Monthly Archives: June 2013

David Stockman: When The Fed Capitulated To Financial Hoodlums

“The market had been taken over by white-collar financial hoodlums who needed a trading fix every day,” writes David Stockman, Director of the OMB under President Reagan. “These punters and speculators were asserting an entitlement to any and all government policy actions which might be needed to keep the casino running at full tilt.”

Former TBTF Bank Chief Receives Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card

Contributed by Don Quijones:Two weeks ago, Miguel Blesa, former president of Spanish savings bank Caja Madrid, went to jail for his role in the bank’s demise. Finally, a TBTF bank chief got nailed for his role in the financial crisis. But it was too good to be true! Now a witch hunt against the judge has begun.

Controlling The Implosion Of The Biggest Bond Bubble In History

In theory, the Fed could continue to print money and buy Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities, even pure junk, until the bitter end. But the bitter end would be unpleasant for those that the Fed represents – and now they’re speaking up publicly. They’re worried that their system might break down. It would threaten their empires. It would be the bitter end.

Tech Companies And Their Love Affair With NSA and CIA

Keyhole Inc., a venture-capital funded startup, was acquired by Google in 2004. Its product became Google Earth. Its technology filtered into Google Maps and Google Mobile. One of the venture-capital investors? The CIA. It didn’t ruffle any feathers at the time. But now we have NSA leaker Edward Snowden and his media blitz.

One Part Of Japan’s Abenomics Salvation Is Already A Fail

Japan’s make-or-break economic policies have been named lovingly after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – lovingly, because if they fail, he gets to carry an albatross called Abenomics around his neck for the rest of his life. And one of the “three arrows” of Abenomics is already headed that way: goosing the economy through a frontal attack in the Currency War.

Currency War Rattles Brazil, Wakes Up the People

Fed Chairman Bernanke and his ilk refuse to see the connection. They’re too busy ogling inflation in the US that is suspiciously low. But China has its eyes riveted on the revolt in Brazil. Like all revolts, it’s about deep-seated issues and inequalities, but the spark that lit it – after inflation had made life too expensive – was an increase in bus fares.

Biggest Bond Bubble In History Is Turning Into Carnage

“We’ve intentionally blown the biggest government bond bubble in history,” confessed Andy Haldane, Director of Financial Stability at the Bank of England. The bursting of that bubble was a risk he felt “acutely.” He saw “a disorderly reversion” as the “biggest risk to global financial stability.” Seatbelts are being fastened; the clicks can be heard around the world.

(Spanish) Banks Worse Than Pushers

Spanish banks pushed investment products called preferentes on unsuspecting clients.

Nuclear Lobby’s Latest Spin: It’s All Just “Fear” Of Radiation

Contributed by Christina Macpherson: According to the nuclear industry, the real hurdle to developing nuclear power isn’t cancer, birth defects, genetic instability, risks of nuclear accidents…. It’s simply overcoming the fear of radiation.

France Torpedoes American Movies, Shoots Itself In Foot

France vetoed the launch of free-trade negotiations between the EU and the US, though France has racked up a big trade surplus with the US and has much to lose. The problem: cultural protectionism. It wants “an explicit exclusion of the audio-visual sector.” A catch phrase for American movies! And a theme that is in the DNA of the French political class.