Some Basics about U.S. Tariffs, and What Trump’s New Economic Team Said about Tariffs

“In the real world, we have a one-sided free-trade policy in which America isn’t nearly as protectionist as other countries”: Chairman-designate of the Council of Economic Advisers.

By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET.

The proposals by the incoming Trump administrations to levy new and additional tariffs against China, Canada, Mexico, the EU, etc. have unleashed a torrent of anti-tariff nonsense in the media, pushed by globalization-mongers, by Corporate America perennially in search of cheap labor, and by foreign countries that have been riding this big US gravy train.

Now some of the top appointees-designate of the next Trump administration have pushed back against this anti-tariff nonsense, including Chairman-designate of the Council of Economic Advisers Stephen Miran, who said, “In the real world, we have a one-sided free-trade policy in which America isn’t nearly as protectionist as other countries.” And we’ll get to them in a moment.

The result of this “one-sided free-trade policy” over the decades has been the gigantic and ballooning US trade deficit (exports minus imports). Exports add to GDP, imports subtract from GDP, and the trade deficit has been a huge drag on GDP, in addition to causing all kinds of other issues, such as the strategically risky dependence of the US supply chains, and thereby the economy, on Chinese companies, many of them state-controlled. The chart shows the inflation-adjusted trade deficit that is part of the quarterly GDP calculation – the amounts in annual rates being subtracted from GDP.

First some basics about tariffs.

1. Tariffs have two roles: raising taxes (which the US desperately needs); and changing the economic math for domestic production.

2. US “trading partners” have used tariffs extensively to protect and support their own industries at the expense of US production and exports.

3. Tariffs are applied to the cost for the importer. If a big US retailer buys T-shirts by container loads from a factory in Bangladesh that it intends to retail in the US for $9.99 each, and if the tariff on this product is 25%, the importer (the retailer) is going to have to pay 25% in taxes on the cost from the factory. If the factory charges $1 per T-shirt, the tariff amounts to 25 cents.

4. Tariffs are a direct tax on the profit margins of foreign producers and US importers. Whether or not they can charge more for their products without gutting their sales to pass on the tariffs is decided by the market. And if they can pass on a portion or all of the tariffs, it would be a one-time bump.

5. Companies are already charging the maximum amount they can and still obtain their sales goals. If they raise prices to pass on the tariffs, sales may fall. Whether or not the retailer can raise the price of the T-shirt to $10.24 without pulling the rug out from under the desired sales volume is decided by the market, not by the retailer, and the retailer may find that it has to eat the tariffs.

6. US importers may negotiate the purchase price to where the foreign factory eats part of the tariff, in which case foreign producers pay the taxes to the US government.

7. Domestic production reduces transportation expenses, loss of Intellectual Property (a huge issue in China), supply-chain uncertainty and lead times (catastrophic issues during the pandemic), and other costs and risks. Tariffs tilt the balance further in favor of domestic production.

8. Foreign manufacturers can avoid tariffs by producing in the US. All major foreign automakers that sell in the US already manufacture vehicles in the US. In terms of “US content,” Honda models are right behind Tesla on top of that list. Tariffs will further encourage US production, including of components and assemblies.

9. Many producers have cut prices in the US over the past two years, either directly or through incentives to reach their sales goals, including automakers (here) and homebuilders (here). In this environment, they will eat 100% of any tariffs because they cannot pass on any additional costs.

10. Industrial robots cost about the same anywhere. Products can be and are manufactured in the US price-competitively when advanced automation reduces the labor-cost component. Tariffs add some pluses to that math.

What Trump’s economic team is saying about Tariffs.

The top economic appointees-designate of the incoming Trump administration have come out and discussed tariffs and trade policy. The quotes were collected by Seeking Alpha:

Chairman-designate of the Council of Economic Advisers Stephen Miran: “In the real world, we have a one-sided free-trade policy in which America isn’t nearly as protectionist as other countries. Trump’s proposed tariffs could generate some $450B in revenue a year for the U.S. Isn’t it better to tax foreign entities for entering the American market than impose new taxes on American families? We [also] need targeted tariffs to lift such critical industries as defense. The U.S. relies heavily on imports to make the weapons and other material our military needs. This doesn’t make sense.”

White House Senior Trade Counselor-designate Peter Navarro: “We put on significant tariffs on China, steel, aluminum, dishwashers, solar, a lot of increased countervailing duties to stop the dumping [in Trump’s first administration]. We had zero inflation from any of that. It never happened, and it’s the same movie this time. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, where we run a Federal Reserve that prints too much money, and they do that to accommodate fiscal irresponsibility.”

US Trade Representative-designate Jamieson Greer: “Tariffs can help support U.S. manufacturing jobs in particular, especially to the extent that they’re remediating an unfair trade practice. If you level out that playing field, it makes it so that Americans don’t have to compete unfairly.”

Commerce Secretary-designate Howard Lutnick: “When you’re running for office, you make broad statements so that people will understand you. Tariffs are an amazing tool for President Trump to use, and he understands ‘don’t tariff stuff we don’t make’ and ‘Build In America.’ We can’t sell a Ford (F) or GM (GM) in Europe because there are 100% tariffs. In Japan, [also] 100% tariffs [stemming from the Marshall plan]. How about we say, ‘we are going to tariff you like you are going to tariff us.’ Of course, they’re going to come in and negotiate, and their tariffs are going to come down.”

Treasury Secretary-designate Scott Bessent: “The truth is that tariffs have a long and storied history as both a revenue-raising tool and a way of protecting strategically important industries in the U.S. President-elect Trump has added a third leg to the stool: tariffs as a negotiating tool with our trading partners. Our size gives us market power and the ability to dictate terms – other countries need us more than we need them. We have but to use that power.”

National Economic Council Chair-designate Kevin Hassett: “If you look at the Republican platform, the first listed trade policy is the Reciprocal Trade Act, which takes U.S. tariffs to the levels that our trading partners charge us… What happens to inflation? Well, what’s the next best supplier? What’s the cost ratio between them? And if we bring new stuff to the U.S., what’s the marginal effect of the marginal cost? Don’t forget that the tariff affects the price level when it goes in, not the long-run inflation rate… Basically, it’s a level adjustment.”

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  217 comments for “Some Basics about U.S. Tariffs, and What Trump’s New Economic Team Said about Tariffs

  1. All Good Here Mate says:

    Really appreciate the even-handed evaluation.

    • Juicifer says:

      Hear Hear. It’s why I keep coming back to this site, day after day, year after year (despite mostly keeping to the silent sidelines).

    • Benny says:

      I think he is missing an important part. Cost of labor in US vs. Low cost countries. Any product produced in the US will just be so much more expensive and you just won’t be able to produce a t-shirt for 1 USD (as in Wolfs example)
      Robots and Ai.. Yeah they gonna save us all ^^

      • Sams says:

        Some years ago I did read that labour cost in the US vs. China did not differ that much. US vs. EU and the labour cost may be lower in the US.

        Overhead cost is another matter where the US may come out worse with high cost. Expensive rent, expensive CEO’s and expensive layers of hiarcy in the organisations.

      • Wolf Richter says:


        1. “Robots and Ai.. Yeah they gonna save us all ^^”

        That’s the most ignorant line ever. You have apparently never seen industrial robots. They have been around for many decades, and they’re getting better every year. Some plants, like semiconductor plants, are nearly fully automated. Auto assembly plants still have some humans to install certain things. But all the hard dangerous work of stamping, casting, assembling the body, etc. is done by robots.

        2. Labor costs… automation has dramatically reduced the labor costs per unit. With automation, the US can build almost anything competitively, as demonstrated by the auto industry. All major foreign automakers have plants in the US, and some export from those plants to other countries.

        Even Walmart has now started to source even T-shirts and hoodies made in the USA (mostly by machines).

        In the article above, two key basics:

        # 7. Domestic production reduces transportation expenses, loss of Intellectual Property (a huge issue in China), supply-chain uncertainty and lead times (catastrophic issues during the pandemic), and other costs and risks. Tariffs tilt the balance further in favor of domestic production.

        #10. Industrial robots cost about the same anywhere. Products can be and are manufactured in the US price-competitively when advanced automation reduces the labor-cost component. Tariffs add some pluses to that math.

  2. Aman says:

    I guess one thing left out is the affect tariffs have on domestic wages. They go up. So it may result in buying power too. Maybe the extra volume makes up for the higher cost….one can expect some of this to be true in some industries.

    It levels the field a bit for wages and capital returns.

    I think America and American’s have been screwed over by quack economists and their idea of free trade. Ricardo said….trade never ruined any country but that statement is true only when capital and labor are free. Not when capital is free and labor is not.

    • dang says:

      I think America, the average, has been compensated poorly for the competent society they invented.

    • SingleMaltScotch says:

      Wages are not guaranteed to rise, but it’s possible (likely?) that more people get to keep their jobs at prevailing wages, rather than getting canned due to offshoring.

    • Bill Bull says:

      It’s been a one way street for 40 years.

      • cas127 says:

        I think this is probably the most accurate (and briefest!) defense of the pro-tariff position.

        There are, in fact, a number of dangers to tariffs…but, the default position for 40 years has more or less been absolute free trade and a *lot* of the promises have not borne out (and macro variables have rather monumentally worsened).

        So, some degree of course correction on tariffs is necessary (for a while, at least).

        And, during that time, careful attention has to be paid to if tariffs are making things *worse* and then (much faster) correction has to be applied again.

        This attitude won’t appeal to ideological absolutists (who seem to energetically ignore empirical results) and those who want fire-and-forget-forever policies.

        But those absolute positions have failed for a long, long time.

    • Tom S. says:

      Wages are paid from capital. This is about goods, prices, and protectionism. Unfortunately, some people think by enacting policies of the past we can return to the way things were. I’m skeptical of that approach, and of the benefits touted by the incoming administration. If only it were so easy.

      • cas127 says:

        I think this is fairly accurate as well.

