also important for another reason. These zombie corps will be the first dominos to fall when things start to get really bad. Bankruptcies beginning from this list will be the starting gun.

        • Wisdom Seeker says:

          Bankruptcies have already begun, or at least delistings. I found where to get the delisting data from the exchange website, but haven’t pulled it together (yet?).

      • rojogrande says:

        I think it’s worthwhile to know that around 1 in 6 common stocks have imploded (particularly if you were to include delisted stocks). Among other things, it gives me an idea of the extent of the carnage below the large caps that form the indexes. Thanks for sharing it.

      • Ricky says:


        “But some of us want to know more.”

        And some, want to know much more. Thank you for this! I appreciate the time and effort you put into your work and sharing it with us. Hat tip to Wolf for providing the platform.

        You are right. There are some people interested in deep – f’n – value and this can definitely serve as a launch pad into a Due Diligence Deep Dive.

        Right off the bat I’m seeing a lot of these unknown (to most), small(er) cap companies, sharing similar peak dates: End of Jan – Feb 2021.
        It will be interesting to see how many of these appear to be the result of “runs” that may have been triggered by the 01/21 GME gamma squeeze. There was also the 300% increase (GME) from 02/24 to market open on 02/25 which may have been due to FTD’s? All of this price action, occurring at different companies, within a 30-day window is intriguing.

        Further, the manner of how these companies declined, since then, will be worth taking a look at too. Especially, if they move follow similar trend-lines while being in difference sectors.

        I wonder if you already noticed this and may have put together some chart comparisons yourself?

        • Wisdom Seeker says:

          Thanks. Wolf posted several times about how the speculative-frenzy portion of the market peaked last February-May, and that’s reflected on this list.

          Wolf has a spreadsheet version of the list which maybe he can share. The median “peak price” date was 2/9/2021. About 160 companies peaked in the week of Feb 8-12, and another 100 peaked the following week. So about 1/4 of the Imploded stocks hit their high point together.

          Fewer than 100 of these peaked after July 2021. But then again it takes time to implode by 80%, so it’s likely that more stocks which peaked with the rest of the market last fall/winter will start to show up on the list.

          To answer your last question, no, I haven’t done a lot of detailed analysis yet. My day job and kids keeping me busier than usual!

        • Wolf Richter says:

          Great info on the median date of the high. I updated your article with it so everyone can see it.

      • Jon says:

        I am really grateful for your hard work! Critics are people too lazy to do their own work, but feel the need to have an opinion.


      • HowNow says:

        I disagree. Richard Greene’s comment was not reasonable. If he doesn’t like what you’ve done (“thank you”, incidentally) he can shut the ++++ up. How self-centered can you get?

    • Augustus Frost says:

      It’s quite relevant to anticipate what’s going to happen to the labor market.

      I’d be interested to know how much combined employment these companies represent and how many layoffs have occurred to date.

      Based upon the reported data, it hasn’t been significant yet but if not, it’s not sustainable later.

    • rick m says:

      Well known companies that are widely held are exhaustively discussed in the financial media already. My unstudied guess is that many who read here are seeking insight beyond that. Our host’s articles and a preponderance of the commentary are distinctly a cut above the rest. This list is interesting and provides points of departure for inquiring minds. Almost everything that’s put in front of you these days is some kind of sales pitch, designed to steer the unwary into somebody’s income stream without a paddle. Wisdom Seeker’s efforts are appreciated. Sad about Tupperware

    • dougzero says:

      RG: Maybe read another blog?

      Thanks for this unorthodox approach. I found it interesting. I picked a few that I could not figure out what the name meant and looked them up.

    • Poor like you says:

      “Who cares about Antelope Enterprise Holdings?”

      I’m sure their shareholders do.

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        And 236 employees.

        Some of these companies have tens of thousands of employees and tens of billions in market cap even now, after falling 80% or more.

        The distribution of corporations by size (employees market cap, revenues) generally follows a power-law distribution. There are tons of smaller companies, but exponentially fewer larger ones. So it’s not surprising that the list will have a lot of smaller no-name companies on it.

    • Depth Charge says:

      “A grade of “D” for excessive data mining.”

      I couldn’t disagree more. In fact, it looks like somebody just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wanted to piss in someone else’s coffee.

    • ursel doran says:

      Now that the BEAR stock market following the biggest “Stock Market Mania” is for sure confirmed, how far is down?
      “Our most reliable equity market valuation measures project 10-12 year S&P 500 total returns near zero, implying that the “equity risk premium relative to bonds is still negative. Likewise, bond yields remain inadequate relative to prevailing inflation.”

      • Augustus Frost says:

        According to Hussman’s articles, “fair value” based upon today’s fundamentals is about S&P 1200, a 75% loss from the peak.

