Inflation & Devaluation
When False Premises Become Economic Policy
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on When False Premises Become Economic Policy
“A shame that we can’t see Japan because of the marine layer” is an old joke in San Francisco. The premise that the fog over the Pacific keeps you from seeing Japan is just as false as the premise that running up huge deficits and printing trillions of dollars can create a healthy economy. Yet, that’s the line propagated by the status-quo media and its economists.
Deflation In Japan and its Chances in the US
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Deflation In Japan and its Chances in the US
Deflation phobia broke out again. Fed governor Bullard grumbled about inflation expectations being too low and threatened to print more money, while deflationistas paint the Japanese “deflation spiral” as sheer horror. So here is my experience with that horror.
Alas, in one category, deflation has hounded us for 10 years.
Inflation As Solution: Hosing The Middle Class
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Inflation As Solution: Hosing The Middle Class
Snapshot Of Our Calamity Economy
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Snapshot Of Our Calamity Economy
Dear Ben, Please Make Us Trillionaires
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Dear Ben, Please Make Us Trillionaires
The inexplicable American Consumer
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on The inexplicable American Consumer
Dear Ben, Please Print us More Money
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Dear Ben, Please Print us More Money
We want you to prop up the stock market. Everybody knows it’s a Ponzi scheme that will collapse without your support. You don’t want us to end up like Bernie Madoff’s clients. No, Ben, we love Ponzi schemes. We get in early and get out before they collapse. That’s why we’re rich. The bad thing is that they sometimes collapse before we can get out. But you’ve bailed us out twice in the last couple of years….