        To the extent the US *cost basis* (for things like rent/home prices) are treated as macro-economically sacrosanct (for which every other economic policy is sacrificed) then the US has gotten itself into a place where it is *structurally* uncompetitive with multiple other producing nations.

        You can’t have competitive manufacturing prices if housing costs are inflated out-the-wazoo – those working in manufacturing have to be able to afford to live (the 100% robot utopia is likely a fantasy for a long time…otherwise the US would not have de-industrialized in the first place).

        To paper over one economic pathology (US de-industrialization) the US government created another (home price inflation via ZIRP).

        All the pathologies are going to have to be addressed if the US economy is going to heal in any enduring way.

        • NBay says:

          “Pathology” is a term that should be used a LOT more in the financial behavior sense, cas.
          And there are other social aspects where it fits.
          For instance, what if the second coming has been attempted many times over the years and He just keeps getting locked up with all the Napoleons, aliens, etc? (since we do most all our miracles ourselves now)
          I would just say, “Screw all of you, fix it yourself then”, but I suppose He is more patient……hope so.

        • JimT says:

          Nailed it. My opinion.

  3. Non-economist says:

    Quite interesting to see that Wolf is not 100% against tariff. It looks like almost all people I have met who consider themselves educated say tariff is useless and harmful because of the theory of comparative advantage.

    • Bobber says:

      They are educated but not smart. Democrats lost the election in part because of irrational claims about tariffs.

      Theory of comparative advantage is a good theory, but it only makes sense when there is two-way trade, or balanced trade.

      • Wolf Richter says:


        Not surprising at all. Ever since I had this website, I have lambasted this one-sided free trade, this one-sided globalization, this rampant offshoring of production, the dependence of US companies on China, that have led to the huge and ballooning trade deficits.

        Back during Trump 1, ca. 2018, I wrote to the White House in support of their tariffs but criticized how they explained them to the public. I published the letter here, and the (AI-generated?) responses from the White House (I can’t find it right now).


        “…but not smart.”

        That’s the understatement of the year.

        When it comes to trade (and some other issues), Democrats are dumber than a doornail.

        But at least in the past, Republicans were in the same boat about trade. Trump was the first President of either party to try to pull the ripcord on this policy and was heavily opposed by a lot of Republicans. He is going to face a similar thing now.

        • Waiono says:

          wiki : 194 countries utilize tariffs

          Thnx for the big picture on tariffs

        • buda atum says:

          “…Democrats are dumber than a doornail.”

          I would bicker, but…

          3. When commenting, we check our political views at the door. WOLF STREET is a business, finance, and economics site, not a political site. Readers from across the political spectrum are invited and should feel comfortable. It’s OK to mention politicians and policy issues. It’s not OK to descend into partisan bickering.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          buda atum,

          What I actually said was:

          “When it comes to trade (and some other issues), Democrats are dumber than a doornail. But at least in the past, Republicans were in the same boat about trade.”

        • Louie says:

          Consider this: Lyndon Johnson elevated politics to a fine art. His answer to why foolish and nonsensical policies existed.
          Here is the quote:

          “Things are the way they are because people who have the power to make them different have chosen not to.”

          We can standby to watch how the amateur does against the pros.
          He might do well and he might not.

        • Ted Carmichael says:


          Faithful Canadian reader here. How do you feel about Trump’s 25% tariff on Canada? We have a free trade agreement, which might not be perfect, but Canada is a friend and a free-trader.


        • Wolf Richter says:

          Ted Carmichael

          All “free-trade” agreements should be canceled, and the US should pull out of the WTO. They have been in part responsible for the disastrous trade deficit the US has, and they have failed to fulfill their goal of creating balanced and fair trade. They have created one-sided free-trade trade, institutional wage repression in Mexico, and a softer form of wage repression in the US.

          Countries/companies will trade freely without these “free-trade” agreements, and they will be competing with other countries, no problem, but there will be some tariffs on all sides, there already are, no problem. Thereby, taxes will be raised from the profit margins of these companies — if they choose to continue importing instead of buying locally – and all countries need tax revenues, and it’s better to raise them from the profit margins of importers than from working Americans.

          NAFTA was a disaster for the US. Presidential candidate and Texas billionaire Ross Perot (pronounced like a Québécois would say it) was right when he said during the 1992 campaign that there would be a “giant sucking sound going south” of jobs out of the US if NAFTA got passed.

          Perot was an entrepreneur and businessman and ran as a businessman. He was the founder of tech services company EDS which he had sold to GM for $2.5 billion in 1984, a huge amount of money back then. I was getting my MBA at the time in Austin, and he was like WOW. So when he ran as third-party candidate in 1992 against Bush and Clinton, both of whom supported NAFTA, he totally nailed it with his “giant sucking sound.” I think you know who I voted for, LOL.

        • cas127 says:

          “try to pull the ripcord on this policy”

          This is the real mystery of the last 25 years.

          The utter failure of both parties to even *try* to course correct, even a bit…as the wheels flew off.

          DC could see *very* early on that the wholesale de-industrialization policy was creating economic pathologies (in contradiction to absolutist free-trade theory…spoiler, it looked like the US had comparative advantage in…nowhere near enough).

          But both parties (including the Dem party of Dick Gephardt) preferred to force through pathology number 2 (the long night of ZIRP) to address de-industrialization rather than…address de-industrialization.

          My guess is that was because ZIRP was simply…easier (if more dangerous). DC will choose (other people’s) risk/cost over their own hard work/tradeoffs/decision-making every time.

          DC is all about out-sourcing accountability.

          It is an article of faith that re-election hinges on it.

        • NBay says:

          Corporations don’t “outsource accountability”……they make it vanish completely.
          MUCH more efficient…less “waste”, etc, etc. Hence the reason they all want (most of) government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
          Gilded Age or Bust!

        • MustBeADuck says:

          “Dumber than a doornail’

          I do love a good mixed metaphor!

        • Eferg says:


          I feel that you may be maligning doornails a bit. It is clear that they do not have much of an IQ. BUT, they are very good at their intended purpose. Indeed, all too many politicians have an IQ similar to the doornail, but fail miserably at their intended purpose.

        • Swamp Creature says:

          I voted for Ross Perot twice. He would have made a great President

    • Riley says:

      Many of those people are paper pushers and not involved in actually making physical products. Many are just grift in the middle and worried others might increase their purchasing power. A lot are worthless economists who cheer the economy being turned into a casino.

    • dang says:

      Well the monster that hiring the CCP to perform any job in the west at one third of the price of union labor. Which in my understanding that Union movement was popular during the golden glow of the end of WW2.

    • dang says:

      Tariffs are hardly useless. Access to the US market for Chinese product produced by a destitute, communist party member is the problem.

      Capitalism is normally distributed.

      • NBay says:

        I have heard Capitalism called MANY things, but “normally distributed” is NOT one.

        Will file it away with the others, anyway……always like to see new word combinations used to see if it helps our understanding of things.

    • AlphaChicken says:

      The theory of comparative advantage is something they teach in undergrad econ. The theory is presented in a perfect environment – each entity has a “comparative advantage” in making one thing, and if they focus on that one thing, abandon the others and trade for the thing they have comparative advantage in, everyone is better off. It’s like undergrad physics and the model of the perfect sphere in a vacuum. It’s not the real world. Also, benefits for all from comparative advantage requires completely free trade. Also, it ignores the hapless entity that does not excel at anything.

      In the real world, the point here is that one big difference is that there is no free trade. It is free on the US side, and highly protected on the trading partner side. Second, trading with a poorer partner pulls wages down in the wealthier partner, and increases wages in the poorer partner.

      The next real world issues are the loss of control of supply chain, the sensitivity to supply shocks driven by offshore forces, the loss of intellectual and manufacturing capital to artificially cheaper partners, and the secondary effects of these factors.

      Trying to apply model undergraduate theories – which provide a very basic starting point for thinking about things – to complex real world situations is like trying to apply the “perfect sphere in a vacuum” to an airliner’s rapidly icing, deflecting wing in a thunderstorm with varying temperatures that might get hit by lightning.

      One can say, “the basic physics doesn’t change” – yes, but much more than the basics physics is required to model the behavior, and the results change. Also, econ – and the social sciences in general – do not have the clean equations that physics does. That’s called “physics envy”, and it’s a reason behind the pursuit of “mathiness” in econ, and the current movement away, towards “behavioral economics”, espoused by multiple Nobel laureates in econ, who have a belated understanding that their equations do not accurately model the behavior of economic systems. The models can describe certain narrow phenomena after the fact but have little predictive power.

      tl;dr: model undergrad theories do not accurately describe real world systems, either in physics or in the social sciences, like econ.

      • VintageVNvet says:

        Take it easy on ”undergrad physics” chicken:
        Mine required ”hands on” lab 3 hours per week to go with the lectures,,, and we damn sure did ”real” experiments on real stuff to go along with and support the classical theories, based on ”extensive empirical evidence” we were being taught.
        OTOH, couldn’t agree more about the so called social sciences that I later studied extensively at the best public university in USA after I became too lazy to continue the work to get my degree in actual what are now called ”hard” sciences.
        Interesting theories abounded, far damn shore.

      • fullbellyemptymind says:

        One thing that’s true in physics that probably also applies to econ – gravity always wins

        • NBay says:

          Nope. Money trickles UP….actually I prefer the term “is sucked” UP based on current societal system and it’s “laws”.
          Haven’t seen a gold old time WS wealth distribution article for a LOOOONG time. Must not be popular.

          Consider this post deleted.

        • NBay says:

          Spell check is getting nastier, though, FWIW.

  4. randall hooker says:

    Couple of bones to pick here:

    “US importers may negotiate the purchase price to where the foreign factory eats part of the tariff, in which case foreign producers pay the taxes to the US government.”

    Not actually. I built two businesses on imports from China. I may get a price reduction from my supplier but this simply lowers my cost on the import. Which diminishes the “tax” paid to the Government. Which is not a good thing for the Government. I would have to pass that on to the market as I was already competed into the ground before the additional costs. If the market accepts the elevation that is called inflation. And if the market doesn’t like the pricing I close up shop or sell out and my employees get a pink slips. That is called unemployment.