        Considering that manias regularly retrace below the starting point and the fundamentals will be a lot worse, 1200 is optimistic.

        A retrace of the entire post-GFC advance would be a loss of slightly over 85%, back to S&P 666.

        A retrace of the entire mania dating back to 1995 would be somewhat over 90%, like S&P 400-450. This is my prediction decades from now, possibly adjusted for price changes and excluding dividends. The 1966-1982 bear market (with nothing close to a mania at the 1966 peak) resulted in about a 75% inflation adjusted loss in the DJIA. I don’t recall the S&P.

        • VintageVNvet says:

          Some of us ”old timers” on here,,, mostly, IIRC ”preboomers,” who have seen this situation before, had predicted S&P 15-1800 and Dow about the same percentage in early 2020.
          Glad to see some of you boomers and subsequent agreeing…LOL, though now seems possible we were way too optimistic… Time will Tell, as always.
          But, due to incredible interventions from various and sundry and now extensive GUV MINT and such,,, who can tell…
          System based on strictly anecdotal interventions is actually NO system at all,,, and while some claim being IN the SM since early 1980s,,, some of us have been OUT of SM since then, based mostly on fundamental LACK of basic information available to the BIG boys, totally lacking for WE the PEONs,, or in the case of the SM,,, WE the PEEDONs…

        • Yort says:

          Somewhere between ” Hussman” and “ZH” and “Tom Lee” is base reality of how global markets will behave over the next 10 years. You can count on one hand the number of global actors who have the macro power to nudge global finance towards radically divergent paths, thus why JPOW’s every world is treated like a cultist religion by society caught up in this grand financial experiment.

          “Quantitative Destruction” at the moment, but the next few nanoseconds is anyone’s guess…

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Richard Greene,

      Grow up.

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        Not everyone wants every detail. Wolf, I know you’ve covered a lot of these, but to feed further efforts, here are the 59 stocks that I think would be most widely recognized. Some have brands that have been dying for years, others spiked too high too fast in the bubble, and some must be case studies in poor management because the business should be doing fine:

        AMC Movie Theaters
        APRN Blue Apron (Meals)
        BB BlackBerry
        BBBY Bed Bath & Beyond
        BHC Bausch Health (Bausch & Lomb)
        BLDP Ballard Power (Fuel Cell Vehicles)
        BTTR Better Choice (Pet Food)
        BYND Beyond Meat (Vegetarian Food)
        CHGG Chegg (Online Learning)
        CSSE Chicken Soup for the Soul
        CVNA Carvana
        DBD Diebold Nixdorf (ATMs)
        DKNG DraftKings
        DOCU DocuSign
        EHTH eHealth (Online Healthcare)
        EXAS Exact Sciences (cancer detection)
        FOSL Fossil Group (Luxury Goods)
        FUBO fuboTV (Streaming Sports)
        GCI Gannett Co. (News Media)
        GOEV Canoo (Electric Vehicles)
        GRIL Muscle Maker Grill
        GRPN Groupon
        IAG Iamgold (Gold Miner)
        KODK Eastman Kodak
        LE Land’s End (former Sears brand)
        LTRPA TripAdvisor (Travel Services)
        LYFT Lyft (Ride Services)
        MESA Mesa Air Group (Airline)
        MSTR MicroStrategy
        NEGG NewEgg Commerce (Electronic e-Retailer)
        NGL NGL Energy Partners (Oil & Gas Midstream)
        NKLA Nikola (Electric Vehicles)
        NVAX Novavax (Vaccines)
        PARA Paramount (Entertainment, Movies…)
        PRLB ProtoLabs (3D Printing / Manufacturing)
        PRTY Party City
        PTON Peloton (Exercise Bikes)
        RAD Rite Aid (Pharmacy)
        RDFN Redfin (Real Estate Services)
        RIDE Lordstown Motors
        RNG RingCentral (Business Communications)
        ROKU Roku
        RRGB Red Robin (Restaurants)
        SHOP Shopify (Online Store Creation)
        SMG Scotts Miracle-Gro (Fertilizer)
        SNAP Snap Inc. (SnapChat)
        SQ Block (Square – Retail Payment Processing)
        TDOC Teladoc Health (Online Healthcare)
        TREE LendingTree (Consumer Lending)
        TUP Tupperware Brands
        TWLO Twilio (Cloud Communications)
        VLDR Velodyne Lidar (Vehicle Sensors)
        W Wayfair (Home Products online retail)
        WBD Warner Bros. Discovery
        Z Zillow (Real Estate Services)
        ZM Zoom Video (Online Meetings)

        • Wolf Richter says:

          yes, and many of them are featured in my Imploded Stocks or elsewhere on my site (my Imploded Stocks series started in the spring of 2021), each with its own stock chart.

