
What Iraq’s Disintegration Means for Oil Markets

Executive Report, ISA Intel: OPEC’s 2nd largest producer has the 5th largest reserves in the world and is one of the last places with enormous amounts of underexplored low-cost oil.

Are Oil Traders Missing the Gravity of Mosul’s Fall to Insurgents?

By Nick Cunningham: OPEC’s second largest oil producer, Iraq, is in severe disarray just as the world has come to rely on its oil for greater energy supplies.

The Questionable Staying Power Of The US Fracking Boom

US oil production surged 64% since 2008, natural gas production 42% since 2005 – driven by the shale revolution. BP and Exxon saw the US as energy self-sufficient in 20 years. But three major red flags should curb this unfettered enthusiasm.

The Big Losers in the California Shale-Oil Fiasco

Executive Report with ISA Intel: Slashing the smoke-and-mirrors hype of the Monterey shale by 96% socked not only oil companies but also the state of California that was dreaming of $24.6 billion a year in revenues and 2.8 million jobs, now dissipated into thin air.

The Fracking Shakeout

By Nick Cunningham: The US shale oil and gas industry is in trouble. Drillers have to borrow more and more just to stay on the fracking treadmill, even as production and revenues disappoint. And some of them could be heading toward bankruptcy.

Why The Promise Of American LNG Exports Is Gassy Hype

This chart shows how the vision of US liquefied natural gas exports to free Europe from Russia’s clutches or make big bucks off energy-starved Japan is nothing but a juicy lure in the big money game.

Exxon, BP Defy Obama; Extend Partnership with Russia

ExxonMobil, BP, Total, and other oil majors are doubling down in Russia despite moves by the West to isolate Russia; they just signed mega-contracts with state-owned Russian oil companies – sanctions be damned.

China’s Oil Giant At Center Of Corruption Probe

Grins were on the faces of CNPC executives as they celebrated a blockbuster 30-year deal for Russian gas. For some, however, those grins might turn to grimaces; CNPC has been caught up in a series of highest profile corruption investigations.

EU’s Case against Gazprom over “Extortionary” Prices Cracks Russian Influence

As Russian President Vladimir Putin tries to tighten his grip over Eastern Europe with Gazprom’s vast web of natural gas pipelines, one tiny European country gained a bit of leverage over Russia: Lithuania.

US on Self-Imposed Sidelines in South China Sea Standoff

Vietnam and China are in a red-hot standoff in the South China Sea over China’s oil rig in Vietnam’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone. But inaction in Congress has boxed the US into a corner.