    “4. Tariffs are a direct tax on the profit margins of foreign producers and US importers. ”

    In no way does the tariff cost the foreign supplier profit unless they decide to reduce prices to the importer. They are not “paying tax” to the US Government. Ever. The US Importing company pays the tax. This is the inflationary nature of Tariffs. And again, if the supplier lowers cost the impact is less tax collected. See above.

    “7. Domestic production reduces transportation expenses, loss of Intellectual Property (a huge issue in China), supply-chain uncertainty and lead times (catastrophic issues during the pandemic), and other costs and risks. Tariffs tilt the balance further in favor of domestic production.”

    At US wage rates the typical Walmart customer would find US produced products doubling in price. C’mon man…

    “10. Industrial robots cost about the same anywhere. Products can be and are manufactured in the US price-competitively when advanced automation reduces the labor-cost component. Tariffs add some pluses to that math.”

    Tell that to the Longshoreman’s Union. Or any other labor Union that negotiates to stop automation. And has the clout to succeed. Remember, unemployment is a major factor in our economic puzzle.

    • Bob Burner says:

      Industrial robots will cost more in the US due to tariffs.

      • Wolf Richter says:

        randall hooker

        You got things backwards because you benefited from the one-sided free trade policy of the US, and are a culprit in the US trade deficit with China, and cannot see the issues, blinded by the money you made handing US production to China.

        So from bottom to top:

        #10. With more domestic production thanks to tariffs, there would be less imports for the longshoremen to go on strike over. One more reason for lots of tariffs. Also, longshoremen are the wrong topic… they’re not into manufacturing, they’re in transportation. They also opposed containers back in the day.

        #7 is emotional fearmongering. Walmart is a top culprit in the catastrophic US trade deficit. You’re a small culprit in it. Walmart has made decades of gigantic profits using cheap Chinese imports to hollow out US manufacturing. Walmart has now learned a lesson and has started to source even T-shirts and hoodies made in the USA (mostly by machines). Yes, industrial robots do a lot of the work despite your BS about the longshoremen.

        #7 part 2: “At US wage rates…” yes people like you, in search of cheap labor in China and elsewhere, have CAUSED wages to be low in the US. Can you not connect any dots? You look for cheap labor in China, which guts US suppliers, puts downward pressure on demand for labor in the US, and downward pressure on wages, and then you complain that people in the US don’t make enough money to buy stuff???

        Your first section and #4. you’re fooling yourself. In reality, tariffs get pushed up the supply chain as you admitted through lower prices, and the importer obviously pays the government, not the supplier. That importer can be a foreign company, such as BMW or BYD, or a US company. But they will push at least part of the cost up the supply chain, and so their suppliers are paying part of it, even though the importer pays the government.

        Bob Burner,

        “Industrial robots will cost more in the US due to tariffs.”

        Or they can make more of them in the US to dodge the tariffs? That’s the purpose of tariffs!

        • Brian says:

          You completely misread some of Randall’s statements, for example about US wages.

        • NBay says:

          I thought the MOST important question for discussion would be whether it made him ultra rich or not.
          But then again, no Econ 101 studied here.

    • Belafonte says:

      You’re admitting the tariffs will be a failure with the Walmart example. Americans want cheap stuff. Walmart wants huge profits. Now we have robots/machines in America producing the cheap stuff. Win for consumers, win for the corporation. Blue collar labor can just shove it I guess?

      In this scenario owners of capital (the ones funding the robots) are going to be the biggest winners since we’re shifting production from cheap foreign labor to cheap American robots. Blue collar labor will continue to not be employed. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor. Yippie?

      Also Hassetts quote about tariffs just being a level adjustment sounds about as tone deaf as the Biden administration saying 2021 inflation was just transitionary

      • Wolf Richter says:

        “Blue collar labor can just shove it I guess?”

        And then you unleash a tsunami of braindead BS.

        Factory labor is skilled labor today. Automation does a lot of the work, but some workers are still needed, not only in the assembly but also in dealing with the robots (ranging from maintenance to tech work). So today’s factory labor is much more skilled labor than just manual laborers used to be. These are very desirable jobs, not sweatshop jobs. Look at a modern factory. Shifting manufacturing from China to the US CREATES THESE NEW JOBS IN NEW FACTORIES IN THE US and it creates secondary and tertiary jobs around the factory. You don’t like those jobs???

        This anti-tariff bullshit is just exasperating. DO you people get paid to post this BS?

        • John says:

          Tariffs seem to me to be a tool of diminishing returns in a global economy. Eventually, all countries will use tariffs. I don’t see how that does not produce inflation but Trump has promised tariffs so we all get to see who is right.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          Nearly all countries already use tariffs. It’s a classic way of raising taxes, and it changes the math in favor of local production. Most countries use a lot more tariffs than the US does, including China.

        • VintageVNvet says:

          Right On WR:
          Working to construct a new building for a state supported industrial training facility to teach new skills to local workers for them to be able to work in the new multi billion dollar factory nearby, I learned that almost every job in the new factory would be highly skilled and very highly paid relative to the local pay scale.
          It’s a new world out there, and most young folx are getting the picture of it IF they want to.

        • TEMPLE says:

          You need a BS Tariff here.

        • John says:

          I see your reply, and sorta agree, but do all countries use across the board tariffs like Trump is promising? Law and supply is an age old economic reality, tariffs try to game that system, and eventually one countries tariffs become too painful for other countries and they retaliate. You are left with painful trade wars and a broken supply and demand system.

        • GrassRanger says:

          And the domestic companies pay state and local property taxes on their factories, their skilled employees pay more taxes on their higher wages, etc., and these additional taxes reduces the pressure to raise taxes on everyone else.

      • dang says:

        Robots are dangerous idiots and can never be any thing butt.

      • Aman says:

        Robot is a very loaded term. Define it.
        If you mean a machine that has the same intelligence of a blue collar labor then your argument may be correct (only by first order effect).

        But those kind of robots are too far in the future.

        If by robot you mean more mechanization then humans are still needed. Car companies are highly mechanized yet they employ more people than they ever did 40-50 years ago.

        Devil is in the details.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          “they employ more people than they ever did 40-50 years ago”

          That’s nonsense. An auto assembly plant today has 2-5000 workers. Back in the day, it would take 50,000 workers to build the same number of cars — except back then those cars were very simple to build, and today they’re immensely complex. There are not many people in these plants, compared to how many there used to be. there is no comparison.

        • Aman says:

          The argument was not people per car but absolute employment which was the argument….that mechanization does not reduce people.

          The BIS numbers show clearly that the total employment at car companies has grown steadily. Fall if any reflects market share changes.

        • Wolf Richter says:


          1. These are auto manufacturing employment figures for the entire industry, including such new arrivals as the Tesla plants in California and Texas, and the all the other new plants that have been built over the past 10 years in the US.

          These are NOT employment figures per factory. But that’s what we were talking about.

          2. Look at a long-term chart. Yours only goes back to 2014, when employment in the industry was still very low after its collapse during the Great Recession (GM and Chrysler went bankrupt). Your chart shows the rise from employment near the collapse low and then rising to the peak last summer.

          In the year 2000, there were 26% more employees in the industry than today.
          — Today (including per your chart and per my chart): 1.056 million
          — year 2000: 1.336 million

          3. And that chart goes back only to 1990. If you can find a chart going back to 1960, you will see that employment in the industry peaked in the early 1970s. I’m looking at a paper here from 1992. The numbers may not be comparable, but the peak was in the early 1970s.

          Back then, they built fewer and FAR SIMPLER cars, with many more manufacturing workers in the auto industry than today.

          If you get into bullshit, stop shoveling because you’re just going to get deeper into it.

      • AlphaChicken says:

        “In this scenario owners of capital (the ones funding the robots) are going to be the biggest winners since we’re shifting production from cheap foreign labor to cheap American robots. Blue collar labor will continue to not be employed. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor. Yippie?”

        This is an interesting point. The “consolidation of the production of value” has been a consistent feature of increasing technological advancement. What do I mean – more value (i.e. the things that people value) is created with fewer people due to technology. First, it was farming, most people were subsistence farmers. Agricultural technology allowed a smaller and smaller group of people to feed the demand of the larger population, pushing the marginal producers out. Very disruptive, certainly, but that’s another (important) issue.

        Then, manufacturing – technology allows fewer and fewer people to generate value. With textiles, the cotton gin and loom are examples. Maybe 100 people were needed to run a store, now it takes 20. Instead of 500 people to create a ton of steel, it may take 5. Instead of having someone edit records at a pace of 5 an hour, that someone can edit records at 100 an hour.

        Now they’re talking about AI and its impact on the generation of value. Unknown yet the emergent behavior its neural networks (transformer (chatGPT), convoluted, etc) can achieve are unclear but uncanny so far.

        The problem I see is the owners take more and more of the value (wealth consolidation) than labor who is helping to create that value. There are many reasons for this, based on monetary and tax and fiscal policy, as well as social mores and policy. Jobs and money are how purchasing power and thus demand is distributed.

        While our technology is making life better, the increasing inequality in purchasing power, especially for those creating real value, is leading to social pressures which can be seen in many different arenas.

        • Kent says:

          Americans remember those good, manufacturing jobs at GM where blue-collar folks could earn a good living. But it wasn’t the act of manufacturing that created those good wages. It was labor unions. Manufacturing just put a lot of people in one place, which made it vastly easier for labor unions to form. As manufacturing was off-shored, union power diminished. Find a way to unionize non-manufacturing, blue-collar work on a mass scale and the inequality diminishes.

        • CrazyDoc says:

          One way to fix this is to have every employee (all levels) entitled to an invested interest in the company they work at (such as shares as part of their renumeration) – present in some companies but not all – that is proportional to their contribution to that company’s revenues/profit. In this way labor profits when the company profits.

    • Chuck says:

      Excellent response

      • rojogrande says:

        Really, how so? It reads like the response of someone benefitting from the status quo and scaremongering any change that may impact the gravy train.

