The WOLF STREET Mugs Have Finally Arrived: If You’re on the “Mug List,” Please Read This

If your address changed since getting on the Mug List, please let me know by email.

By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET.

Dear Readers and Donors, the shrinkflation mugs have finally arrived – beautifully imprinted with the same design as the original mugs that I ran out of. They’re slender  and taller. And they’re smaller (12 oz. instead of 15 oz). But they’re what I could get.

If you moved since you were added to the Mug List, please send your new shipping address details to I will start sending out the mugs this weekend.

There are a lot of mugs to send, and since the WOLF STREET media mogul empire warehouse operation isn’t every efficient, I will spread out the shipments over the next couple of weeks, starting in chronological order of the Mug List, First In, First Out. I will send you an email when the mug ships. Thank you for your patience! (Click on the image to enlarge):

It has been a long story of messed-up supply chains. I reordered the original mugs on May 31, 2021. By September 2021, it became clear that production of the original blank glass mug wasn’t happening. In November 2021, I ran out of the remaining original mugs, and there was still no production date of the blank mugs.

After I ran out, I started the Mug List. The mugs are a thank-you gift for donations of $100 or more (details here). Donors who wanted a mug sent me their shipping details, which I added to the mug list.

By June 2022, I could still not nail down a production date of the original blank mug. So I asked our readers whether to wait until the original blank mug gets produced, with no guarantees that it would ever be produced again; or grab the blank mugs that I could get and run with them. Lots of responses in both directions. So I decided to grab the mugs I could get.

Thank you for your patience.

Enjoy reading WOLF STREET and want to support it? You can donate. I appreciate it immensely. Click on the mug to find out how:

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  32 comments for “The WOLF STREET Mugs Have Finally Arrived: If You’re on the “Mug List,” Please Read This

  1. THEWILLMAN says:

    The supply chain crisis is over!

    • sunny129 says:

      ‘Fighting the Fed’ does pay, at least so far!

      As long the power of perception (hopium++) reigns over the reality, ‘fighting the Fed’ has been losers’ game.

      This (contradiction) is what I terribly failed to discern during post GFC period. B/c my past adhering to the fundamentals. But NO more, this a ‘rigged’ game from the very start (’09) Now this is a ‘traders’ mkt (CASINOS?) with crazy volatility.

      Swing trading has been successful so far to the positive side. May be if inflation number in September, stronger than 8.5%, this could change. If below, 8.0% expect the bubble to extending further. Either way I am prepared. Having 40%-50% cash does help. Energy and Natural gas keep climbing. So is the Coal!
      This is NOT for every one, just experienced nimble trader only.

      • The Real Tony says:

        At least there’s all those other countries around the world to compare the inflation rate for August to. So we’ll know if the figure is credible or not out of America. So far I’m reading 8.7 for the month of August.

        • sunny129 says:

          With US $,remaining strong, USA is exporting inflation to other countries especially EM mkts.
          Europe on an average is around 8.7% although some in the Eastern Europe have up to 20%. China and Japan have less than 3%!

        • Flea says:

          It’s double what ,theyreport can’t buy hamburger for lesss than 4$ a pound 100% increase in 2 years add that up and see inflation rate

  2. Anthony A. says:

    New mug design looks great!

    This can be called the “inflation version” since it holds less for the same price! (just kidding)

    Please delete if this post isn’t appropriate.

    • David H says:

      HA! Thanks for the laugh.

    • Wisdom Seeker says:

      Marketing always adapts to circumstances:

      New “Slender” Style!

      Taller Than Ever Before!

      Fewer Calories Per Serving!

      Elite Low-Caliber ’22 Design!

      Same Great Taste – Fewer Trips to the Restroom!

      P.S. Glad Wolf made the executive call to get the new mugs – The WolfStreet Mug will not go to Heck in a Straight Line!

      • rojogrande says:

        “The WolfStreet Mug will not go to Heck in a Straight Line!”

