
From “Glut” To Panic: Natural Gas Soars

On Friday, when stocks were plunging, natural gas soared nearly 10%. The highest close since June 2010. Up 20% for the week. Up 170% from April 2012. And it’s just the beginning. Because after the glut comes the panic.

Outrageously Ballooning Costs Hit Major Oil Companies

Shell’s earnings plunged, eaten up by huge costs, delays, and lower production. Chevron’s Gorgon LNG project is $20 billion over budget. Italy’s ENI blows $50 billion on the Kashagan oil field, five times what it expected. Now oil companies are cutting back, with consequences.

Already Toast? Mexico’s Energy Reform Buzz vs. Oil Theft, Corruption, And Organized Crime

A pipeline explosion in Tezoyuca, Mexico, injured seven and forced the evacuation of 800 families. It was caused by a tap to steal liquefied petroleum gas. Mayor Arturo Ahumada Cruz affirmed that the pipeline is perpetually tapped.

California Water Crisis Meets (Already Iffy) Fracking Boom

California is sitting on the largest tight oil formation in the US, the Monterey Shale. Interest is heating up. The legislature passed a controversial law to regulate fracking and allow the industry to drill. But fracking requires lots of water.

Natural Gas Squeeze? “Panic hasn’t ensued just yet”

Record demand has pushed natural gas in storage to the lowest level for that week since 2005. And in 2005, the price of natural gas spiked to its all-time high. Something has to give.

Fracking Fluids to Blame for Rail Car Explosions

There has been a surge of derailments of trains carrying crude oil that resulted in huge, deadly explosions, highly unusual for crude oil trains. But the oil originated from the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota.

Iran, Russia Ruffle US Feathers With Oil Swap Deal

Iran and Russia are in talks about a potential $1.5 billion oil-for-goods swap that could boost Iranian oil exports by 50%, which didn’t go over very well in Washington.

Offshore Fracking (And Dumping Chemicals Into Coastal Waters) Beyond The Public Eye

Oil companies have been fracking offshore California and dumping chemicals into coastal waters for as long as two decades. It wasn’t until recently that FOIA requests brought it to light. Now the EPA is feebly trying to step in.

Brazil’s Energy Sector Struggles With Its “Oil Revolution”

Brazil has been touted as Latin America’s oil powerhouse, projected to account for one-third of global supply growth by 2035. But poor policies and bad luck are throwing cold water on these projections.