        • SingleMaltScotch says:

          Spot on. The guy outed himself as someone who took advantage of the one-sided trade and (probably) made himself wealthy on the backs of sweatshop kids in Shenzhen.

          Any company that goes bankrupt, like this yahoo hopefully does, deserves it for putting all their eggs in China’s basket.

      • Bobber says:

        It was a weak comment. Very weak.

        People who post this BS about tariffs are against US labor and for long term destruction of the country. There’s a reason why Teamsters didn’t endorse Democrats this year.

    • grimp says:

      Automation (semi or full) makes people more productive and reduces errors. From doctors to pilots to machinists to manufacturing. This is 100% a good thing for an economy.

      The longshoreman’s union can and probably does use some automation (cranes, forklifts, software) to maximize its productivity to justify the highest pay they can get. Is it true that they are trying to “stop” automation?

    • rojogrande says:

      “The US Importing company pays the tax. This is the inflationary nature of Tariffs. And again, if the supplier lowers cost the impact is less tax collected. See above.”

      Did you think through the second to last sentence of this statement? Sure if the supplier lowers the cost a little less tax will be collected since the tariff will be applied to the lower price. However, the cost reduction reduces the inflationary impact directly and still provides tax revenue to the US government. It’s a win-win for the US (increased tax revenue and limited or no price increase for consumers) and a loss for the foreign supplier. You’re basically making the case for tariffs if the market will not allow for increased prices at the retail level. On the other hand, maybe the importer is forced to absorb some or all of the tariff, which is probably your primary concern.

    • Blake says:

      You seem like you are part of the problem and can’t actually comprehend the solution. Classic beneficiary of bad policy

  5. Canadaguy says:

    Perhaps I don’t get the tariffs against Canada. So Canada’s main culprits to the trade surplus are natural resources, key minerals, oil, etc. But the US will put tariffs on Canadian goods and Canada will either put on export taxes on the natural resources or put tariffs on US goods.
    The US is already getting oil from Canada at less than the international prices.
    So really, what is the point of putting tariffs on Canada when the US is using the resources they get from Canada, at a bargain price, to more efficiently and economically produce goods?

    • Sandy says:

      There’s economic theory and there’s performance theater. Throw in some negotiating leverage for good measure.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      There should be no exception on tariffs, ideally. Just a tax on all imports, rather than an equivalent tax on income of American workers. Canada is encouraged to do the same, it too has a huge deficit and needs the revenues from tariffs, instead of taxing Canadian workers even more; it would also encourage domestic production where possible and raise taxes where not possible.

      Tariffs are better than income taxes because they push the incentives into the right direction.

      BTW, Canada already protects some industries from US imports, including dairy.

      • Freedomnowandhow says:

        But Wolf the dairy industry can be implemented far easier then replacing natural resources, oil in this instance. Not all trade imbalance is negative to the economy or tax collecting.
        Sure Walmart could start buying U S. manufactured t-shirts, but the thread is made overseas.
        The devil is in the details. If tariffs are imposed more firmly by the U S., how is the process fair? Would one favorite manufacturer, Tesla let’s say get a abstention from tariffs for cars produced in China for import in the U S. ? How would that be stopped , by Congress, the Courts or who?

        • Wolf Richter says:

          You sound like you think there are no tariffs, and Trump is trying to do some new thing. I hate to disillusion you. There are lots of tariffs by just about all countries, including the US. This is about increasing and broadening the tariffs that the US already imposes.

        • Freedomnowandhow says:

          ” . If tariffs are imposed more firmly by the U S., how is the process fair?”, that’s my words prior to your response. I think you have opened up a point of discussion, political as it is, Executive Branch makes the decisions in the U.S..

    • George says:

      I think you’re overlooking the “Protectionism” angle here. Tariffs raise prices on natural resources imported from Canada, right? Higher prices create an opportunity for domestic development in the U.S. where we can’t compete based on price.

      Tariffs mean costs/prices DO go up! That creates incentives for domestic industry to compete — which they MUST need, otherwise we wouldn’t need imports. The long-term intention is for the U.S. to grow its own trees, pump & refine its own crude etc.

      That scenario starts to look less compelling if you consider industries that are particularly destructive, like mining rare earths. One of the privileges of importing our germanium and antimony from China has been offshoring the environmental impact. So there are considerations beyond just cost.

      Retaliatory tariffs (tit-for-tax?) also raise costs — potentially incentivizing domestic industry development in Canada.

      Overall, I sympathize with your perspective which I read as, “If we make prices higher, doesn’t everyone suffer from higher prices?” And the answer is yes. We cross our fingers and hope that the second-order consequences are worth it.

  6. THEWILLMAN says:

    When a profit maximizing machine says they want to keep your prices low, don’t believe them.

  7. Matthew Scott says:

    Who will be the biggest losers in the US if there is an across the board increase in tariffs on imports? What companies will see the biggest hit to their profits?

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Losers among US companies: Importers. Among foreign companies: exporters.

      Winners: companies that manufacture in the US and companies that can figure out how to shift production to the US. But all this takes many years, as we see with the booms in the construction of factories for semiconductors, EVs, EV-batteries, etc. Not happening overnight.

      • Rick Vincent says:

        Hi Wolf,
        Thanks for the article- this has been helpful. My concern in the short-term, as you wrote, “ But all this takes many years…”

        So in the interim between the tariffs being applied to a product “X”, and the many years for US based companies to produce product “x” here stateside, won’t consumers simply have to pay a higher price since no equal to substitute exists yet produced here in the US? This could be very inflationary at the onset, no?

        Thanks for all you do (I hope I didn’t give the impression I think tariffs are BS- just trying to learn more).

        • krammy says:

          The details will matter. E.g., one could offer a 1-1 rebate of paid tariffs to companies that onshore production in X number of years. I believe it was Bessant, but could have been any of the other economic members of the team who have floated such ideas in recent months.

          The US economy is huge. Companies will do what is asked if any sort of stability appears to underpin the “new” economic model.

      • Bradsky says:

        I would add that 59% of IT sector revenues of company’s in the SP500 are offshore (Visual Capitalist). So the biggest losers would be the investors in those companies and considering their market capitalisation and earnings expectations it could get very ugly.

  8. Slick says:

    Sounds good on paper but don’t expect a bunch of tee shirt factories to pop up. Now if you’re talking about making a $200k Mercedes cost $400k I’m all in!

    • Wolf Richter says:

      “…but don’t expect a bunch of tee shirt factories to pop up.”

      I didn’t expect that either, but LOL, I was wrong, as I told Randall Hooker further up the thread:

      Walmart has now learned a lesson and has started to source even T-shirts and hoodies made in the USA (mostly by machines).

      • Freedomnowandhow says:

        …….one other thought, what stops the foreign sources of product from degrading to the quality? We’ve seen it in T.V’s and components to produce washers and dryer’s. The longevity of durable goods isn’t what it used to be with foreign manufacturers in many cases.

    • Sandy says:

      It would not be a terrible thing for Americans to break their addiction to piles of cheap stuff made in countries with extremely low wages and no environmental protections. They’ve been more than happy to trade US jobs for a TV in every room up until this point. We’ll see how long the enthusiasm for less stuff lasts.

      • Glen says:

        Hard to break addictions given the massive amount of advertising spent, although certainly don’t disagree with you. Minimizing labor costs and of course avoiding environmental concerns is how you maximize profit and that is the singular goal of our system.

        • Candyman says:

          Glad to see that we recognize the consumers are a part of the problem. How often I hear lets buy local, buy small,etc. , but when it comes time to pay….the consumer wants cheap. What happened to an educated consumer being the best customer? And btw, local and small doesn’t mean it must be higher price.

        • The Squeezed says:

          The fix is in. They are putting the ADs back into all of our media.
          Capitalism: Grow or die!

        • NBay says:

          “the fix is in”….from film Noir (like a world of tough guys and gals all up to no good…..not sure why it was there then) which they have been showing a lot of lately….Fox likes it, too, especially Hannity.

      • Flea says:

        Like refrigerator,microwaves dishwashers all junk

  9. Norton says:

    I am not sure that the increase of 25% on Alberta oil and Quebec electricity will help US economy. What out for what you wish for…

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Energy is a commodity. It dares you to raise prices when others don’t, LOL. Demand goes where prices are the cheapest… in the US.

      In addition, it will encourage the US to build more pipelines from the producing regions to the upper Midwest where the Canadian oil ends up, and building pipelines is a huge economic benefit, in addition to the benefit of importing less oil and using more of our own oil.

      Electricity purchases in the US follow demand and prices. If Canadian electrons get more expensive than US electrons, utilities will go for the cheaper. Electrons are electrons. There is no brand differentiation. That’s the purpose of tariffs. It might also encourage additional investment, which is also the purpose of tariffs.

      The anti-tariff BS here is ridiculous. I have already deleted about 20 anti-tariff BS comments. This is worse than the anti-EV BS comments in articles with EV in the headline.

      • Some Guy says:

        Ultimately, if you end up with the US shipping oil, electricity, whatever, further across the US and Canada shipping oil, electricity and whatever further across Canada, with both sides building new pipelines and hydro right of ways and so on, just to re-create the trade that was already in place and working across shorter distances with the pipelines and wires already built, then both countries are worse off for no particular benefit.

        It would be as if you drew a line between Oregon and California and said that you couldn’t ship hydro-electricity south and you couldn’t ship solar power north. California has to build more high cost electricity generation and so do Oregon and Washington, and for what? For nothing, just for the sanctity of the line on the map that you drew.

        One sided trade with China and other countries that engage in various interventions to avoid having their trade accounts balance is a different story, and I agree more with your post on that part of it Wolf.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          You’re making up problems. You don’t have to do the math for them. They know how to do the math. In addition, producing regions always have to build pipelines to get their product to market. That’s part of the deal. There are gas and oil pipelines crisscrossing the country for that reason. Same with high-voltage trunk lines. Outside of Texas, the US grid is connected, and you put electrons into it at one end, electrons become available at the other. There is a vibrant wholesale electricity market in the US, with generators selling their electrons on the spot market and utilities buying them. I don’t know what problems you’re making up.

