BMW insiders: Tesla CEO Elon Musk “is using us for PR purposes.” Stung by Daimler’s and Toyota’s exit, he wants to “decorate” himself with the name BMW.
Taxpayers get milked. And California’s environmental laws, signed by Gov. Reagan, get shafted. Very ironic for a company that hypes its “green” credentials.
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Whatever You Do With A Tesla, Don’t Wrap It Around a Lamppost
The nightmare for Tesla started when a stolen S, as it crashed, split into two, with one half bursting into flames. This just isn’t supposed to happen with modern cars.
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Tesla’s Sales Stall, Don’t Even Amount To A Rounding Error
March auto sales trickled out today. Beneath the wondrous hype about how they’d finally exceeded expectations, after they’d been perfectly awful for five of the prior six months, was a doozie. And the media, which normally fawns all over Tesla, covered it with a blackout.
by Wolf Richter • • Comments Off on Goldman Goes Bonkers Over Tesla
Wall Street once again stands out as history’s most glorious, most efficient, sophisticated, prolific “gigafactory,” to use Tesla’s newfangled term, for the production of self-serving BS. Investors beware!