          The value — and dark humor — of this list of 1001 stocks is that it’s 1001 stocks, and not 50 or 60.

        • MarMar says:

          Twilio really jumps out to me. If they can cut their overhead they’re well placed for growth.

        • JeffD says:

          The easiest way to get at this is probably an ascending sort by “peak market cap”. I was disappointed that was not the default order.

        • JeffD says:

          … descending.

        • Anonymous Coward says:

          Haven’t looked at their financials, but from a product perspective BYND, DOCU and ZM seem to have solid enough product offerings to survive this stand alone or be bought out.

        • 728huey says:

          I thought Paramount was a subsidiary of Viacom-CBS.

        • jimbo says:

          Interesting list.

          I see very few oil and gas companies on 1001 list. I see a few ADR’s which look like mostly Chinese companies.

          I don’t see any Japanese companies.

          When one looks at various factors in countries around the world, the USA stands out as having the worst scenarios of all.

          It doesn’t matter what you are looking at either.

          if one is going to invest then all sorts of factors other than finance and economics need to be looked at too.

          The finance and economics are important so you have to look at inflation, debt, valuations, interest rates and so on, but other factors such as education, social stability, and crime matter too.

          When all of that is taken into account I would rather put my money in Japanese companies than is US ones.

          Sure, Japan has several problems such as an aging population and a minor debt problem (I say that because the debt structure and ownership is completely different than in the USA and the amount of savings people and companies ex banks in Japan is huge compared to the USA), but the social stability and other factors will ensure a better operating environment that in the USA.

          Better education, social cohesion, and little crime offer better operating environments for companies.

      • ace says:

        In Richards defense, none of the 1001 use real money. they all trade in monopoly money. therefore, the incineration and impact is not real. Richard is correct–fake news.


        • Yort says:

          PARA-Paramount Global (previously named ViacomCBS) actually makes money. Viacom got manipulated from around $15 to $100 a share back in 2021 by “That rich guy who went broke”, and I rode it up to nearly triple my money. Bought back in recently bought below $20 as a longer term investment, but still a gable as the company is competing in a very crowded, big money business. Point being, even the “imploded/trashy” stocks can sometimes make for highly calculated gambles that pay off handsomely. Yet only play with cash that can be burnt without ANY consequences…

    • Cas127 says:

      One very useful fact culled from the mass of obscurity…

      the large number (15% to ?%) of very obscure companies that somehow managed to get lugged over the IPO lottery line by hard flacking investment banks (some pretty damn obscure themselves too!).

      Maybe as many as 20% to 25% *of all *publicly* traded US stocks* are really, really obscure.

      But some sharkskin suited investment banker managed to get a minimum of $10 to $30 million cash pumped into the most obscure and economically doomed of these (1000 times over).

      I really wonder if cold calling can account for all this…

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        I’d say it’s more like 50-75% when you include the whole market as opposed to just the 1500-3000 stocks that funds can actually invest in. The other 3000 stocks aren’t liquid enough or are too closely held to be tradeable.

        For biotechs, the equity financing is a common strategy. They These startups can’t borrow (no collateral except unproven IP, and no revenues for years if at all). But for deep-pocket investors they’re like charity donations plus billion-dollar lottery tickets. If the Big Idea doesn’t pan out, the investor gets a nice tax deduction. And if it does, they’re rich. What’s not to like? Especially if you’re also trying to Save Grandma.

        The system isn’t so bad but it does populate the market listings with a lot of low-probability micro-cap stocks.

        • JeffD says:

          The figure that made the entire article memorable for me was that 1001 of the 6281 stocks had imploded. That says everything I need to know about how the market works.

        • cas127 says:


          They implode because hardly anybody ever followed/invested in them in the first place…once that small audience loses interest/faith, the stocks go into freefall because there are very, very few others interested in/aware of them.

          In some ways 6000+ public companies is a lot (think of trying to financially understand that many firms in depth) but in some ways it isn’t very many (in a nation of 260 million adults, there is only 1 public company for every 43,000 adults). This ignores foreign investors, but it also ignores foreign public companies.

          In many ways, the media (and the companies themselves) really do a pretty poor job of explaining (in a concise but effective way) what these companies specifically *do*.

          (For a disturbing number, this might be intentional…).

          The best example is how they *name* themselves. (Especially since many people may only ever see their *name*).

          “Advanced Insight Technologies” essentially conveys zero useful invt information.

          “Discount Waffles of Akron” does.

          But the former will give a certain kind of investor (dumb ones) a woodie, while the latter…would not.

