
The Global Corporatocracy Is Nearing Completion

Quietly, the rules governing global trade and financial markets are being changed. Despite the enormous impact they have on our lives, the public is not consulted. Most people are not even aware it is happening.

Winner Accuses French Government of “Massive” Election Fraud

Election results for the European Parliament mortified the French political class, as this universally despised layer is called in France. But now the winner has the gall to accuse the government of “having rigged the vote by the most odious means” to prevent its victory.

Mutiny of the Lab Rats: Europeans Grow Weary of EU Experiment

By Don Quijones: Europeans are pushing back against the EU Super State. Tired of being treated as lab rats in a dysfunctional economic and political experiment, a large minority will vote for euroskeptic parties in the nearing European elections.

‘People Don’t Grasp Yet What European Unification Will Cost Them’

By Cassandra: In the South of the Eurozone, people feel crushed, their future sacrificed on the altar of the Holy Euro. I’m in the Netherlands, so north of the Great Divide. We’re not suffering as much as the people in Greece, Spain, and Portugal. Not yet.

People In Eastern Ukraine: We Don’t Want To Be Annexed By Russia!

Armed pro-Russian separatists barricaded in official buildings in eastern Ukraine exhorted Uncle Putin to come to their aid. But sudden breath of fresh air: a poll found that an overwhelming majority of the people in that region want to remain part of Ukraine.

Peaceful Indignation Turns to Violent Rage in Rajoy’s Spain

By Don Quijones: It was the first nationally coordinated grassroots response to repressive social and economic policies and widespread corruption of Spain’s ruling political caste. But it descended into violence – as the government is playing a dangerous game.

Jitters Mount Over Prospect of Catalonian Independence

“You’re making a grave mistake,” the CEO of Catalonia’s megabank La Caixa allegedly told Catalonian President Artur Mas. Like many big shots, he’s fretting over the prospect of independence from Spain – an existential threat to the region’s banks.

Tearing Venezuelan Society Apart: A Personal Account

By Mariana Belisario-Blaksley, The Bubble: Government policies have destroyed the economy, sovereignty, and security of our once rich nation. They led to preposterous exchange controls, persecution, expropriation in the private sector, and impunity regarding corruption. Reading the media has turned into masochism….

Obama Furiously Pushes Secret Trade Deal, Opposition Grows

By Maira Sutton, Electronic Frontier Foundation: Under pressure from multinational corporations, the White House wants authority from Congress to run over Congress’ constitutional powers. The zany, secretive power play of trade deals.