        • Nick Kelly says:

          No means of producing power is anywhere near as cheap as hydro power, by means of falling water. Most of the precipitation in North America falls in the north. There is no equivalent in the US to the Churchill Falls site in Northern Labrador, legally part of Newfoundland but located on the mainland next to Quebec, The latter financed the harnessing of the 250 ft waterfall. For decades Quebec paid Newfoundland .2 cents per KWH, point 2 not 2 point zero. It then made billions selling it to the US. That has been renegotiated but the cost of producing the power is unchanged, except obviously for staff salaries.

          In 2023 the largest hydro site in the US, the Hoover Dam warned if Lake Mead levels continued to fall, it would have to cut power production. In the worst case, it might go ‘dead pool’ where water would not flow over the dam. The dire case was averted but as everyone can see, levels are low and future level is unpredictable. There are folks far downstream who want water flow to have priority over power.

          The theory of comparative advantage can be overdone or underdone. The immense volume of ‘fuel’ at Churchill is free, but it is where it is.

  10. Martin says:

    No inflationary consequence as domestic producers raise prices to be just a touch under the price of the imported goods? I hope my already expensive US made oven does not break!

  11. Sporkfed says:

    No one mentions the costs to the
    safety net . NAFTA killed small towns
    all across the US . Tell a factory worker
    in his or her 50’s to retrain for a new career or go work retail for a third of the previous wages that Free Trade is good for him. First world expenses on third world wages don’t work.

  12. Glen says:

    Free trade is of course relative as you grow domestic production with protectionism. The idea that we are the most free trade isn’t really true as it is a scale and there are institutions that measure it. In the end however it is irrelevant as the US chased and continues to chase low cost labor in order to maximize profits. The fact that tax payers will now subsidize corporations to build here while they make record profit and pay low taxes should be what people are upset with. Unfortunately our economic model doesn’t allow society to equally benefit from the ruling class that protects it. Otherwise Luigi wouldn’t have a 50% approval rating, well beyond any of our democratic institutions.

  13. Andrew pepper says:

    Perhaps we all forget what happens when a country goes to war. In wartime there are shortages. If vital war material comes only from abroad you will lose the war. Therefore, contrary to my Economics 101 schooling, it is better to produce all wartime material at home, as well as all the.raw materials needed to produce it.

    Additionally, we now have many immigrants who need a job. What better way than tariff the foreign high enough to force him to produce here and hire immigrants. This increases our GDP, hires Americans and would be Americans, and pays off the US deficit.

  14. SoCalBeachDude says:

    Up until federal income tax laws became effective in 1916 most if the income for the US federal government came from tariffs on goods with much of that 9onb whiskey tariffs.

    • rojogrande says:

      Tariffs are on imported goods and you’re correct that throughout the 19th century that was the primary source of Federal revenues. Most whiskey consumed in the US is and was produced domestically, however, and the taxes imposed on it are excise taxes.

      • The Squeezed says:

        Perhaps there should be an EXPORT tariff on any natural resources and basic necessities that receive a government subsidy to produce. If there is excess of these things, it should be providing value to Americans not increasing profits.

        • Marvin Gardens says:

          Congress can’t tax exports.

          Article I, Section 9, Clause 5: No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

  15. Anton says:

    While I agree that inflation was minimal from 2016-2020 when Trump imposed the first set of tariffs, I think it’s misleading to say it was totally non inflationary. I think we just failed to get much inflation from that time period because the tariffs were relatively small and did not kick in until later in the term. It took time. I think raising tariffs a lot as is the plan may kick off higher inflation this time.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Even if companies succeed in passing on all of the tariffs, which they didn’t back then as you can tell from low inflation figures at the time, even in that worst-case scenario, it’s just a one-time bump in prices. To use my example in the article of a 25% tariff on T-shirts, the retail price of those T-shirts would go from $9.99 to $10.24, but then stay at $10.24. So there would be in that worst-case scenario in this example a one-time 2.5% increase in the price of this T-shirt, and then no more increase after that.

      • Lime says:

        Wouldn’t the price of the ten dollar tee shirt with a 25% tariff become 12.50

        • Wolf Richter says:


          “Basics” #3.

          3. Tariffs are applied to the cost for the importer. If a big US retailer buys T-shirts by container loads from a factory in Bangladesh that it intends to retail in the US for $9.99 each, and if the tariff on this product is 25%, the importer (the retailer) is going to have to pay 25% in taxes on the cost from the factory. If the factory charges $1 per T-shirt, the tariff amounts to 25 cents.

        • David says:

          Why raise it to $10.24 when you could raise it to $11.24 and blame the whole increase on tarriffs? I know you’ll say something about its what the market will bear. But serious question, when inflation was significant, didn’t margins also expand in the past several years? Maybe it was Modelez who expanded margins while also increase prices due to “input costs” to levels that were never historically seen in that company. Or the shrinkflation scenario where you pay the same, but the product got a little smaller.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          There are times when everyone pays whatever. That was the case from 2021-2022. But then those times ended, and manufacturers have to CUT prices to keep their sales up, including automakers, and homebuilders too. They cannot include any tariffs now. They have to eat 100% of any tariffs. Stellantis sales have collapsed because it was trying to jack up prices too much, and it’s cutting price by huge amounts. You’re trying to deny reality.

  16. polistra says:

    More rare common sense from Wolf!

    Tariffs can be a great thing if applied in the right direction, AND if coupled with an industrial policy to ENCOURAGE local production.

    Carrot plus stick.

    Tariffs won’t do much good if government and existing monopolies block new factories.

  17. SoCalBeachDude says:

    DM: Healthcare giant Prospect with 182 hospitals and clinics spread across the US abruptly files for bankruptcy – and plots to ax facilities

    A healthcare giant, Prospect, that owns 16 hospitals in four states has filed for bankruptcy. The company, which was once an active buyer of struggling hospitals, has debts of more than $400 million. It currently has 166 clinics and employs 12,600 people. The company is attempting to sell its operations to rivals but has faced problems offloading assets in the past.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      This was the result of PE firm Leonard Green sucking the bejesus out of it before dumping it. PE firms should be barred from owning healthcare operations and facilities.

      • Jay says:

        Absolutely agree with you….

      • David says:

        Wolf, can’t recall your position on PE Firms, but do you believe there is economic benefit from PE Firms or negative effects, or both, or just a way for rich to take advantage in some way to get richer?

        • Wolf Richter says:

          They can be ok if they actually invest to improve the business. And some do. And that’s great. But others don’t, and instead heap huge amounts of debt on the acquired company in order to pay for the acquisition (leveraged buyout) and pay a special dividend and fees back the PE firm. Then the debt payments prevent the company from investing in new equipment, inventories, etc., and doing what it needs to do to thrive, and the main focus then becomes cost cutting to have enough cash to make the debt payments, and gradually the business goes to heck.

        • Franz G says:

          doesn’t the ultimate blame there lie with the lenders willing to extend these loans to these post-acquisition companies?

      • AlphaChicken says:

        It would be fascinating to find an accurate case study of a PE purchase of a firm.

        As I have been able to glean, the PE firm modus operandi is to identify a company with cashflow that can service the debt it is about to be saddled with; then saddling the company with high debt; selling off company resources, and slashing staff to maximize cashflow to the owners (who already made their money in the initial transaction). You don’t want your medical provider to be a PE believer, or under PE stress to deliver more profit.

        When I walk into a store taken over by PE, the formerly filled shelves are bare, and there are a lot fewer staff who are driven harder.

        I have the distinct impression that modern business schools simply teach leadership how to cripple businesses while providing maximum returns to the owners.

        Businesses create value and create jobs and distribute income. These are socially beneficial goals. Allowing the looting of businesses should cause law changes to prohibit that. Mafias are illegal because they are extractive, and unjust. I see little difference between the legal looting of a business and a mafia, in terms of value creation. Corporate looters and mafias are value extractors and consolidators, not value creators. They harm, not help the standard of living.

        • AlphaChicken says:

          There was an Economist magazine cover years ago, after the financial crisis, titled, “The Question of Extractive Elites”. Thought provoking, worth looking up IMO.

        • Sandy says:

          There was a big scandal in Colorado, over a year go and now settled/broken up. PE bought up all the anesthesiology practices in the area, raised prices, then started firing people. Owners were given “shares” that never materialized.

          The current MO of most PE seems to be look for regular cash flow businesses, buy them out, raise prices and gut them. PE has been buying up dentists, veterinarians, auto shops, grocery…

        • Pablo says:

          I have been a part of this, and I’m honestly torn. PE firms many times make a stagnant company more efficient which is the basis of capitalism. On the other hand, they are extractive and seek to leave a zombie company where all the economic surplus has been removed and the new shell is foisted back onto the public markets. I would never buy a newly issued PE ipo…ever. It is always a horrible investment, if it wasn’t the PE shop would be incompetent.

      • TrBond says:

        And barred from the “Carried Interest “ enormous tax benefit for the principals that somehow they manage to maintain year after year.

      • CrazyDoc says:

        Yes, PE firms should not be involved in any operations that provide an important societal function (needs vs wants)

  18. Bear Hunter says:

    Could get very interesting with rare earths etc. Seems like we are going backwards and will have even less reason to get along.

    Will most Americans see any benefit from protectionism? Perhaps in decades, but you have four years for it to work and not cause inflation.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      “rare earths” are not rare at all. They’re abundant in the US and elsewhere. But they’re very messy and complicated to separate and refine, so much of the production was offshored, creating this terrible dependence on China. The US is the second largest producer of rare earths, mostly at the Mountain Pass facility in California’s Mojave Desert.

      • Publius says:

        Wasn’t the company shipping the mined rare earth metals to China for processing because they couldn’t do it as well (or clean enough)? That was a couple years ago, though.

