TRTPF: Trustpilot Group plc Stock

SIC 7375 – Information Retrieval Services

Market Cap ($M) 1,298.58
Enterprise Value ($M) 1,229.63
Book Value ($M) 41.39
Book Value / Share 0.10
Price / Book 31.38
NCAV ($M) -10.70
NCAV / Share -0.03
Price / NCAV -121.42

Profitability (mra)
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) 0.10
Return on Assets (ROA) 0.04
Return on Equity (ROE) 0.10

Liquidity (mrq)
Quick Ratio 1.11
Current Ratio 1.11

Balance Sheet (mrq) ($M)
Current Assets 92.44
Assets 144.52
Liabilities 103.13
Debt n/a
Equity n/a

Income Statement (mra) ($M)
Revenue 210.75
Operating Income 3.81
Net Income 6.23

Cash Flow Statement (mra) ($M)
Cash From Operations 29.36
Cash from Investing -9.62
Cash from Financing -40.77

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