WOLF STREET Meetup in San Francisco Etched in Stone: April 30

Nearly 100 readers have already said they’re planning to join us. It’s free. It’ll be a blast. There is room for more. Here are the details.

Dear Readers,

This is going to be the awesomest bunch of people getting together: We’re closing in on 100 people who have so far indicated either in the comment section or by email that they’re interested in attending. This is a much bigger crowd than I had expected when I initially suggested the meetup. At the time, I thought that there might be a dozen or so people, and a bar would have worked out. But for a group of what might turn out to be over 100 people, we need a larger venue – and we got one.

The meetup is free, and it’s going to be a blast, and we all will meet a bunch of fascinating smart people, so if you have not already done so, shove some things out of your calendar and show up, and let me know in the comment section below so I can get a feel for how many people to expect.

The meetup details:

  • Day: Tuesday, April 30
  • Time: starts at 6 PM until about 8 PM
  • Location: “SHARED,” on 739 Bryant Street, between 5th and 6th Street, in the South of Market area, San Francisco.
  • Liquidity: BYOB, but…
  • There may be some beer and wine. More in a moment.
  • There will be no food! Don’t come hungry; because you’ll leave even hungrier.

The venue:

SHARED is an old light-industrial building that has been converted into a coworking space, but less for laptops and more for inventors and artists with power tools, sewing machines, and other equipment to create, build, and make physical things. Hence more of a “maker space.” There are tool lockers on the wall and big sturdy work tables in the middle. There is a “tool shed” and other fun stuff. Our space is on the ground floor. I checked it out and like it. Here is SHARED’s website with some photos and more.


  • Click on the link for the location on Bing Maps.
  • Click on the link for the location on Google Maps.

How to get there:

  • By Caltrain: the venue is just a few blocks from the Caltrain station
  • By BART or Muni Light Rail: walkable, but further than from the Caltrain station. Nearest station is Powell.
  • By car: the venue is near the I-80 exit ramp. Also near the I-280 Brannan/6th Street exit. I’m told that parking after working hours in this area is pretty easy since this is not a residential area.
  • E-bike: I noticed a JUMP e-bike dock in front of the door, for what it’s worth.

Special thanks to…

Reader and commenter Fred Heidler who offered to bring a couple of cases of wine, a tub, plastic cups, and ice. And possibly some beer. He also checked out several potential venues for the event, which was very helpful and saved me a lot of time.

Reader Alex Olaru, who suggested SHARED and made the initial contact with them. Since I have to pay for the venue, price was important. The other venues wanted between $5,000 and $10,000 to accommodate a group of 100 for a few hours, which was a downer. Finding an affordable but cool place was tough, and Alex made it happen. In addition, he also offered to bring some beer, a cooler, and ice.

Names & Commenting handles

So this is an internet community getting together for some face time. There will be sticky name tags and pens by the entrance. A reader just offered to bring a guest book. And it would be nice to write something on the name tags and into the guest book. But this might pose a dilemma for people who want to keep their anonymity. So think about it. All this is optional.

If you’re a commenter, you can put your comment handle on the name tag (and into the guest book), along with your true name, or just by itself.

More volunteers?

The meetup starts at 6 PM. But I’m going to be there before 5:30 PM to set up some things and move the work tables out of the way. We’re going to keep it simple, and there isn’t a lot to do, but…

The sturdy work tables in the middle of the space can be collapsed and moved in segments, but they might still be pretty heavy. Also, the chairs need to be moved. It would be nice to have four people to help me with that. Those willing to help would need to be there by about 5:30 PM. If you can help, please let me know.

If you have other ideas about what might be needed or welcome that you can help me with, please let me know.

If you come by car and want to contribute soft drinks, that would be awesome. More beer and other forms of liquidity are always welcome. Please let me know.

If we get enough offers for liquidity to where BOYB may not be needed any longer, except for people with special requirements, I will let you know about the liquidity status in my final reminder before the meetup.

It would be nice to have four volunteers rotating through the job of door-and-name-tag manager. The building is not open to the public. The glass door, which leads directly to the meeting space, has a door bell. It would be nice to have someone there at the beginning of the meetup to let people in, say hi, and point out the name tags. If we can get four people to volunteer, we can divide this job into four 15-minute shifts. This is a great way of meeting everyone who comes through the door.

For those interested in helping out, please contact me at howlatwolfstreet@gmail.com or use the comment section below.


If you would like to help defray the costs of the venue, you can donate. Here is how. I appreciate any help.

If you haven’t already, please let me know if you’ll join us.

The first announcement of the meetup was published on a Saturday when WOLF STREET has by far the least amount of traffic, and some people might not have seen it. So if you would like to join us, and you haven’t already expressed your interest, please do so now in the comment section below. Never commented? You can log in with an alias and any email address. That’s all you need. Your comment will go into moderation, so please be patient.

I’m super-looking forward to meeting you all.