          Given the millions and millions (and millions) of worthless Twitter/Facebook/etc feeds, it would be nice if just one were dedicated to streaming 15 concise public company descriptions a day.

          In just over a year, every public company would have at least a paragraph to describe itself.

          Of course, all such info (and much, much, much more) is easily available to be pulled down actively…but there are few *passive* channels for casua broad based review (TV, internet, what have you).

        • HowNow says:

          To CAS127’s point: Peter Lynch remarked something to the effect that if he’s choosing between two companies by their names, he’d buy Acme Cement rather than Quantum Nanoparticle Accelerator. He also felt that any state-of-the-art technology company’s lunch might be eaten by any one of the multitude of newly minted grad or post grads from MIT, CalTech, et al.

        • HowNow says:

          Cas127’s (god forbid I write 128) comment was too good to not compliment:
          “But the former will give a certain kind of investor (dumb ones) a woodie, while the latter…would not.”
          Got me laughing out loud at six in the morning.

    • Petunia says:


      I found the list useful in that it makes clear how much money is wasted on healthcare in the US. I’ll bet most of those companies were getting govt grants too.

      • phleep says:

        I think few can imagine a world where government does not, at large scale, recycle and distribute money somewhere. That world has not existing in the USA for at least 90 years.

        Then again, on micro-innovators, think about insects putting out thousands of eggs. Most spawn will be eaten (even eat each other) but a few will survive, and have an impact. I just don’t want to be the sugar daddy for it. I don’t have the capital and tax situation, etc. So, I don’t want my government propping them up. Like ballparks, if for private profit, it should be privately funded. If it loses the money, whose problem is that? The people who took the risks get the losses or rewards. So, maybe some of the tax write-offs are suspect.

        • phleep says:

          Government seeded commercial aviation, satellites, computers, advanced communications and encryption, medical innovation via combat surgery, freeways, and the Internet. Oh, and railways too, way back when. Which of these do you want to give back?

        • HowNow says:

          Certainly not the govt.’s investment in ARPANET.

    • Pea Sea says:

      If you’re not interested, don’t read it. Your browser has a back button. I thought it was interesting.

    • Valerie from Australia says:

      RG: No one held a gun to your head and made you read the post. WS clearly spent a lot of time and effort scrupulously gathering the data that some readers on the site clearly value. I can’t believe your rude comment has gone unchallenged. Consider your hand slapped.

  13. Shiloh1 says:

    How much of this toxic waste found its way into corporate sponsored 401K funds?

  14. Xaver says:

    It’s a nice list, but it will get even more interesting once we have a longer list of bankrupt stocks. I remember we had such a list after the .com bust.

    • Sign_of_Times says:

      BBBY has really fallen, years ago a high flyer.

      Interesting story from here in Nassau county. Local paper (Newsday) once listed the top 10 houses with the highest property taxes. This was from a number of years ago. Number 1 on the property tax list was over $600K/year, for a mansion in Old Westbury NY, owned by the founder of Bed, Bath & Beyond.

      Several weeks back the BBBY CFO committed suicide by jumping off his building in NYC.

      Went there over the summer and saw more employees than customers.

      Incredible how things can change.

  15. Brian says:

    Thanks for the great “buy” list! (yes, that’s a joke)

  16. BigPapa says:

    Surprised not to see EMBK or AUR

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      Great catch! EMBK and AUR were on the original stock list and would have passed the scan. But they were 2021 IPOs and didn’t have data going back to the March 2020 COVID lows. And the script I ran only looked at stocks that had data back to the COVID lows in March 2020.

      With all the IPOs in 2020-2021, that should probably be refined.

  17. Seen it all before, Bob says:

    This is an awesome list. Thank You!

    Some are household names. Wayfair, AMC and Bed Bath and Beyond(from the Planet of the Apes) and Lyft, Rite-aid, Docusign, Roku, Redfin, Zillow, and Red Robin.

    How many were in my S&P500 conservative index fund?

    The Dotcom bubble affected many more common names. Is this a trailer for an upcoming future implosion? I’m still waiting for my Cisco and Intel stocks to recover from back then. I gave up on Lucent.

  18. Concerned_guy says:

    Hope (soon) we can see something like this for housing market.

    “X number of cities down XX%.”

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      Outside my expertise but I bet someone could do that by zip code and median sale price.

    • Richard Greene says:

      Case Shiller is up +16% from one year ago, so there are not likely to be any regions with year over year home price declines

      • Johnny5 says:

        Troll?’s monthly inventory data by MSA through September 2022 shows over 100 MSAs with y/y declines in the median list price.

