
Which Country Is Europe’s Biggest Narco State?

By Don Quijones: Revelations of a dirty, big business in Europe, and of the role banks play to make it possible. In fact, during the financial crisis, European banks “were as good as saved by the global drug trade.”

Jitters Mount Over Prospect of Catalonian Independence

“You’re making a grave mistake,” the CEO of Catalonia’s megabank La Caixa allegedly told Catalonian President Artur Mas. Like many big shots, he’s fretting over the prospect of independence from Spain – an existential threat to the region’s banks.

French Megabank: No “Drastic Crisis” in France, It Will Be “Slow And Over Time”

Finally we know why French government debt and French stocks have performed so well, despite the crummy economy, and why France has been spared so far the fate of Cyprus: the fiasco won’t happen suddenly in France, the bank reported. It will be slow and torturous.

German Exporters Fire Warning Shot About Russia “Sanction-Spiral,” Banks At Risk

It took a while. But it had to come, the public warning shot – after some ferocious lobbying behind closed doors. No one in Germany is allowed to get in the way of the sacrosanct exporters. The German economy, to the chagrin of neighboring countries, is based on them.

Round Two of the Global Financial Sector’s Takeover of Spain

By Don Quijones: When it comes to dodgy landlords, few have it quite as bad as the tenants of a number of housing projects in Spain who were notified that the government had sold their units to an innocent-sounding investment fund called Cibeles.

Christine Lagarde, The Most Powerful “Yes-Woman”

By Don Quijones: Christine Lagarde, former economy minister of France, now Managing Director of the IMF, by pledging her undivided allegiance to the dark interests of those she serves, has inflicted untold devastation on families and communities across the globe even as she’s tangled up in a sordid corruption affair in France.

The Mind-Game Of “Fixing” Europe’s Big Zombie Banks

Danièle Nouy, chair of the ECB’s newfangled bank regulator that doesn’t exist yet, had a term for it: “do whatever has to be done” so that the banking sector “is seen as sound and safe and transparent.” Is seen as…. Smoke and mirrors.

No Crisis? France’s Private Sector In Deeper Trouble Than In 2009

His US visit might give the French President the boost he sorely needs at home, because at home, things are getting mired down. The economy shriveled or had no growth in five of the last eight quarters. The dominant government sector is well, but businesses are failing in record numbers.

German High Court Blows Up Euro, Says ‘Oh Wait,’ Abdicates

The ECB’s money-printing and bond-buying promise, lovingly dubbed Outright Monetary Transactions, became the bailing wire and duct tape that has kept the Eurozone together to this day. Turns out, it’s illegal under the EU treaties and unconstitutional in Germany.