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  68 comments for “WOLF STREET Meetup in San Francisco Etched in Stone: April 30

  1. Danio says:

    Count me in. Looking forward to it!

  2. TheCheapskate says:

    Glad to hear about this. I’ll be there.

  3. Jon says:

    I wish I am bay area.

  4. Mark Nugent says:

    Hello, I plan on joining you, thanks!

  5. Bob says:

    Add me too!

  6. Sam Khandelwal says:

    Looking forward to meeting the WolfStreet community. Also, happy to volunteer with name tagging duties.

  7. TruckMan says:

    From the Eastern seaboard, have a good one!
    I shall be working on my old barn instead, which in a year or two will be quite a similar ‘makerspace’.

    Unless some kind soul can give me a ride in their private jet…. ;)

  8. Dano says:

    Call it WOLF FEST.

  9. John kelly says:

    Meetings are great Wolf! Good for the soul. Still love reading your good stuff! Thanks again. Your writings have kept me in the realm of things.

  10. JFP says:

    Definitely coming

  11. Matthew says:

    I’m interested in attending.

  12. Chintan says:

    Any chance of live streaming the same ?

    Best wishes from India for the event!

  13. Keeper Hill says:

    Wish I could be there. Thanks for all you do Wolf

  14. AlamedaRenter says:

    I’m in!

  15. andy says:

    Me too. Will bring beer. Ready to vaulanteer.

  16. Markinsf says:

    I’m in

  17. Sash B says:

    Sounds awesome. I’m in!

  18. kitten lopez says:

    i’m so IN and i’m excited. i’m already haranguing James to stop by on his way home from work.

    hey, speaking of people who want to stay “anonymous” or incognito regarding name tags and whatnot, i just wanted to note here that anonymity is impossible for someone like me, but i’m returning to the 1980s in all ways possible and am into eye-to-eye contact, the here-and-now, uninterrupted long often inappropriate uncomfortable but fascinating real conversations, and i avoid photos and surveillance as much as possible so please don’t take it personally if i avoid the magic phone camera capturing culture like a hissing vampire backing away from garlic and wooden stakes.

    i’m eagerly showing up for a return to REAL life.



    • Dave Kunkel says:


      I’m not exactly returning to the 80’s, but, like you, I actively seek out personal contact with people. Some people take a while to warm up to the idea, but most respond positively.

      I have a cell phone, but all it only allows me to place and receive calls. I only have that because pay phones seem to be extinct.

  19. Scott says:

    I will be there

  20. Lisa says:

    Sounds like a blast into the future- wish I could get out there, but am taking two courses. Have fun!

  21. frisco lens says:

    looking forward to be there,

  22. Bernadette says:

    “No Food”? Is this the agreement with SHARED?

    If so, I suggest a volunteer stationed at the Exit door to ensure the capability of walking straight, taking the right public transit and driving home safely.

    My wild imagination of ‘Liquid’ as the only option: ‘loose lips’ and walking into a post or taking the wrong public transit!

    • JW says:

      It’ll be great to meet the community in person

    • kitten lopez says:

      san francisco needs craves that kind of danger again.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      SHARED doesn’t offer food. And for me, it’s way too much to handle. Plus, I really want people to walk around and mingle and shake hands and talk, and food gets seriously in the way (mouth full, something sticky in your hand). Just have a bite to eat before and get a bite afterwards, to wind down.

      • Franz says:

        Hey Wolf

        I’ve been an avid reader for a while. Will you hold an event on the weekend in the near future, hard to join from LA mid week.


        • Wolf Richter says:

          It’s always a toss-up. Many people are committed on weekend (family stuff, etc.). There is no good solution… other than to do these meetups more often, spread them around geographically, etc. Southern California is already on my list if I end up doing more of them. I have had lots of interest coming up from SoCal into my inbox.

  23. OutLookingIn says:

    Best of luck to all who attend. Have fun. Be safe.
    Unfortunately, health issues prevent me from attending.
    Wolf – This “Meet & Greet” could morph into an annual event?

  24. Peter says:

    Oh Man, April 30

    my 61st birthday. Stuck in Raincouver. Have a great Time!!

  25. Alistair McLaughlin says:

    Wish I could attend. But I’m here in Ottawa. Great idea though.

  26. lee martin says:

    Long drive from Olympic Pen. but I am think I will go.

  27. Anon1970 says:

    I’m in.

  28. kitten lopez says:

    (i’m continuing from my email to Wolf because maybe whatever i’m saying will inspire more stone soup additions from others)

    i’d love to give the gift of my talents and do fancy inked name tags drawn by hand as souvenirs, mementos, so if there’s any way to get a name/moniker list ahead of time i can do the names beforehand and still some faster, half-assed ones on site for spontaneous drop-ins.


    • Wolf Richter says:

      These fancy name tags are a great idea. I’d buy mine. Here is my order: 1x with the name “Wolf.”

