Latin America

Argentina: The Big Shrink

Contributed by Bianca Fernet. The winter weather is not the only thing chilling the bones of Argentina’s residents. Since late July, a new set of words has been showing up in the articles about the economy. Shrinks. Slows. Stagflation. These chilling terms are being used to describe the consequences of what some nasty looking economic indicators might have in store. Argentina, an alternative path for indebted Eurozone countries? Not so fast!

Argentina: Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Contributed by Bianca Fernet. Argentina is known for its myriad of protests against price increases, lack of wage increases, benefits for veterans, laws regulating the sale of goods on the street, lack of funding for schools, increases in subway prices…. These protests are accompanied by much more disruptive behavior than clanging pots and pans. Yet are treated as commonplace occurrences, like a minor traffic collision