    • CSH says:

      Tariffs are not inflationary — they lower the deficit, thus they operate to counter inflation. Deficit spending is currently about 6-7% of GDP and not offset by increased tax revenue or producitivity. It is a major contributor to inflation.

      And tariffs are not going away in 4 years either. The first round began in 2017. There’s increasing support for bringing even more industry back to the USA and tariffs will be a major policy tool in accomplishing that.

  19. Coil says:

    It’s so sad that the rest of the world is kicking our ass economically.

    • John H. says:

      China, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, UK, the entire Mideast, most of South and Central America, and North Korea might disagree with your butt-kicking statement.

      ROW is not in particularly great economic shape, IMHO.

      The US desire to equalize trade terms seems like good strategy and good timing, keeping in mind that tariffs can move up AND DOWN. Once tariff increases are enacted, the US trade policy theme will gradually shift toward negotiating for mutually beneficial tariff REDUCTIONS. Sort of a left jab/right upper-cut strategy, one might hope.

      • NBay says:

        Is everybody’s time so damn valuable that things like “ROW” are now necessary? Damn! everyone must have 3 jobs!
        PS: Really wasn’t too informative or original comment/thought, anyway….mostly air…..I mean MA.
        Back to much more important things for me.

    • NBay says:

      Although it has an immense value when texting friends in a middle school class. Relative taught 7th for over 20 years and said they were REALLY GAI.

  20. Midwest Ralph says:

    How do the tariffs work if I partially assemble my product outside the US and then finish it in the US? Let’s say I make cars in Mexico, but ship them over the border and do the paint job in the US and then send send them off to the dealers to retail. No tariff for me?

    Can I buy the T-shirt factory to dodge the tariff? Or does that just force me to pay the 25% tariff on the whole $10 they retail for instead of the $1 I would pay if I bought it from the factory?

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Tariffs are applied to the cost of the import. It doesn’t matter who owns the manufacturing plant in the foreign country. If you own the plant in the foreign country, you still pay tariffs when you import from your plant, like GM would have to pay tariffs on its Buick Envision, which it manufactures in China, and imports into the US.

      • Midwest Ralph says:

        How are the tariffs decided on a partially finished good or a subassembly that goes into a finished product that is completed in the US?

        • Wolf Richter says:

          As I said, tariffs are applied to the cost of the imported product, in other words to the price invoiced by the factory in the country that made it. It doesn’t matter what happens to the part after it arrives in the US, that’s totally irrelevant.

  21. 1stTDinvestor says:

    Our Stockholder culture will continue to maximize profits forever and ever, the end.

    People are too addicted to, and accustomed to, low prices on imported goods. That behavior is deeply entrenched. They won’t stop that behavior. They will just pay more for the “common good” principles behind the tariffs that Wolf discussed in this article in the long run. Why? Because of this pesky stockholder culture in search of ever increasing profits.

    Consumer behavior won’t ever change. The consumers will just demand higher wages to cover the ever increasing costs of the shit they just must have. Wage price spirals and ever increasing corporate profits the result.

    That’s my prediction.

    • Sandy says:

      Possibly. Another undiscussed factor is the supply chain risk when all you do is import. Much of Europe has had to do a major shuffle on fuels due to Russia/Ukraine. Think about the Great Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020, imagine if we were reliant on imports.

      More onshoreing reduces security risks. I would rather see more of our money stay here.

      • Canadian says:

        Worth mentioning that the shuffling of reliance upon Russian energy sources has led to increased partnering/reliance upon American sources.

        Food for thought.

  22. Random guy 62 says:

    The passage of tariffs on manufactured equipment from Mexico would be a massive positive impact to our Midwestern manufacturing operation. Our competitor south of the border has been soaking up ever more market share since the passage of NAFTA. I am highly skeptical and not getting my hopes up that Perot’s “giant sucking sound” could possibly run in reverse for a change.

    If the tariffs do actually happen and they stick, I lose a bet with my father that results in me getting an “I love Trump” tattoo on my rear end, despite not being a fan.

    We will see soon… :)

  23. Richard says:

    Would the physical delivery of a future’s contract at its expiration be considered an import if the seller had to source the underlying asset from an external location?

    This concern has recently created a significant divergence with the CME’s GC gold futures from spot XAU/USD contract, which will encourage liquidity away from the United States.

  24. jeff says:

    Interesting article with even more interesting details. I pick out point 8 “Foreign manufacturers can avoid tariffs by producing in the US”.

    Foreign manufacturers can even be more “encouraged” to move their production to USA by disrupting the energy supply in their home countries causing energy prices to spike and therefore making little or no economical sense to continue production in their home countries.

    In order to survive, the manufacturers will have to make a “well considered” decision by moving their production facilities “voluntary” to other countries, such as USA.

    Ooohhh wait…. This process is actually already going on.

  25. GAIL says:

    The folks who b*tch about applying intelligent tariffs and opine about how perfect the post GFC “Cheap Imports” US/European hyper-finacialized economies are the same people who have thrived off the free money global shadow banking economy, all courtesy of the zero-bound interest rates and near-zero carrying costs on $44 to $70 trillion (estimates range) in uncollaterialized loans and derivatives in offshore dollars (Eurodollars) dumped for at least 2 decades by Western Central Banker printing machines. Inflation and recapitalization at deflated mark to market values is the cost of the collapse of this financial parasitic system. The only way out is to rebuild real core economies based hard assets, reindustrialization, unmanipulated commodities valuations, and balanced trade. Tariffs that incentivize both sides of the trade to optimize their range of resources put every trading partner on more equal and secure footing. China, Russia, India, and the Global South are done being the West’s “gas stations” and child/unskilled labor hunting grounds. They are already making these moves and all our idiotic punitive sanctions are mill stones sinking the Western cruise ship.

    • WB says:

      “China, Russia, India, and the Global South are done being the West’s “gas stations”

      Not sure I understand this comment. The U.S. is the #1 exporter of fossil fuels and the worlds largest refiner of distillates (gasoline). So I guess, we should be charging the rest of the world more for our resources and know-how?

      Enlighten us Gail.

  26. rational says:

    Thanks for the explanation Wolf. In theory, if tariffs are imposed even handedly and with specific policies in mind (e.g. boost domestic production of electronic chips), they may work for the USA. However, I am very skeptical that the incoming administration has the country’s interests at heart. My understanding is the President can arbitrarily carve out exceptions (of course they will have some “rationale” to justify that) for anybody. So they will get kickbacks from companies and favor them by carving out exceptions or otherwise not impacting them much. Judging by the torrent of million dollar donations and rapid bending of the knee by various billionaires, it appears they understand what they are up against and bribing accordingly.

    Policy is one thing. Implementation is quite another. Tariffs appears to be a policy with enough room for corruption.

  27. Waiono says:

    SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Supertanker freight rates jumped after the U.S. expanded sanctions on Russian oil trade and sent traders rushing to book ships to pick up supply from other countries to go to China and India, shipbrokers and traders said.

    Europe seems caught in the middle. Went along with the US on the Ukraine war, had their cheap Russian gas blown away(literally) and is stuck buying US gas at much higher prices. I think they call that ‘fighting for democracy’. Now Trump will have a vast export field of fracked gas to play on…

    • Tom says:

      I believe that Biden ..not Trump did these restrictions…along with US drilling restrictions.

  28. CRV says:

    It all could work. Tariffs here in Europa are ridiculously high. As they will not come down on their own, the US should meet them equally.
    But i’m missing the imbalance in the issuance and use of currency, the biggest export article the US produces and highly depends on.
    That should also be included in the mix. Which should lead to competition on that front.
    I’m all for that. Competition on production and quality, winning the customer. And not on quantity and power, forcing the customer.

  29. Pablo says:

    Real world example. I am buying a lot of uniforms (in the high single digit millions) , there is a middleman supplier, that supplier gets them from China. We would like to buy it US made for a number of reasons but the cost is about 40% more. A tariff, combined with lead time tilts the scale to the american supplier, however I am still paying more for the same product. I’m glad a factory in NC can stay open, and more may come, but I still pay more.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      But your transportation costs will go down if you buy from a domestic supplier, other costs as well since it’s easier to deal with a domestic supplier. Lead times may go down. There are lots of benefits from buying closer to home.

      • Matt B says:

        I’m all for the advantages of reshoring manufacturing, but I still think there’s a distinction between tariffs as a tax on some kind of excess profit from foreign suppliers, and tariffs as an incentive to bring the jobs back here. The economic arguments in Wolf’s article that prices won’t increase seems to only apply in the former case, while price increases would seem to be necessary for the latter. If the price of uniforms then goes up 40%, it’s possible that that could be offset by commensurate wage increases, but only after a lag period and only by assuming those jobs won’t be automated away, and I would worry about a reverse China Shock if this transition were made in as ham-handed a way as it was done when we opened up trade. Arguing that tariffs are always and everywhere a good thing isn’t any better than arguing that free trade is.

        I think everyone’s concern is that so far Trump has shown little indication of the kind of nuance or understanding or even temperament that something like rebalancing the entire global trade system would require.

  30. ShortTLT says:

    I was curious how tarriffs might affect the car parts market – OEM and aftermarket – so I had a look around my garage…

    Oils & fluids: all made in USA. Both Honda fluids and aftermarket (Kirkland 5w30, shop pro power steering, peak coolant).

    K&N oil filters: made in USA. Can’t remember where the cabin air filter was made but prob USA.

    AEM engine air filter: made in USA. The CAI ducting is from K&N, also made in USA.

    Spectra intercooler: made in China. The ETS-brand intercooler I really wanted used to be made in USA.

    Duralast swaybar links & CV joints: made in China.

    TRQ lower control arms: made in Taiwan.

    Progress Tech rear Swaybar: made in USA.

    OEM Honda swaybar bushings: “assembled” in USA

    OEM Honda coolant reservior cap: made in Japan (!) – but I got this on ebay, not thru a dealership.

    I’ll be picking up an OEM oil dipstick and PCV valve today, which I predict will say made in USA.

