Bubbles go on much longer than a rational mind can fathom, especially bubbles that are supported by governments and central banks. Everyone benefits, so everyone (except for a few hapless shorts) pushes to keep them going. But when they burst, they wreak havoc. And in China, there are new ominous signs.
When False Premises Become Economic Policy
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“A shame that we can’t see Japan because of the marine layer” is an old joke in San Francisco. The premise that the fog over the Pacific keeps you from seeing Japan is just as false as the premise that running up huge deficits and printing trillions of dollars can create a healthy economy. Yet, that’s the line propagated by the status-quo media and its economists.
Tokyo Tidbit: A Gruesome Bone Business
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Tokyo Tidbit: A Gruesome Bone Business
Geithner: The Truth Could Cause Significant Damage
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Geithner: The Truth Could Cause Significant Damage
Euro Tidbit: The Lies of ‘Stress Tests’
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Euro Tidbit: The Lies of ‘Stress Tests’
Greece ‘Finds’ Treasure, Stays Solvent For Another Month
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Greece ‘Finds’ Treasure, Stays Solvent For Another Month
The Ugly World Of Auto Sales
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Prying Into the Brain
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A dream—or nightmare—yields to scientific progress: quantitative models recreate thoughts, and brain signals control mechanical devices. Yet, the brain is an unreliable organ that makes up for shortcomings in data with profuse creativity. It’s going to be a wild ride. And Google and Facebook will have a field day.
Japan is Running Out Of Butter
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Deflation In Japan and its Chances in the US
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Deflation phobia broke out again. Fed governor Bullard grumbled about inflation expectations being too low and threatened to print more money, while deflationistas paint the Japanese “deflation spiral” as sheer horror. So here is my experience with that horror.
Alas, in one category, deflation has hounded us for 10 years.