Companies & Markets

Selling Your European Stocks Before Everyone Sees This Chart?

The European economy has been on a phenomenal roll since 2012, according to the soaring Stoxx 600 stock index. Recessions, unemployment fiascos, toppling banks, collapsing auto sales… they didn’t exist. But what the heck is wrong with this picture?

Even The Record Stock-Market Bullishness Is Fake

Record bullishness about the S&P 500! But beneath the largest stocks, volatility has taken over ruthlessly, the market is in turmoil, people are dumping stocks wholesale, dreams and hopes are drowning in red ink, and Wall Street doesn’t want you to see it.

The Big Hoax Of The Wall Street Hype Machine

How the most important “data” Wall Street hands out via its army of analysts to rationalize lofty stock valuations is consistently (chart!) the biggest hoax out there.

The Fracking Shakeout

By Nick Cunningham: The US shale oil and gas industry is in trouble. Drillers have to borrow more and more just to stay on the fracking treadmill, even as production and revenues disappoint. And some of them could be heading toward bankruptcy.

World Trade Suddenly Slumps (Just Forget ‘Escape Velocity’)

While the US economy, and by extension the world economy, is desperately waiting for escape velocity to finally kick in, world trade has descended into a very unpropitious slump.

Cloud Wars: Now Even the CIA Slams IBM’s Technology

Our spoiled American tech heroes yearn to get those big-fat contracts with the Intelligence Community. But it seems IBM is far better at financial engineering than actual engineering.

This Happened Twice Before, And Each Time Stocks Crashed

In 2000 and 2007. The consequences were spectacular. Now, it happened a third time in fifteen years. And it’s forming an increasingly terrifying chart.

BlackRock: Russian Bond Market “Freezing Up”

“People thought sanctions were about visas for oligarchs wanting to visit Disneyland. But they are much more important.”