
Just Say No, Germany … and Don’t Listen to Geithner

The German parliament has a historic opportunity to say no to the bankers: it gets to vote on expanding the European bailout fund to €1 trillion, though it had just been expanded to €440 billion. Since no one has any money, it will be in form of leverage, the very mechanism that has wreaked so much havoc already.

Berlusconi, waiting for money.

Regulators Knew of Dexia’s Problems But Were Silenced

When a bank is allowed to collapse, the lies behind its financial statements come out of the woodwork—and Dexia, the bailed-out French-Belgian mega-bank that re-collapsed in early October, is no exception: a report surfaced with the damning results of an earlier investigation by French regulators. And then? Nothing.

German-French Fight Breaks Out Over Frigates

Germany and France kissed and made up before the G-20 powwow in Paris last weekend. A contrived show of unity to boost the markets. And it worked. But already, Germany is sniping at France again. Over money. Because German taxpayers might have to subsidize a French company. Via Greece.

Fighting over taxpayer money.

Germany and France Kiss and Make up, But it’s hard

The Eurozone debt crisis gets worse. Bankers interfere. And the truth comes out:

“The dreams to see the crisis ended by Monday couldn’t be realized,” says the German government. Easy solutions have evaporated.

Greece’s Extortion Game

“Tax fraud is a national plague,” said Greece’s finance minister after he found that Greeks owed $50 billion in back taxes. But it’s complicated. And not much will happen to collect them though Greece might go bankrupt in weeks. Meanwhile, civil servants paralyze the country with strikes because salaries and bonuses are on the chopping block—the most curious bonuses….

France’s Fishy Denials as Mega-Banks Teeter

“We don’t have any doubt about the solidity of French banks,” said the French government—a week after the collapse of Dexia. All eyes are now on Société Générale and BNP Paribas. BNP is the world’s largest bank with assets of $2.8 trillion, dwarfing France’s $2.1 trillion economy. And they’re desperately trying to sell assets to stay afloat.

Geithner: The Truth Could Cause Significant Damage

During his congressional testimony, Geithner fretted that the crisis in Europe could undermine confidence. Alas, bank stress tests were supposed to inspire confidence—yet one of the “safest” banks just collapsed. If inspiring confidence isn’t based on facts and transparency, it’s a con game.

Euro Tidbit: The Lies of ‘Stress Tests’

Bailed-out Dexia, a major Belgian-French bank, is kaput again and will be broken up. Bondholders and counterparties will be bailed out. As usual, taxpayers will foot the bill. But remember the “stress tests” in July?

Greece ‘Finds’ Treasure, Stays Solvent For Another Month

None of the financial shenanigans that the Greek government engages in on a routine basis, as shocking as they used to be, surprise anyone anymore … until there’s something that surprises everyone.

Reform Rebellion In Greece

Another avalanche of demands and plans to bail out Greece rolls over the Eurozone, but Greek society is digging in its heels. The prime minister talks a good game with foreign leaders when he promises reforms, but his own ministries just pulled the rug out from under him.