    • WB says:

      With all the money you have been making on your TLT short, I bet you have one heck of a hot rod!

      • ShortTLT says:

        2011 RDX with 192k miles on it LOL.

        But I’m making ~50hp over stock which is cool.

        I only allocated a tiny % of my portfolio to the TLT puts. Of course I wish I put more money on that trade…

        • WB says:

          Well I don’t have the balls to short treasuries, but I did buy a bunch of XRP with money I could stand to lose, and I definitely wish I bought more, but I look at crypto as gambling on a future tokenized monetary system, which is insane.

          Trust and real “money-good” collateral are already in short supply. Seems like humanity has to keep re-learning the same lessons.

        • ShortTLT says:

          The reason I can confidently cost-avg down when the puts drop in price is because of my conviction that future interest rates will be higher. They are actually quite volatile and bounce around a lot in price but I use that to my advantage with limit orders.

          Can’t say the same for crypto.

    • ShortTLT says:

      Dipstick and PCV valve – made in Japan!

      Pretty sure these are the only authentically Japanese parts of this car.

    • ApartmentInvestor says:

      My advice has always been “if it will leave you walking don’t buy the cheap part made in China”. P.S. In almost 50 years around cars and car guys I have never heard of anyone buying a new oil dipstick (since 99.999% of the time it is safe in the engine and only removed for a couple seconds to wipe and then check the oil). P.P.S. I wish every car had a dipstick (I hate it that the 997.2 does not have one)…

      • ShortTLT says:

        “never heard of anyone buying a new oil dipstick”

        I broke the handle off mine a few weeks ago when replacing the intercooler.

    • James says:

      How does one “assemble” a bushing,thought was just extruded/molded rubber.

      Took a quick peak in garage,use Wix filters and made in USA.s

  31. Kent says:

    The downside of tariffs (IMHO), though I’m not saying the downsides outweigh the upsides:
    1. The revenue diminishes over time as production is moved to the US. So if the revenue is used to offset other tax cuts, the fiscal deficit will simply grow back worse over time.

    2. If tariffs aren’t simply across the board, Congress will step in over time to give their donors exemptions, again, diminishing returns over time. Tariffs will quickly begin to look like corporate income taxes with a million exemptions needing sophisticated tax attorneys to sprinkle their pixie dust.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      If your #1 happens, that would be AWESOME! Manufacturing in the US generates a lot of tax revenues for the federal, state, and local governments. Any new highly skilled job created in the US generates revenues. Factories create secondary and tertiary activities that generate revenues at all levels. The impact of manufacturing is huge. That’s why offshoring of production is such a big problem.

      Your #2. Yes, we have always had the best Congress money can buy. But that’s not just on the issue of tariffs. That’s on every issue.

  32. MitchV says:

    Back in the 60s and 70s, when duties and tariffs were higher, we had a lot of small branch plants in Canada. In those days, most were satellites of American companies. This was a way of bypassing tariffs. These created some employment in Canada, but those plants tended to do light assembly and warehousing. Most of the head office jobs stayed in the home country: the executive jobs, the research, the engineering, and much of the sub component sourcing. These branch plants will add jobs to the economy, but they are not always good jobs.

    It seems we might be heading back in that direction. But things have changed. Most manufactured products come from Asia, and even branch plant operations will be more mechanized.

  33. Mike R. says:

    The US economy is a distorted mess that has evolved over the past 50 years.

    Running a large trade deficit was never considered a problem as long as the rest of the world “knew (or was kept in) its place”. That obviously has changed. Early outsourcing of American manufacturing was clearly a win from the politician’s view; but again, America was king.

    Tariffs are but just one piece of all of this. The cost of manufacturing in this country is still way higher than these 3rd world countries and I’m not just talking about labor costs. America became much less competitive overall when we cleaned up the environment and enacted all sorts of regulations (OSHA, American Disability Act, to name a few) that make building and operating a factory much more expensive here.

    Tariffs will raise the cost of imported goods, no question. The effect of that is unknown but I would guess that in some instances, demand will drop and volumes will shrink just as has happened after the Fed’s inflation impulse coming out of COVID. There is only so much discretionary income in the US, unless the Federal deficit is raised even further. If the deficit is cut substantially, you will see a huge drop in discretionary purchasing that will likely end in a severe ongoing depression.

  34. alexandros says:

    did lutnik say that ? cause i just checked and its 33% – 11% duty +20% VAT to important a US car into France .

  35. WB says:

    Yes, Wolf gets it right. Tariffs are a consumer tax that can benefit U.S. manufacturing, if implemented smartly and evenly, we don’t need more of the “all companies are equal but some are more equal than others” bullshit. As Kent points out, K-street has a way of ruining the best laid plans.

    Given the current state of politics and “rule of law” in the country, how do you think this is going to turn out?

    Hedge accordingly.

  36. AK47 says:

    It’s striking to me how many commenters here don’t read the article before commenting. The question is do they not read, or do they not comprehend?

  37. John in San Diego says:

    Great column, Wolf, thank you.

  38. Simonetics says:

    Great column. thank you

    “And if we bring new stuff to the U.S., what’s the marginal effect of the marginal cost? Don’t forget that the tariff affects the price level when it goes in, not the long-run inflation rate..”
    Was there any evidence of this from the last set of tariffs?

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Yes. There is either no impact on inflation, or if there is, it’s a one-time bump.

      The set of tariffs he was part of didn’t actually increase inflation. Inflation was low and stayed low. And so there was no impact from the tariffs on inflation.

      The tariffs were announced starting in the first half of 2018 in steps, and in June 2018 they were broadened to include the EU, Mexico, and Canada. CPI was 2.8% in June and 2.9% in July 2018, and then declined to 1.5% by January 2019 and for most of 2019 stayed in the range between 1.5% and 2.0%. So there was no visible impact from the tariffs.

      But even if tariffs had increased inflation last time, it would have been by definition a one-time bump in prices (that T-shirt becomes 25 cents more expensive, to use my example) during the time the tariffs become effective, so that is the one-time bump, and in the years that follow, it’s back to the normal inflation on T-shirts, if any.

  39. Dumb Idiot says:

    Wolf thank you for this article what does this mean for me portfolio will it keep going up

  40. Venkarel says:

    I hope that Congress under Trump also address the Jones Act as the next step to building a robust manufacturing economy back into the United States.

  41. Jdavis says:

    Nice explanation, thanks. I hate when academic pursuits become political, but I guess with economics there is no escaping that. Addressing the trade deficit with China is one of the things I agree with Trump about. Glad to hear you think tariffs will help. But since people vote based on how well their life has gone in the years a party is in office, I am guessing this decision will be hard on the Republicans since, short term, it will sting the wallet of the voter most likely.

  42. rational says:

    Apparently there will be a new department “External Revenue Service” to collect these taxes, er I mean tariffs. More gubmint 😅

    • Sandy says:

      Well, you have to factor in that greed drives everything. If there’s money involved, the Players want a piece.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Tariffs are already being collected. They’re not new. They’re the classic revenue source of the federal government, predating income taxes. It’s a well-oiled machine. Just under-utilized.

  43. Ambrose Bierce says:

    5. when the states started raising sales tax (north of 8%) the retailers absorbed the tax. but 8% is much less that say 20% and that number has pretty much plateaued, so the room for tariffs on top of sales taxes and SALES TAX LEVIED ON TARIFFS is going to be a tough sell.

    • Wolf Richter says:


      “Basic item #3”:

      “3. Tariffs are applied to the cost for the importer. If a big US retailer buys T-shirts by container loads from a factory in Bangladesh that it intends to retail in the US for $9.99 each, and if the tariff on this product is 25%, the importer (the retailer) is going to have to pay 25% in taxes on the cost from the factory. If the factory charges $1 per T-shirt, the tariff amounts to 25 cents.”

      On that $9.99 T-shirt:

      8% sales tax = 80 cents.
      20% tariff = 20 cents.

      • James says:

        What is this “sales tax” you mention?,James says snickering from New Hampshire.

  44. ru82 says:

    Headline from Washington Post. LOL

    China’s Trade Surplus Reaches a Record of Nearly $1 Trillion
    China’s vast exports in 2024 exceeded its imports on a scale seldom seen anywhere except during or immediately after the two world wars.

  45. Tom S. says:

    I think an underdiscussed point here is that tariffs are applied to different stages of production, so the impact will really vary depending on the product, where it’s at in the manufacturing process, and the industry. Tariffs on oil from Canada could have different effects than tariffs on completed vehicles from China.

    The supply chain I know well is automotive. I’d wager that tariffs on goods that end up in new vehicles are going to cause higher new vehicle prices in the US. Look at what happened to prices during all the component shortages in 2021-2022. If the idea is to create an artificial scarcity to change the economics of part production in the US, I anticipate waiting a long time for manufacturing to return from Mexico.

    And lastly, there is a political angle to protectionist policy, and we can’t forget that these are negotiations between nations, so I will also submit that peaceful trade is good trade.

    • Sams says:

      Well, large corporations are in the position to game the system. They have the parts made outside the USA, imported them at less than cost to pay as little as possible tarrifs. Then make up the deficit at the offshore partner by financial transactions.

      It is a variation on how to place the profit where the tax is the lowest, often by quite opaque arrangements.

      • Wolf Richter says:

        Right now, corporations are bringing in parts at MAXIMUM cost, invoiced through their mailbox company in a third country with a low corporate tax rate, such as Ireland, thereby leaving a big part of the profit in Ireland, and not paying US income taxes on it (companies only pay US taxes on US income, not on global income), until they “repatriate” the profits, LOL.

        This income-splitting is for tax purposes. For their quarterly and annual financial reports to investors, there is no such thing, it’s all reported closer to reality.

        So your theory of trying to dodge tariffs would cause them to lose their income-splitting tax dodge, which would be the far greater tax cost.

        • Tom S. says:

          Absolutely, if there’s a tax to go after it’s insurance companies “headquartered” in the Cayman Islands and tech companies in Ireland.