        Zillow’s ZHVI (All Homes Time Series, Smoothed, SA) for the month of August shows Boise City, Idaho with Y/Y price increase at 1%. I’m willing to bet that it will turn negative for September. And just to be really pedantic, Fairbanks, AK already has a -6% Y/Y price decrease for their August ZHVI.

        Zillow releases their ZHVI every third Thursday of the month for the previous month, so the September ZHVI comes out this Thursday. I suspect more cities will start showing negative Y/Y ZHVI changes in the coming months.

        Note: I know these aren’t repeat sales indexes like Case-Shiller, but they’re timely and cover way more cities and MSAs than C-S.

    • David H says:

      Google “encorebubble” and “price decline map.” Not my work but excellent visualization. They try to update whenever Redfin does.

      • Wisdom Seeker says:

        Thanks for the link! This dataset is fantastic. The price-per-square-foot map removes some of the sales-mix mess that afflicts median prices, and is almost as good as Case-Schiller.

        The housing market implosion is gathering speed, and directly affects far more people than the stock market implosion.

  19. Natron says:

    I find it hard to believe that the banker (etc) bubble blowers don’t know exactly what they’re doing, considering how many times they’ve done it.

    This is a feature of the market (capitalism ), not a bug.

    • phleep says:

      Fools and their money are soon parted. That is as much a problem with the fools, as with those who position themselves to catch the inevitable dispersion of money. Trade your treasure casually for a dream, a greedy silly hope of getting rich quick, and what do you expect?

      This is true of every food chain. The dumb money aggregates proteins, to be appropriated by the next level up. It is biology. Are you going to bet against that?

      • HowNow says:

        Hmmm… Karl Marx should have read your comment before he went on about the collapse of capitalism.

  20. Brant Lee says:

    Oh no, not Tupperware too!

    So many healthcare/pharm stocks. Everyone wants a piece of that goldmine.

  21. CreditGB says:

    Great list, thanks for publishing it.

    Maybe “blockchain” has worn out and has been replaced by bioxxxx, pharmaxxxx or theraxxxx for the “smart money” crowd. They seem to be using highly sophisticated tools like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to spot these great opportunities.

    Smart money says, after the pandemic, those MUST be great investments, toss a bag load of free money at them, something is bound to stick.

    Wonder on this list, what was the total value lost from their highs to October 14th. Might be interesting figure if available.

  22. CreditGB says:

    Oh, another interesting bit might be the top 10 investors in each. And their average annual net earnings last reporting. Just curious.

  23. HollywoodDog says:

    You have to admit that SeaChange Int’l (SEAC) was aptly named.

  24. gametv says:

    Going to be interesting to see how things react to real earnings. I’m sure there are a few real gems mixed into this list that got thrown out with the trash, but are going to grow rapidly. But timing is everything in this market. Probably the smartest idea is to not be a pig, dont try to buy the exact bottom, but wait for confirmation of a new uptrend to really be solid. And make sure you have a stop loss if you are wrong.

    • Augustus Frost says:

      You’re describing a needle in a haystack. If the mania is over, the first bottom won’t be the last but one of many. See 1966-1982 as a precursor and there was nothing close to a mania at the 1966 peak.

      These stocks have collapsed 80%+ and the economy isn’t even in a recession.

      I’d be interested to know balance sheet quality because when the economy heads south in earnest, however many of these stocks are still making money now, most are going to be bleeding red ink later. Given that supposedly “blue chip” companies have mediocre to garbage balance sheets already, I can only imagine what these stable rags look like.

      In the upcoming economic depression, I’d look for most of these companies to get bought out at cents on the dollar or liquidated in bankruptcy court.

      • ru82 says:

        Bizzaro world. Stock market dropping for 10 months now while unemployment is shrinking and help wanted signs everywhere. I just read where some WFH programmers have two full time jobs and are making $200k to $600k. Their employers do not know they have two full time jobs though. LOL

        Usually it is the opposite.

        Foreclosures, bankruptcies. Usually when stocks are dropping, people are pulling out money because they have been laid off. Fear is in the street about losing their current job so they sell stocks or stop investing and put the money into savings.

        Not sure what the 3rd Quarter brings but we have beat earning estimates 39 of the last 40 quarters.

        • Augustus Frost says:

          “Not sure what the 3rd Quarter brings but we have beat earning estimates 39 of the last 40 quarters.”


          The whole exercise is a farce designed to convince people to always buy or hold. We’re not going to see actuals consistently fall below estimates because that’s bad marketing.

        • Wisdom Seeker says:

          For the S&P500 average, both estimates and actual earnings down sequentially for the past 2 quarters in a row. And the estimates were already cut for the quarter about to be reported, so they could be “beat”.

          It’s quite possible that the last 10 months have been the “smart money” pulling out (despite the mild losses) in preparation for a much larger plunge about to happen.

