Information Age

Hewlett-Packard Reports a Miracle

After 11 straight quarters of declining sales, they tick up for the wrong reason, and net profit plunges nearly 30%. But no problem. “I’m very pleased with the progress we’ve made,” bragged CEO Meg Whitman.

‘To Protect the Press,’ Spain Tries to Muffle the Internet

The law hounds the new media, from blogs to Google, to protect the loyal mainstream press from insolvency and irrelevance. Other governments are ogling similar laws.

Google Glass Hacked, Can Record Everything You Stare At

You don’t need to break a code; you don’t need to capture a server. “Hardcore hackers wouldn’t even bother with it,” says one of the hackers. “They’d find access too easy.”

The untimely end of San Francisco’s Tech and Housing Bubbles

“Recently, the billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla went hunting for one-bedroom apartments in San Francisco….” And then he opened his mouth.

Cloud Wars: Now Even the CIA Slams IBM’s Technology

Our spoiled American tech heroes yearn to get those big-fat contracts with the Intelligence Community. But it seems IBM is far better at financial engineering than actual engineering.

I Just Got PayPal’s New Absolutely-No-Privacy-Ever Policy

Sunday, when no one was supposed to pay attention, PayPal sent its account holders an innocuous-sounding email with the artfully bland title, “Notice of Policy Updates.” PayPal didn’t want people to read it – lest they think the NSA is by comparison a group of choirboys.