  46. Tom V. says:

    Michael Porter would beg to differ. Empirically, via an examination of prices over the coming months and years, we shall see who had a better grasp of how tariffs function.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Michael Porter started the offshoring dogma in the US with his book, “The Competitive Advantage,” which I had to read in grad school in the mid-1980s when I was getting my MBA. That guy is the original culprit in the destruction of American manufacturing. He has done immense damage to the US. His book and theory, later multiplied with another book, “The Competitive Advantage of Nations,” were academic baloney. But people and policymakers took them as the Bible. And now we got a $1.1 trillion a year trade deficit, and that huge and ballooning trade deficit has proven him wrong every day for the past three decades.

  47. Rico says:

    This is such a great country. Always has been even when times were tough and I was washing dishes for 2 years. The negativity and anger is so sad. There is no good reason for this MAGA speak of the country gone to hell. It tears us down. It’s a beautiful prosperous country of opportunity and a great history. I hope all the promised changes don’t screw it up.

    • Anthony A. says:

      While greed has ruined many great nations, they don’t fail in total until their military loses its hold on the land. So we have some time yet.

  48. Sams says:

    I do appreciate and agree in Wolfe’s argumentation against those that say tariffs are all bad and all costs will be conveyed to the consumer. Still there are secondary effects that may play out, good, bad, interesting and probably some totally unexpected.

    Large corporations may choose to “game” the system. They may have the parts made outside the USA, imported them at less than cost to pay as little as possible tariffs. Then make up the deficit at the offshore partner by financial transactions. It is a variation on how to place the profit where the tax is the lowest, often by quite opaque arrangements.

    Another variation on this is where the profit from manufacturing is moved offshore. Control of capital movement may be a follow on to tariffs. China have practiced this for a long time, others may follow.

    Then there is export tariffs and export control where countries limit export on for example commodities to rather export refined products of finished items. This is probably not a big problem for the USA and others that can source and refine most commodities locally. Others may face challenges.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Right now, corporations are bringing in parts at MAXIMUM cost, invoiced through their mailbox company in a third country with a low corporate tax rate, such as Ireland, thereby leaving a big part of the profit in Ireland, and not paying US income taxes on it (companies only pay US taxes on US income, not on global income), until they “repatriate” the profits, LOL.

      This income-splitting is for tax purposes. For their quarterly and annual financial reports to investors, there is no such thing, it’s all reported closer to reality.

      So your theory of trying to dodge tariffs would cause them to lose their income-splitting tax dodge, which would be the far greater tax cost.

  49. Dan says:

    The unemployment rate is 4.4% despite large amounts of immigration… won’t we just end up importing more people to work these new jobs? I get the logic for critical things (CHIPS act, etc) but generally speaking I’d rather import the foreign shirts than the foreigners who makes shirts.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      There are already 7 million people in the US who are unemployed looking for work. So employers need to create jobs for them. Immigration, despite Trump’s rhetoric, will continue, but hopefully at a slower rate than the 3 million a year we saw over the last two years. So maybe 1 million a year, including legal immigration. These people need jobs! And Americans need good jobs, and manufacturing jobs are good highly skilled jobs. What’s your problem with that? What kind of American would say that we need fewer manufacturing jobs, as you just did? What kind of BS is this?

  50. Eddie says:

    See, providing a fair assessment without the liberal Woke BS wasn’t so hard. Although tariffs won’t help very much with the enormous deficits.

  51. MitchV says:

    For almost everyone here I believe people are thinking about Americas buying of hard goods. Yet America can expect countervailing duties.

    If I were a rest-of-world country, I would figure out a way for posing countervailing tarrifs not just on American hard goods but also on software, and services like hosting, consulting, contracting and streaming services. I would also make public policies to encourage more buying from countries that offer free trade.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Countries already do everything you suggest, plus some, including outright blocking US services, and requiring transfer of data and IP from those services to the country’s government.

      • MitchV says:

        Sure some countries do, to varying degrees, but many don’t or do so quite minimally. An an across the board tarrifs will cause many more, even allies, to take countervailing action. Why not punish those who do it? Rifle approach rather than grenade.

        • Wolf Richter says:

          Tariffs are NOT punishment. They’re way of raising taxes from the gross profits of importers (including US companies), and they’re way of changing the math for domestic production. Bringing manufacturing to the US is NOT punishment of anyone.

  52. Mohan says:

    Wolf, Thank you for the wonderful and sensible article. Tariffs are definitely good to fill the trade deficit gap(at least partially). As Tariffs may strengthen dollar, it may also lower exports. Hopefully, delta is in favor of US.

  53. Gary says:

    “Corporate America perennially in search of cheap labor…” That is capitalism. However, it doesn’t make any sense to have tariffs to protect USA companies and then deport their workers back South across the border. If they can walk through the jungle to reach the USA, there isn’t a television reality show “dirty jobs” that they can’t do.

  54. Vlad the Impaler says:

    I think American workers, especially the working and middle class, will benefit from tariffs, it’s a good idea. With that said, two things concern me: 1. Doesn’t a less globalized, more tariff-heavy world result in a slower GDP growth worldwide? 2. Will applying tariffs to our allies (Canada, EU, Japan, Australia, etc) result in a weaker geopolitical strength of the US especially to be able to confront China in case of a conflict?

  55. Joe says:

    Thanks for the well written article. Its amazing how little understanding so many have about tariffs. They simply keep parroting what they hear in the news. Another one is inflation. So much confusion between price inflation and monetary inflation – all too often they are seen as one and the same. They are not. Maybe this is an area for investigation by some capable psychologists – how come so many people believe as gospel what they hear in the news?

  56. James says:

    While I am not opposed to tariffs feel perhaps we want some stuff made overseas.

    My friend sells medical grade gloves and when I mentioned how they are all made overseas he says some of the processes to make them you might not want in your back yard,am sure there are many other products that also produce a lot of nasty unwanted waste.

    I will also say perhaps we need to find ways to not produce the ugly waste anywhere if possible.

  57. Stacey says:

    This is an excellent article. It should be on the official page of the new administration! Very straightforward and easy to understand.

  58. JOC says:

    Nice piece.
    My take: I think the problem with tariffs as a means of raising tax revenue is it’s very hard to know who pays the tax. Consumers? Not if the cost increase isn’t fully passed on. Shareholders? Maybe if the cost increase isn’t fully passed on. Employees or suppliers? Might get squeezed too.

    There is no way to know, I presume. It probably varies by product.

    I view tariffs as analogous to the corporate tax. Who really pays the tax?

  59. Sherman Hutchison says:

    I recon that America’s economic arrangement of the past 40 years was essentially a bleed-out. Stop manufacturing domestically, start spending our domestic funds on all levels to import goods from afar as a mostly one way direction, and then start offshoring even shitty jobs like call center work. I mean at this point, American corporations might as we uproot completely and relocate their entire business model to India, Philippines etc, there won’t be anyone left here with any money

  60. Ch says:

    Regarding Point 5, “Companies are already charging the maximum amount they can and still obtain their sales goals. If they raise prices to pass on the tariffs, sales may fall. Whether or not the retailer can raise the price of the T-shirt to $10.24 without pulling the rug out from under the desired sales volume is decided by the market, not by the retailer, and the retailer may find that it has to eat the tariffs.”

    This will play out product by product, depending on what share of a product is produced in specific countries and how substitutable that product is for other products. For example, if Bangladesh produces 90% of the world’s t-shirts, and a 60% tariff is slapped on Bangladesh, we can expect the price of t-shirts to rise significantly because nobody is able to source their product elsewhere. Sales of t-shirts will likely go down because the price goes up, and perhaps people buy and wear polo shirts made in a low tariff Pakistan instead because they’re cheaper, and America becomes better dressed.

    Point 7, protection of IP: I have long been amazed at how short-sighted corporate America is that they handed their IP to China in exchange for higher short-term margins. Did Apple not anticipate that they’d become an iPhone-only company in a world where 6 other Chinese companies would be making and selling cheap iphones (lowercase “p”)?

    • Wolf Richter says:

      “if Bangladesh produces 90% of the world’s t-shirts, and a 60% tariff is slapped on Bangladesh, we can expect the price of t-shirts to rise significantly because nobody is able to source their product elsewhere.”

      Nope. That’s exactly the kind of anti-tariff propaganda that has infested US thinking for decades: Even Walmart has now started to source even T-shirts and hoodies made in the USA (mostly by machines).

      If you can automate much of the production of a product, you can make it at a competitive cost in the US because robots cost about the same anywhere, and you save on a lot of other expenses, including shipping, tariffs, delays, losses at sea and elsewhere…

      • Freedomnowandhow says:

        Wolf, had been stated many times “services” are approx. 60% of the U.S., G.D.P. . Very little of that would be affective with tax revenue from raising tariffs?
        Little has been said about Trump’s first tariff increase, which you have highlighted in this post. After the steel and aluminum tariffs were imposed , China raised their tariff on Corn and Soybeans imported from the U.S.. With a bumper worldwide increase in those harvested grains, and natural climate change events, prices per bushel for U.S. crop production decreased.
        Congress had to pass a resolution of billions to support the U.S. farm industry from decay. Farmers in general don’t want a handout, but will take them when needed, along with the paper work and red tape.
        Is there a actual account of how much tax revenue has been gained with the increased tariffs imposed from 2017 to date?

        • Wolf Richter says:

          Soybeans are a commodity that is priced on global commodities markets, unrelated to tariffs. They swing massively. They collapse, and then they soar. They did soar in 2021 and 2022 massively, and then they plunged again, unrelated to tariffs, and in line with other commodities that soared and then plunged. Blaming global commodities pricing on tariffs in a cherrypicked manner is exactly the kind of BS that the globalization mongers have used to create this huge trade deficit the US has.

          And US farmers have gotten subsidies and bailouts and handouts since time immemorial, unrelated to tariffs. Go check the farm bills.

  61. Freedomnowandhow says:

    The pandemic wasn’t relevant at that time period. Something to keep in mind with a open forum of relevant researched data. Yhanks

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