        • HowNow says:

          I’m not that sure there’s “smart money” out there. I’m confident that there’s lots of “dumb money” though. Check the performance of some of the big hedge funds – many are down 30% or so from the last three quarters. Were they smart but suddenly got dumb? “Strong hands vs. weak hands”, “invisible hands”, “the smart money”, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”? We try to make sense of the randomness that surrounds us.

      • phleep says:

        Let’s start a new fragrance: Chapter 7.

  25. Prairie Rider says:

    Okay, I just got back home from a short ride. And yes, it’s quite cold outside. But did My Size really shrink 95%? Damn, that’s embarrassing.

    • NJGeezer says:

      Howdy Prairie Rider,
      Now you have definitely confirmed for me your earlier username. Nice to see you’re still here commenting. Always appreciate your comments for the many years I’ve been following Wolf.

  26. cb says:

    Excellent article. Smart work. Thanks for sharing.

  27. GrassRange says:

    There is a bunch of Canada listed companies that trade on the OTC, which if added to you overall list, would expand the 1001 substantially. Many of those are micros but some are pretty substantial.

  28. Martin G Kluftinger says:

    Great list. Hopefully someone can learn from it.
    An old favourite of mine jumped out: Ballard Power, a darling of the late 90’s. Got a bloody nose shorting it a few times back then. By March of 2000, it was up to CDN$ 172, three years later around 20 and by 2012 below a dollar. Good company, good people and great products but the stock market is, as always, a casino. Having learned my lessons, I run fast at any sign of trouble, in either direction. Holding is for hanging on to your hat in a storm.

    • cb says:

      @ Martin G Kluftinger –

      Negative PE. No Dividend yield.

      What makes it a great stock?

  29. Thank you for putting a smile on my face on a dreary Monday morning. My favorite is “Happy Development” (ticker HAPP). Down 97%. Yippee! I am SO happy! Question: Where is Trevor Milton’s darling Nikola? High was $93. Traded on Friday at $3. That is a lot more than 80%.

  30. Anthony A. says:

    Probably need to forward this list over to Cathie Wood so she can start a new fund with all of these gems in it. Maybe she will call it the “Resurrection Fund”.

    • Mike G says:

      She should be familiar with the material already since most of ARKK’s holdings are on here.
      The ETF itself would almost make the list, down 77%

    • Yort says:

      Anthony – “Resurrection Fund”…LOL

      Wisdom Seeker should start a “Fk-Me” fund for all 1001 stocks in his list down a trillion percent…HA

      Note the group who started the “Short Cathie Wood” fund is starting a “Short Jim Cramer” fund.

      Maybe we should call it the “Manipulate my Audience for Personal Gains” Fund…

      Personally still waiting to invest in the “Doing God’s Work” Goldman Sachs ETF! Although I do own GS stock, so Hell is probably in my future along with Lloyd Blankfein…HA

  31. Doubting Thomas says:

    Snippet from front page of Wall Street Journal this morning:

    “SPAC sponsors made profits while investors in the businesses brought to market experienced significant losses as the blank-check-company boom fizzled in recent years.”

    Shocking! The horror! Who ever thought this could happen?!? (sarcasm)

  32. Troy Lee says:

    Last but not least: Zynerba Pharmaceuticals

  33. The Real Tony says:

    Those life science stocks have always been a curse if you’re long. I sold about 3 dozen cannabis stocks short within a few percentage point of the absolute peak. I told everyone to go all in short on the cannabis stocks on all the blogs and youtube.

    • Prairie Rider says:


      On 1 July 2022, Minnesota law changed to allow hemp-derived, but only hemp and not cannabis-derived THC edibles of 5 mg per serving and 50 mg per package to be legal. A first step to legalization of cannabis, perhaps?

      Yesterday, my local newspaper had an article on the struggles that hemp growers in Minnesota are experiencing. Hemp, you know, for oil from the seeds to make homeopathic tinctures, or to be mixed in brewpub ales, or for material from the stalks to be used to dampen noise in automobiles and for all sorts of other industrial uses.

      In 2021, revenue from industrial hemp in the USA was almost $825 million according to the report. Minnesota had almost 3,000 acres of it.

      But farmers who grow hemp in Minnesota must register with the state’s Department of Agriculture. They get tested by regulators every month. If the hemp has THC levels over 0.3% it has to be destroyed. MN Dept of Ag says that 10 to 12% of crops failed this year.

      “He grew a beautiful crop. But it tested hot. And now he’s going to lose his ass.” Tom Cotter stated about a farmer who’d rented some of his land to grow hemp.

      The U S Navy had “Grow Hemp for Victory” posters during WW II. Now,
      farmers in Minnesota ask, “Why grow a crop you can’t sell?”