      Anyone interested in getting a fancy name tag from Kitten Lopez, please let her know here and give her the name you want on your name tag.

      If more people are interested, I’ll announce it my final reminder post about the event.

      • kitten lopez says:

        Yay! This is where i’m shameless; screw the humility because if you’re hella smart you’ll have me do you a magic name tag because THIS is what i was born for: to give tiny personalized art out of love for free! people have framed the envelopes from the letters i’ve sent them through the mail and it’s still more thrilling than money ever has been because people’s faces get…young.



        p.s. to you far away folks, unless someone’s on the lam (say so when you post your name[s]), i can scan the name tags ahead of time so Wolf can show them along with any photos he uploads so that you don’t feel left out.

        • bungee says:

          Hi kitten lopez,
          Id like one please. (If youre feeling like putting a lot of blue in it that’d be ok with me.)
          Also ill bring some disposable cups, hot water maker aand some really good tea for all the non-drinkers.

  29. ALWAYS HIGH says:

    wish I could go but just moved from SF to the Seattle bubble.

  30. Joe says:

    I wish I could join. But, I do hope pictures will be shared of the west coast Wolfest.

    H/T Dano

  31. Julia M says:

    I will be there – Julia

  32. NickL says:

    Will this be livestreamed? If no then why not??

  33. Dan says:

    I plan to be there. Thank you for organizing and hosting this event.

  34. Aaron says:

    Whats your favorite drink Wolf?

  35. Brad Rogers says:

    In Seattle so cannot get to Bay area this time. (I used to live there in a past life). Let’s do it in Puget Sound next time! I will bring a keg from my fave micro brewery.

  36. Anant says:

    Hi Wolf,
    Thanks for organizing this…. I will attend. Will bring 2 cases of beer.
    P.S : Love all your articles and insights.

    • Wolf Richter says:

      Awesome. Thanks. Can you come a few minutes early (sometime between 5:30 and 6PM) so we can get this situated?

      Kitten Lopez is offering to make hand-illustrated name tags for free. If you email me your name, or post it here, you’ll be on the list.

      FOR EVERYONE: if you would like a name tag from Kitten Lopez, either post your request here or email me with the name you want on the name tag.


      • Susan says:

        Hi Wolf,
        I can come at 5:30 PM to help you. If you don’t get enough volunteers to manage the door, I’m open to that as well. Feel free to email me.

        Hello Kitten Lopez, if I may get a name tag, that would be great! I would like it to say Susan K. Thanks!

  37. Lawrence W. Schonbrun says:

    I’ll be attending.

  38. Brian says:

    I’m in…look forward to meeting you all in person.

  39. Steve says:

    I’m leaving Philadelphia on my motorcycle on Monday afternoon. I should be in San Francisco in plenty of time.
    And, Steve will do just fine.

    • kitten lopez says:

      got it.

      i wrote a book about riding cross country on motorcycle a couple weeks after learning how to ride it from Jersey: Flaming Iguanas. i’m SOOO with you, brother. / i hope you have some sweet adventures with people who’re off their phones and will see you. i hope you’re okay. this is so exciting.

      when my book first came out and i read at borders on walnut street, it was packed, and a family with a 4-month old new born rode down on their motorcycles from vermont just to meet me.

      i looove motorcyclists. i met James because he wrote me a straight forward fan letter thanking me for not making fun of guys on crotch rockets. and i just “knew” i had to meet him and 21 years later we’re still on an adventure of a friendship. you’ll meet him on 30 April.

      many besos and magic, Steve…

    • kitten lopez says:

      “And, Steve will do just fine.”

      also i won’t tell you to be safe as that’s too boring a philosophy in general now. but you’ll know to think so you don’t have 4 seconds you regret in this life or the afterlife… thus i forgot to tell you to “stay fine.”


      you’re kicking all this up to Epic Love Affair Status for ALL of us. quite a spell to cast…

      see, Wolf? this IS amazing.


    • Wolf Richter says:

      That’s one heck of a monstrously long ride in one week.

      I assume you’re taking the southern route, hopefully. There is still TONS of snow in the Sierra Nevada. And it gets frigid up there in April.

      Have fun! See ya on Monday. Make sure you introduce yourself as the guy who rode his motorcycle over here from the East Coast.

  40. Jim H says:

    Thanks for making this happen Wolf… and Fred & Alex.
    Plan to attend, will let you know if I can arrive early to help w/setup and such.

  41. RanierWolfcastle says:

    I’ll be standing on the beach in NZ looking northwest.

  42. Juanfo says:

    I feel like I already know all the readers from reading the comments. Attach fictionary characters to the names like VDxTR weathered, SJakaDD is Snake Plissken

  43. David B says:

    Will be there! Coming up from south bay via caltrain.

  44. Nathan L says:

    Will be there!

  45. JazzMan says:

    Looking forward to it!

  46. christina says:

    I am in for sure!

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