        It will if you have a few too many and drop it on the patio. :-)

  3. Poor like you says:

    Nice mug shot.

  4. andy says:

    The new tall one is pretty cool. Modern.

  5. rick m says:

    muggy weather produces mugs!

    • Anthony A. says:

      100 F and 60% humidity down this way (south Texas). I can’t wait to fill that tall mug with a frosty cold one!

      • andy says:

        Nice and perfect here in SF. We do not keep track of temps or humidity, but cold beer is always great. ;-)

        Wolf should do another wolfstreeters gathering here. I attended the last one, brought two cases of cold stella.

  6. NoPrep says:

    New mug, size wise, appears to be car-friendly++ Should fit into most cup-holders that I’ve seen. Intelligent design.

    Maybe I’ll end up with one but I’ve never been a large donor. I do support this unique and useful business with something more or less quarterly, and it’s time soon.

    As much as I like the new one, I do think it’s the legendary fat original mug that will be valued much higher in the world famous Kovel’s collectibles price guide originated by Ralph and Terry Kovel.

    • buda atum says:

      “….I do think it’s the legendary fat original mug that will be valued much higher in the world….”

      My feeling too. Pity shipping to Blighty is a leg and an arm and a kidney.

  7. Goodtimes says:

    Stock market is back to greatness, junk company penny stocks recovering, meme stocks going up crazy, good times are back again

  8. rick m says:

    Every day there’s nothing going on in the tropics or the Gulf is a good weather day. Cool onshore breeze from thunderstorms, very pleasant at 82 for August.

  9. BMOC says:

    Perfect mug for an 11.2oz/330ml imported brewski. Wolf hits it out of the park again!

  10. Swamp Creature says:

    This mug looks good. These mugs aren’t made in China are they?

    • Arizona Slim says:

      Precisely the question that I have. I know that Krystal and Saagar (of “Breaking Points” fame) produce their coffee mugs in the USA, so I don’t think that producing beer mugs here would be that big of a stretch.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      I don’t know about the blank mug. I cannot get that info. But in terms of my total costs, the blank mug is the smallest part. The biggest part is shipping costs from the wholesaler to the mug printer, from the mug printer to me (on pallets), from me to you (FedEx), all of it 100% USA, and then the printing costs (100%) USA.

      The cost of the blank mug is about 10% of my total costs.

      • Swamp Creature says:


        So I take it the blank mug may be made in China?

        • Wolf Richter says:

          Could be. If Arc made it, it was likely made in the US. The original mug was made by Arc.

          The other big US glass mug manufacturer, Libbey, went bankrupt before the pandemic. As part of its exit deal from bankruptcy, it shut down all its glass manufacturing plants in the US except for one (a stemware plant in Ohio, which gave the company lots of incentives to keep the plant open). And then it set up manufacturing plants in China. So if Libbey made the mug, the mug likely came from China.

  11. dasripper says:

    I have two of the old school fatty ones, may be wiling to entertain a trade with someone if the glass quality is the same on the new design.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      “Muscular and stocky” not “fatty,” please :-]

    • Swamp Creature says:

      I would not give up one of my old Wolf Street mugs for anything. Put one on Ebay for $300 and got multiple offers. Turned them all down. I’m keeping both of them.

  12. Otishetrzz says:

    I’m waiting for the 4oz shot glass with a pinky handle and graduated lines printed on the side in a logarithmic scale that goes from zero on the bottom to 2oz on top with solar powered sippy straw lid with LED lights shining into the libation.

  13. breamrod says:

    I’ve only one of the old mug but what a mug. Dropped it on my tile kitchen floor and it bounced right back up into my hand. Still hand beer in it. Didn’t miss a sip! lol

  14. Scott says:

    I like it. Do you have inventory left after the standing orders are fullfilled?

  15. SocalJimObjects says:

    This is it guys. The turning point. The supply side will ramp up from now on and inflation will soon turn negative.

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