      “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Followed by, Don’t tread on me Motherf###er.” That’s my answer and my philosophy. Politicians in the Legislature don’t listen to me tho.

      C’est la vie.

  34. Joe says:

    Never running out of suckers.

  35. The Real Tony says:

    Windfall Geotek Inc ticker symbol WIN Down 99.93 percent all time. Some windfall but like the last part of windfall it did fall.

  36. Cynical Engineer says:

    What really jumped out about this list was the massive number of life science/Biomedical stocks on there. And these are the ones that managed to go public before they imploded.

  37. RockHard says:

    This is pretty great. Have you published the raw data/scripting anywhere (Github)?

    About a month ago Wolf was writhing something about SPACs and I started wondering how many SPACs had made money; the basic idea was if you bought and held a SPAC at IPO, how many have made money? Many returned the money or haven’t found a merger, many lost money, it seems like a few might have been an OK investment. I did find a data source but didn’t keep up the interest, maybe I should revive the project

    • Wolf Richter says:

      There is a SPAC index — the post-merger SPAC index (CNBC Post SPAC) which tracks the share prices of the SPACs after the merger with a SPAC was completed. It peaked in February 2021, of course, and has since then plunged by 79%.

  38. billytrip says:

    Just perusing this list it seems that healthcare/pharma/biotech is the latest in vaporware investing.

    • Green Acres says:

      I agree with one aspect: there were a lot of health care stocks on that list.

      But health care as measured by the Health Care Select Sector SPDR (XLV) YTD has performed better than the S&P (SPX) YTD at -10.65% versus -22.83% respectively. WSJ used for the comparison.

      Neither of the YTD numbers are very good.

      • billytrip says:

        I didn’t mean that there aren’t some great companies in that space, just that it seems that space now attracts more than its share of companies that have no real prospect of actually making money.

        Like conventional technology companies, being technical gives fraudsters a leg up on spinning yarns that most people cannot tell from fact.

  39. Lili Von Schtupp says:

    I bought a single share of DMTK last year for s’n’g. It was hyped on a Fidelity investor article for some new test the company developed. Don’t think I made $5 before it started nosediving. I held on purely for amusement and I suppose validation of some sort, it was my canary in the coal mine as I learned more about investing here and elsewhere. Tapped out at 67% loss. But -96%… yowch.

  40. islandteal says:

    ShiftPixy, Inc. (Nasdaq: PIXY) (“ShiftPixy” or “the Company”), a Florida-based national staffing enterprise which designs, manages, and sells access to a disruptive, revolutionary platform that facilitates employment in the rapidly growing Gig Economy. July 19, 2022, to effect a one-for-one hundred (1:100) reverse split of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock


    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      That’s an impressive chart! Down 99.97% since the all-time high just after the 2017 IPO.

      The 1:100 reverse split gives them a chance to tack on another couple of decimals to that performance “record”!

      The new EPS will be -123 $/share instead of the current -1.23 $/share. I wonder what the record largest negative EPS has ever been?

  41. Joan cohn says:

    Yes, there has been many stocks , especially small cap stocks , which have crashed .
    However , the NASDAQ is still above its close at the end of 2017,2018,2019 and June 2020.
    While the NASDAQ is trading considerably off of its highs , it has only corrected the extreme gambling mania of the 18 months from July 2020 thru late 2021. It has hardly crashed

  42. Swamp Creatu says:

    You should add Jim Cramer’s charitable trust fund to the list. It’s probably off 50% or more based on the crap he has in his portfolio.

  43. Marc Lilien says:

    There’s a company called Upstart (UPST)

    Went from 390 to 20

  44. phleep says:

    The “dent in the world” most of these disruptors will leave is the crater of their incinerated capital. Creative desecration.

  45. phleep says:

    At the corner of chutzpah and hubris. Time for a clean sweep.

  46. R2D2 says:

    Would be fun to see this “1001 Index” updated on an annual basis for the next (say) 5 years, from Oct 2022 to Oct 2027.

    See how well these imploded stocks perform (or not) as a collective whole in the future.

    Be greedy when others are fearful?

    • Augustus Frost says:

      Today isn’t the equivalent of 1942 when John Templeton purportedly bought every stock priced below $1.

      This is still the greatest mania in human history. Anyone buying into this temporarily oversold market better make sure they have a chair when the music stops if trying to catch the falling knife.

      • HowNow says:

        I wonder if you’re seated in one of the chairs, when the music stops, and you’ve caught the falling knife, will a bell ring?

  47. Moosy says:

    Can you add market cap high low to the table?

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      That’s not so easy. Looking up the historical market cap requires a different dataset than what I’m using right now. But the NASDAQ list of stocks (linked in the article) does provide the current market cap.

  48. Petunia says:

    I just tried to buy some shampoo at ULTA and their website is awful. Went to Amazon instead. I’ll bet ULTA will be on the list soon.

    • HowNow says:

      Whoa… Ulta may be overpriced and may suffer a serious comeuppance, but it’s had excellent performance for at least 10 years running – just a dip in 2020. If it ends up on Wisdom’s list, you may want to buy a seat on the next flight to Mars when it does make that list.

  49. Ben says:

    So much comedy in the details of these companies with BIOL as example. From 1992 through present, BIOL lost money (neg EPS) in all years except 2002 and 2003, and only had positive Free Cash Flow in one out of these 30 years (2003). BIOL had an all time high of near 2500(!) back in 2004. Now selling for about $2 which is a 99.9% loss!

  50. SomethingStinks says:

    All right who got caught in this…. I must admit I jumped into SOLO after seeing one of their vehicles parked at a mall here in the Poenix area. It was gambling money and the loss is still on paper but there you go.

  51. notdeadyet says:

    In my youth, I once asked a retired Army Colonel I knew, “How did you survive being assigned to the Pentagon for 20 years?”. The Colonel smiled and replied, “One simple rule… When the elephants dance, stay off of the ballroom floor”.
    In the years that have since passed, I have found that “simple rule” can be applied to other situations… the current stock market is one of those situations. I’ll be sitting this one out while the elephants dance.

  52. Ernest says:

    Out of all of these, the only one I see that actually is turning a decent profit and has a good balance sheet is, oddly enough, Overstock.

  53. BS ini says:

    How in the world does the SEC and brokerage houses get away with no oversight on selling either stocks or bonds! Buyers beware !

  54. roddy6667 says:

    This is like the DotCom Bomb website “Fu**” redux. I guess I just have a weird sense of humor, but this stuff makes me laugh more than humor websites.

  55. Aaron says:

    I skimmed the list and quickly noticed a trend. I think I can create the name of the most implodable stock possible. Ready? Ok, here goes:
    Bioscience Green Tech Therapeutic Pharmaceuticals.

    I think if you squeeze the terms Blockchain and Coin in there somewhere you can get it to a negative price by now. Lol.

  56. Zero Sum Game says:

    Just wanted to note that any stock down 96% really means it went down the 80% imploded rabbit hole TWICE even though 96% doesn’t seem much worse than 80%.

    Little voices in my head remind me of old college math classes teaching smoother exponential curving in this area instead of two simple 80% drawdowns, but I forget the exact concept name.

  57. Juicifer says:

    I’m late to the party, but just want to thank Wisdom Seeker and Wolf for taking the time to publish this data. Far from being a waste of time, IMHO it helps me to talk down a whole lot of the Bullshi…er, lets just say Bullish, bravado out there being constantly pushed into my face in the media.

    “Not counting delisted stocks, mergers or name-changes, nearly 1 in 6 US surviving stocks from May is now “on sale” at 80% off its high.”

    How many times have you recently heard anything at all approaching this factual statement from the Legacy shills and bloggers? “1 in 6 stocks in the entire US system down 80% from their highs”…I certainly haven’t!

    For this and more, I keep returning to Wolf Street. Thanks.

  58. John Stotes says:

    “But for now, I just want to note that these 1001 companies collectively account for a decent share of the US economy and employment.”

    That seems like a huge embellishment, I would guess this list of vaporware firms is well less than 1% of GDP and employment.

  59. Yort says:

    Generac HLDGS INC (Power Systems MFG) fell 25% today and is right at 80% loss from peak.

    Note GNRC had $7.74 EPS last quarter, so decent company, yet crashed from $524.31 to $109.05 is less than one year…

    • jimbo says:

      Looks like a real company with real products, but why in the world would anybody pay over US$500 for a company that traded around $US13 a share in 2010?

      Also the EPS is not US$7.74 last quarter. That is the TTM EPS for the year.

      Book value per share is US$37.89 so it is still selling for around 3 times book and 1.5 price to sales ratio.

      it doesn’t pay a dividend either.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Have a look at the long-term chart. The stock spiked-and-collapsed. After the 80%+ plunge, it’s back where it had been in Feb 2020. Maybe that’s where it belongs, or lower, given the warning it issued.

      • Jimbo says:

        Forget US companies, buy Japanese companies.

        Better quality, better balance sheets, real products, and on sale with the yen falling.

        Just pick a decent buy point and if afraid of further yen weakness hedge.

        Japanese companies will be a better buy over then next ten years than US companies.

  60. Horace Weedseed says:

    Fun to read.
    I’m sure there are some rebound candidates here, just a question of when.

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